BB: Hiya peoples! This is my first AU, or Alternate Unvierse, fic, so be nice. I hope you like it. If I can finish it, and get all posted, I may do some sequals!

Viven:You're jumping ahead of yourself.

BB: Shut up. This fic is a NaruHina fic, mostly.

Illiana: mostly?

BB: Yeah, I added a bit of my favorite pairings too!

Shayshaymura: Am i in it, and do I get Gaara?

BB: Yes, Shay, you're in it, and you will get Gaara.

Shay: WHOOOHOOOO!! (Glomps BB) I love you, BB!!

BB: (Looking uncomfortable) Get off of me, Shay.

Alleanye: Look, while BB tries to calm down Shay, will you just read the stupid story? By the way, BB owns nothing, so shove that in your pipe and smoke it.


Hinata Hyuuga sighed, looking up at the large building in front of her. She wanted this job, needed this job. Someone important depended on her too much for her not to get this job.

For once in her life, she was glad her uncle had paid for her to go to college.

She sighed, pushing the thoughts from her mind, and walked into the doors. She had been asking for a job for a month now, and this was her last chance for something more then a waitress job. All she had to do was nail the interview, and she could easily be a secretary. Right now, she would clean toilets, she was so desperate.

She walked up to the receptionists, and smiled. They nodded, and of course questioned her about an appointment. Hinata nodded, and got the directions. She was happily and nervously making her way to the elevators when she stopped.

She glanced down at the paper with the directions, and felt panic swell up in her. She had to go up to the top floor offices. She had heard that that was where the owners of the companies were. Everyone knew about the four partners of the company. They were all amazing.

One was the adopted son of Tsunade, the chairman of Drunk Slug Industries, which outsold Louis Bear Company without trying. The second was the last living son of the Uchiha family, which once ran the largest entertainment company ever. The third was the youngest son of the Sabuku family. His older sister and older brother owned and ran Sabuku Corporations, this company's biggest rival. And the fourth was rumored to be Hyuuga, directly related to Hiashi Hyuuga, Hinata's own father. And Hinata did not want an interview with any of them.

She sighed, thinking. If she backed out now, she would have to beg to get a job as a waitress. She was blacklisted from most major corporations. This was her last hope for a decent paying job.

She steeled herself for rejection, and climbed onto the elevator. A tall blonde man smiled at her, and she nervously smiled back. She reached to press the button for the 25th floor, but paused. It was already pushed. She gulped, and settled to the back of the elevator.

The blonde man glanced back at her, but she didn't notice him. She was praying to anyone that would listen that she would get this job. Demon Eyes Incorporated was her last and only hope.

BB: Really short start sorry.

Alleanye: For you underage peoples, Louis Bear company is the company that makes Budweiser.

BB: Thank you Alle.

Shayshaymura: Please reveiw, and come back later too! BB has a major plot twist in store, that like only one person knows about.

BB: Shay, shut up, or I'll kill Gaara off, before you kiss him.


Alleanye: Thanks BB, now I'm deaf in one ear