Reikai Wars

Part One: Hope


By: Chrissy Sky

Notes and dedications: To Rose-sensei who always helps me out with these things. I originally started writing this while I was going through a rough time, and decided to stop and not show it to her because I wasn't sure about it. Months later, she read it and convinced me to finish. This was written specifically for her Green Grapes and Lemonade contest, but I didn't finish by the deadline. So, if I ever do end up finishing it, it'll be a miracle.

Prologue: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

It was about another time, another galaxy

It was about the Reikai of old. No need to know when it began or from where its ruler came from, only to know… it was the Reikai.

It was about the Tantei, who protected the peace and justice in the galaxy.

It was about greed and power..

The Reikai grew prosperous as a democracy, ruling over Ningens and Youkai for the greater good of the universe. But as many people know, power corrupts. The Reikai began to fall apart when it had reached this time, eating away from the core and outwards.

A senator rose to power, aided by greedy members in the Reikai, joining with him in a dark alliance. The senator framed Lord Enma, with the unknowing help of Hina, the elected queen of the Koorime of Naboo. This senator made himself Lord of Reikai, then soon thereafter the Emperor of the Galaxy.

Calling his rule over the galaxy The Meikai, Emperor Yomi shut himself away in a dark palace, his guards bringing in young beauties for him to spend his evenings with, and in the morning they brought out the mangled remains. The Emperor ruled from his palace, uncaring and omnipotent, and the people suffered horribly in his empire.

The Tantei had tried to stop this, for it went against everything they believed in, and they were destroyed by Emperor Yomi's forces by both deception and war.

But a small band of rebels stood up against the Meikai. They began the battle to reestablish the Reikai, despite the odds against them. Yomi's men worked around the clock both fighting against them and covering up the rebellion's progress from the public.

The Reikai was far from winning the battle, though. They awaited for the day when the last of the Tantei would appear, and a new age of heroes would be born, a new hope who would bring peace to this unbalanced world…