Chapter 31: Mates

(Luna's POV - At Roxy's house)

"Ohh! Luna's got a crush!" Roxy cried.

"Whaat?!" I cried, blushing furiously. What is wrong with Roxy?! I heard everyone else snicker.

"Oh, come on Luna! By the looks of this note, he seems to be interested in you as well" she smiled.

"He left me a riddle! How does that mean he's interested in me?!" I cried.

"Oh, don't be coy Luna! I wouldn't be surprised if there was an engagement ring in there…" she sighed.

"Roxy! Stop it!" I cried. My cheeks seemed to be painted red lately.

"Roxy stop humiliating Luna!" Axel laughed.

"I…feel faint…" I said woozily, my cheeks still burning.

"What did you say, Luna?" Roxy asked.

"I…said…" THUD! and everything went black…

(A few hours later)

I opened my eyes to see Nobu standing over me. The so called monster was smiling at me.

"It's seems you passed out miss Akane" he stated the obvious.

"Err, yeah…what happened?" I asked.

"You passed out when I asked you to be mine forever" he smiled. I blushed furiously.

"W-What!?" I cried.

"I want you to marry me" he stated in a more serious tone. I started feeling dizzy again. I collapsed and everything faded into the darkness.

I bolted up right, my chest heaving. What that hell was that all about?!

"Luna! Are you okay?!" Roxy cried.

"Err, yeah. I just had a weird dream" I panted, trying to regain my breath.

"Really? What was it about?" she asked. If I tell her, she'll make a big fuss over it.

"Ermm, something about a forest? Err, it's gone" I sighed, hoping she'll buy that.

"O…kay, then" she said in a confused tone. Yes! She bought it.

"Wait, what time is it?" I asked.

"11:00am, why?" she asked.

"What?! I'm going to be late for college!" I cried, quickly standing up. I ran out the door with my bag.

(At College)

I made it with 5 minutes to spare. I was trying to regain my breath, I ran all the way here. The PE teacher came over to me.

"Akane! I want you to go to the changing rooms and get changed into your kit, you have track first thing" she commanded.

"Okay, miss" I sighed. Great, I'm going to be exhausted by the end of the day…

(On the PE field)

Okay, the track is 1500meters at the most. I can easily run that. The class hasn't started just yet, because everyone hasn't finished changing yet.

"Well, hello beautiful" a male voice greeted. I turned around to see that jackass George Toyman.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Harsh, baby, harsh. I just wanted to wish you good luck in running today" he smiled.

"Yeah, I'm not worried. Where I come from, we have to run a 15000meter track" I sighed.

"What?! What the hell kind of school did you go to?" he asked.

"One for the incredibly gifted…I hardly doubt that you would make it in"

"How do you know I wouldn't?"

"Because the only reason you're here now is because you got in with a sports scholarship"

"How do you know that?"

"Because you are a stereotypical college quarter back football player"

"Okay, people! Get to the starting line!" the teacher yelled. I walked over to the starting line. The teacher sounded the starting bell, everyone began running. George was ahead of the rest of us, I quickly caught up and ran past him. I was running so fast that when I looked where everyone else was, I was beginning to cut through the crowd of students again for my second lap while they were on their first lap.

After a couple of minutes, I finished all 15 of my laps with a time of 5minutes and 30seconds. Needless to say, the PE teacher almost had a heart attack when I finished with that time. Apparently it usually takes the class at least 20 minutes to do all 15 laps. The teacher also said that she wanted me to join the track team, I agreed. I can consider it as part of my training.

After showering and getting changed, I had to sit on the bank of the field and wait for the class to end. I decided to take this opportunity to study my spell book.

(20 minutes later)

I heard someone sit next to me on the bank, I looked up. It was George. Great.

"Wow, baby. You're really fast! I wonder if that's what you're like in bed" he purred.

"I have half a mind to slap you" I growled.

"I'd rather you sleep with me, instead of slapping me" SLAP! I grabbed my back and stood up.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that? Do you know what I'd like? I'd like for you to fuck off and leave me alone! Why don't go and sleep with one of your bimbo cheerleaders and don't bug me anymore!?" I yelled. Storming off, that person really pisses me off! I have to go to English next.

(In English)

"Okay, I reviewed your poems about memories and I found this particular poem quite moving. Miss Akane, do you mind if I read it out?" the teacher asked, I shook my head.

"Thank you. This essay is entitled; 'Unforgettable Memories'

'You closed your eyes in hesitation
And I ran my fingers through your hair
Feeling your trembling breaths
My lips wandered, but eventually met yours

Time and time again since then
We've woven together the cracks of time
The future isn't promised
That's why we've just got to be earnest

A startlingly selfish breath
Everything started then
A fateful breath that will one day end
Knowing that
We were still drawn to each other

If I took off my watch
Would we have eternity? You whisper
I don't answer, but a sigh escapes my lips
My chest is wet with your tears

Then why did you touch me?
I don't even have an excuse
Then without blaming me
You suddenly disappeared from here

A startlingly selfish breath
Longing, drowning, hurting
A careless breath that lost everything
With every regret, the pain constricts me

I don't care if it's a lie...that's probably what you hoped
I wasn't able to return your feelings
I was cowardly, but if I had been able to answer then
Would we have continued?

An irregular breath my body remembered
I want to feel everything once more
Body heat is all I can believe
With an uncontrollable urge

A startlingly selfish breath
Longing, drowning, hurting
A careless breath that lost everything
With every regret, the pain constricts me'" the teacher read out. I couldn't help but blush slightly when everyone began to clap, they looked at me and smiled.

"That was a really good poem" a male voice commented. I turned to see Nobu sitting next to me.

"Nobu! What are you doing here?! I thought you can't leave the woods" I asked.

"I don't ever recall saying that. I decided to start coming to college to see what it's like…besides, this gives us more opportunities to talk" he explained.

"You mean about the box?"

"Yes, you can ask me any question that won't be answered by the box"



"Anyway class, I want you to write a poem about a person you care about for the remainder of this class. I want it handed in to me by next week" I looked at the paper that was laying in front of me. As soon as I put my pen to the paper, the words began to flow.

'Waiting for you

I am dreaming, yes

I only imagine

Everything is real

I hope that's so

It's just another day

Another cold night

I don't know if you search for me

Or if you wait for me

I can see it in your eyes

And also in your face

I want to be loved

And to sleep in your arms

Say that you love me

Say it, please

I cannot leave you

Much less forget you

I cannot know

What you want from me

I can touch you

And even see you

Come to me

Let's go, closer...

I can feel you

Close to me

Do not pursue me

I can't stand it

Why do you torture me?

What do you want from me?

Tell me who you are

Tell me where you are

What do you want of me?

What do you need of me?

I cannot know

What do you want of me?

Tell me who you are

Tell me where you are

What do you want of me?

What do you need of me?

Tell me who you are

Tell me where you are

Tell me, love,

Why you love me

Why you still yearn for me

When you come close

Very close to me

I can feel your pain

Your fear and affliction

I don't know why

I don't know the reason

When you come close

Very close to me

Have you never felt that someone was watching you?

Have you never felt that someone was waiting for you?

Am I dreaming?

Or only imagining it?

Oh, love!

I will wait for you all my life

I will wait for you until I die

Always... always... always..

I am, love... waiting for you

I cannot leave you

Much less forget you

I cannot know

What you want from me

I can touch you

And even see you

Come to me

Let's go, closer...

I can feel you

very close to me

I can't stand it

Don't pursue me

Why do you torture me?

What do you want of me?

Tell me who you are...

Tell me where you are

What do you want of me?

What do you need of me?

I cannot know

What do you want of me?' I finished writing. As I looked back at the words I have written, I couldn't help but wonder who I had written this about. I don't love anyone at the moment…do I? I shook my head trying to clear these thoughts from my head. That's not possible, I've only been here for a week and a half…I think. I don't know…wait, I think I recall talking to father about something like this.

Flash Back

"Luna, come here. I would like to talk to you about something" father's voice echoed through the hallways of our home. I walked to father's study.

"You wanted something, father?" I asked, sitting down on the chair in front of his desk.

"Yes. Luna, you're 14 now…"

"Yes…" he's not going where I think he is, is he?

"Luna, I think it's time we talk about…love, mates and relationships" he sighed. I froze, the subject every half-breed dreads talking about with their parents. I could tell father was just as uncomfortable as I was.

"See Luna, you're at the age where you tend to notice other half-breeds and demons…and one of them will take an interest in you and start to spend more and more time with you. You could end up feeling like you would do anything for this person and this feeling is know as 'love'. Sometimes you could think you're in love, but it could just turn out to be attraction. When you find your mate, you will begin to experience dreams and other subconscious thoughts about this person. After a while, you will feel like this person is the only being in the world that you could ever love. When this person wants to become your mate, together you will both do this ritual where you and your partner drinks each others blood, after which you and your partner will become…intimate, and…"

"…Father, please stop there! I know what you are trying to say! I respect that you would like to get more involved in my life, but I was taught this in school and I do not wish to repeat that disturbing seminar. So can we please drop this conversation?" I asked.

"Oh, than god. I didn't really want to go into details either. I think this is something you should talk to your mother about if she was here, or at least another female" he sighed, I nodded.

"May I go?" I asked.

"Yes, you may"

End Flash Back

Could this be what he meant by finding my mate? If that's the case, who is my mate? It could be any person in this room…ugh, this is going be tough. The bell went. Everyone began to pack up their things and leave. I turned to Nobu, who was waiting for me.

"Should we spend lunch together?" he asked, I nodded.

"I would love to" I smiled, he smiled at me as we began walking out of the room.


Disclaimer: I don't own;

The Poem; Unforgettable Memories is actually a song called Careless Breath by Exile

and the other peom Waiting For You is also a song called Esperándote (waiting for you) by Vanesa Quiroz