A news report aired stories of a giant space ship, flying over London city centre; creatures escaping out of human beings, cute as a bug and almost as small as one too, the death of a prominent entrepreneur in the world of fitness and dieting.

Scenes from out-of-this-world that most, today, have become a common site were viewed around the world as the most recent extra terrestrial encounter grew ever larger in it's public talk around the world, drawing many a family to the streets, observing the different planets that spread out above them, whispering in awe and wonder of what else could be out there.

And yet the lone blonde girl seems wary, so very tired and lost. She listened to the red head, acting the part of the common do-good person one expects to find in this day and age. She nods her head in understanding and smiles as the red head runs back towards a not so dark alley. She turns back to the apparent suicide of a business woman, her eyes down turned and filled with sorrow.

She glances to the sky, hoping against hope to see a blue box fly above head, but realises it's too small a hope to risk her heart for. She turns to leave, her blonde hair blowing in the night sky. The echo of her high heels breaks the silence of the crime scene. She knows what's coming and yet she still doesn't understand how works. She bows her head to watch the transition as she walks from her home universe into Pete's world.

Yet as she crosses the Howling, she hears that whisper that has haunted her for almost two years now. The whisper from a voice that she knew all too well, a voice that caused her heart to sing and her breath to catch.


And when she swirls to look back, she is too late. She's crossed the Void and has returned to her new home, her prison.

She hails a taxi, climbs in, directs him to her flat, and pulls her phone from her pocket. Opening the calendar, she delete's that day's entry and enters a new one, for the following day.

She leans her head against the window and staring at the stars as they remain ever constant, wishing she was still flying through them all, living her life in ways she had never dreamed off, and ways that she missed terribly.

She'd finally found her way home... now all she had to do was to find her Doctor.


So, a short little thing to start of these sets of drabbles... I figure I'll have three more. Please R/R.