Quick one-shot i wrote.



"Come on Tenten…"

Sakura's incessant whining was doing nothing to convince Tenten, she might as well have been slapping her with a fish.

"No, you know as well as I do that I DON'T do DRESSES."

Sakura sighed in defeat, turning to her friend Ino for help. The smirk on Ino's face told the pink haired kunoichi that she did indeed have an idea. Signalling both Temari and Hinata over from their sides of the store they we're all currently at, that smirk only grew. Tenten glanced between the other four kunoichi, clearly not liking where this was going.

"Uh, g-guys?"

The two summoned kunoichi and Sakura nodded at Ino's plan, they didn't want to do it – it was at least an A-ranked mission, but they had to. They had to get her in that dress.

"Don't come any closer!"


At Ino's prompt, the three girls swiftly tackled poor Tenten, the dust cloud rolled towards the changing room. Ino smiled sweetly at the cashier, and follow the dust cloud.


Poor Tenten was in a fight for her life, being restrained by the only other kunoichi of her age group that could possibly beat her in a spar. Note: possibly.


A muffled laugh that could only belong to Tenten was heard, the cashier was now sweating buckets – not wanting to disturb the battle that was currently waging against Tenten's favour, she stepped outside for some fresh air.

Though the cashier was outside, she could still hear the screams of abuse from within her shop. Passers by would give her a puzzled look, to which she would simply shrug.


Only loud thuds and muffled yells could be heard coming from the changing rooms of the small store, Tenten was not going to go down easily.

Why on earth am I friends with these girls

Cus their weird, like you.

Who the hell are you?

Why is it, in every story we 'inners' have to tell you all who we are.

..That makes no sense

Shut up!

Im not weird!

God your slow

Ugh shut up, why are you here anyway?

You just told me to shut up, yet you want me to speak? Make up your mind fool.

GR, just tell me why you're here!

Oh, that's simple


Huh? Oh you want to know?

Well, yes.

Oh, ok. Well why don't you just… Rip the dress?

Because… Hey wait a minute. OMG inner me is so smart!

I know, I know.

"Tenten what are you doing with that kunai!?"


(Insert several dramatic gasps)


"I told you guys, I don't DO dresses."

With that said, she vanished with speed that could only come from sparring daily with one Rock Lee.

Skidding to a halt outside of a small building, a large smile appeared on her face as she noticed Neji standing to one side. She walked towards him nervously, a small blush evident on her cheeks. Neji raised a single eyebrow as he looked in her direction, a small smirk twitching at his lips.

"They tried to force you in to a dress, didn't they?"

Tenten's eyes widened, he knew?

"Heh, how did you know?"

A faint blush found its way on to his pale face as Tenten tilted her head slightly, with a cute confused expression. 'Damn, she's cute when she does that'

"The screaming could be heard throughout the village."


Neji's smirk grew in to a smile as he held back the flaps that lead in to the restaurant, one arm gesturing to Tenten to enter first.

"After you."

Tenten grinned madly as she entered the small restaurant that Neji had chosen for their first date.

Aww, I love NejiTen :D

Please review, One-Shot Requests are taken :)
