Final chapter! hooray!

Fire and Ice

Musa stood in her position anxiously awaiting the Army of Decay, but as they got closer and closer she found herself wandering closer to her friends as they all did the same and before she knew it they were all side by side. Musa didn't really think much of it since they were a great team and she felt a lot better when she knew they were there if something happened to her. She was immediately pulled from her thoughts when a gruff voice filled the silent air.

"Everybody pay attention!" Cordatorta shouted as he called everyone to attention. "Ms. Faragonda is now your Commander and Chief! Understood?!"

"Fairies, witches and heroes!" Ms. Faragonda addressed the entire campus of students once again, this time she had a lot more fire in her voice. "As we face our final battle I want you to find all of your courage and all of your strength, and then take it and turn all its power on Icy Darcy and Stormy! If we have any hope of survival those three must be defeated!"

A few minutes' later monsters had arrived, but instead of attacking they stood in line with the three towering thrones made completely of rot. The three witches sat atop each of their thrones with smug smiles as if they had already won. Musa cringed at the thought of having to sit on a tower of decaying matter and wondered how they thought that sitting on decaying carcasses was cool or the least bit intimidating. It was simply gross.

"Oh my god, who told them that a throne made of rot was posh?" Stella said with disgust. "Could you imagine what would happen if they redecorated this place,"

"Let's not think about that," Musa insisted she really would not like to think about the school that she was coming to love run by the three people she hated most. She stared up at the army that filled the skies and the grounds in front of her all of them awaiting the next command.

"Attack," Icy said rather nonchalantly as she lifted her hand from her cheek and waved it as if she were bored, which only served to anger the students who know more than ever wanted to get rid of the witches for good.

With her command the entire fleet of stingrays began their attack while the land monsters began to march onto the Alfea campus. But just as the girls were ready to attack and defend the school, Faragonda and Griffin combined their powers to put up a huge shield in order to protect the school, but the girls knew it was only temporary.

"Well that helps," Techna stated. "But how long do you think it will hold?"

"You can't stop me I'm the new head mistress of Alfea," Stormy said with a cackle. Musa had seen Flora send out an attack, but it turned to dust before it even reached Stormy, and the witch took the opportunity to show everyone just how weak she thought the fairies were, and how strong she knew she was. She then sent out her first attack and with a strong bolt of lightning, she single-handedly crumbled the shied that the two head mistresses had put up. "Make room fairies! We're moving in!"

"I think that answers your question," Stella said to Techna as the girls flew up into the air and waited for the next order that came only seconds later.

"Everybody attack now," Faragonda ordered. Just as she shouted the command to the students, the entire army of decay came crashing down upon Alfea. All the stingrays began to flood the skies over Alfea while the land monsters stormed what was left of the Front gate.

Musa flew straight back down to the ground when she found it nearly impossible to see in the sky let alone fly. It was too heavily crowded with the stingrays and if she wanted a decent shot at the monsters in the sky than she needed a better vantage point. She got to the ground and began firing at the stingrays while the girls around her fought off the towering beasts that were coming by land. Musa was too distracted in the fighting to hear what Icy was saying, not the she cared since it was probably just some taunt that she wanted to use to discouraged them, but the response caught her attention.

"That's not the dragonfire," A familiar voice yelled. Musa looked up to the sky immediately and saw the missing member of the Winx Club. "This is the Dragonfire," Bloom flew confidently in the sky, fully equipped with the powers that she was so sure that she lost.

"She's okay!" Stella squealed with happiness.

"Sorry it took me so long to get here guys," Bloom added as she looked down to her friends, completely ignoring the witches that were trying to lay siege on the building. Musa and the rest of the Winx Club flew up to the newly re-empowered fairy, ignoring the threats that the witches were shouting at them.

"You're here now!" Flora assured happily and while the five had their conversation in the sky. The fighting almost seemed to stop while they were up there but just as Musa heard random blurbs of what the witches were saying, she and the rest of the Winx Club managed to hear Icy instructing her sisters on their next course of action.

"You won't need more than your normal powers to defeat these four," Icy said and Musa looked over to see the witches giving over their share of the Dragonfire over to Icy and she immediately sent out a blizzard like attack over to the five girls, but Bloom immediately countered with a shield that melted the ice before it could reach the fairies.

In the midst of all of this Flora sent out a fairy dust like attack that was like a powered that stunned and confused the enemy and it seemed to hit the mark perfectly when the witches became a bit disoriented. "Whose pathetic now?" She snapped at Stormy for the comment that she had made earlier when she was breaking down the shield that Ms. Faragonda had put up.

Musa looked over to Bloom who gave her a nod and began to fly after Icy and the two began to battle on their own, leaving Darcy and Stormy for the four of them. Finally Musa would have the chance to finally get a swing at Darcy.

But before the musical princess could even begin to think about how she could get the one witch she had been dieing to get her revenge on, the remaining two Trix sisters had combined their powers and sent out an attack. "Electric Twister," They shouted after combining their powers and Musa began to bring up a shield and fly away from it, but luckily for her Techna had them all covered.

"World Wide Web!" Techna shouted as she put up a net like shield around the four that managed to not only protect them but it also made the entire funnel dissipates as well. It was almost laughable how easily they were defeating the witched when they didn't have their extra power.

"Nice one Tech," Musa said happily as she watched Darcy yell out in frustration. This was definitely a benefit of the witches heading up the charge.

"Sun blast," Stella said as she fired an attack, taking advantages of the witches while they were recharging. Flora also used the golden opportunity to get a few of her own shots in as well. Then, while Stella and Flora's attacks took effect, it was Musa's turn as she conjured up some intense sound waves, although it was one of her less powerful attacks, she knew it would distract that witches, which was exactly what she wanted. She needed to a little time to focus and release a more powerful attack.

Musa was ready fire her next attack when Stormy got shifted her focus and destroyed her chance at conjuring the attack and then she also managed to it with a lightning bolt. "We'll take Stormy," Stella said as Musa flew out of the way of Stormy's attack. "You can get a few punches in with Darcy," Stella offered

Musa nodded and quickly summoned an orb of magic and threw it at Darcy, knowing it would provoke her. "Do you really want to mess with me?" Darcy asked in a tone mocking innocence, "Let me finish what I started in Magix,"

With that Darcy sent out a dark wave that knock Musa right out of the sky, luckily she managed to get control over her body before she hit the ground and shot back up into the air to face her enemy quickly. "You're going to have to do better than that,"

"Well how about I kill you," Darcy offered as she threw more attacks at Musa, none of which hit Musa since she was a lot more agile than Darcy was.

"Now I don't see how you're going to kill me when you can't even touch me," Musa said in the same innocent tone that Darcy had used to mock them earlier in the battle. Just as she said it she finally got her sonic blast to hit it's mark and Darcy flew straight into one of the trees below. Musa followed the path that Darcy had taken on her fall downward, only to be stopped half way as the witch didn't need too much time to recover, but when she got back in front of Musa there were obvious signs of damage all over her body.

Musa smiled at her handiwork and flew back over to the girls since they seemed to need help with Stormy. Luckily, by the time she had flown back to the group, they had managed to get Stormy off her back.

"Give it up we're gonna bury you right next to Bloom," Darcy taunted even after the beating she just took.

"I don't think so," Techna said as she full on tackled Stormy right out of the sky.

Meanwhile Musa managed to use her agility in the air to out maneuver Darcy after Darcy fired an attack. Musa flew right behind her and sent out one of her more powerful attacks that seemed to hit the mark perfectly.

"I believe this is the part where we relive them of the burden of being irreparable dorks," Darcy said with a smug smile to Stormy.

"You do realize we're kicking your ass?" Stella shouted. These witches were way deep in denial, since the battle began Musa and her girls were taking no prisoners and it was like they didn't believe that it was actually happening. But there was still very real danger in the situation, how could there not be, these were the witches that had no sensor when it came to morals and humanity. They were willing to do anything to get what they wanted.

"I'll go crazy on them," Stormy offered to her sister.

"That shouldn't be too hard," Musa muttered quietly as she prepared her next attack and retreated a bit to keep away from the attack and stop it from sucking her in. Stormy then began to start spinning into a cyclone that strongly resembled the attack that she had conjured earlier.

Musa began to fly backward a lot faster when she felt the intensity of the winds that were now were not only causing havoc in the sky but as Musa looked down to the campus, everyone was frantically running out of it's path as they continued to fight the monsters on the land. "That funnel had an F5 wind force," Techna said frantically as they flew away from it the best they could, but when Musa looked back she saw that one of her friends had not managed to get out of dodge of the cyclone.

"Flora's stuck in it!" Stella shrieked as the remaining members of the Winx Club.

Musa and the girls looked at each other for a second and then they began what was something like power convergence. They and within seconds of using all their powers as one, they managed to not only pull Flora out of the cyclone, but they managed to turn the cyclone around so that it went back after Darcy and Storm.

"We got'em!" Stella cheered happily as she watched the two witches fall right out of the sky with no sign of them recovering before they hit the ground. Musa smiled with the slight hope that they would hit the ground and never get up, but the more humane part of her didn't think that it was right of her to wish death upon someone.

Musa continued to watch the witches fall and then all of a sudden an attack came from the two headmistresses that encased the witches in a dungeon that didn't allow magic to pass through from the inside. "Their monsters are disappearing!" Musa noted as she and the girls flew to the ground and collapsed the second their feet hit the earth. It had been weeks of anxiety and days for non stop fighting and constant worry. Now they were close to being finished with it. A smile spread across the exhausted fairies face as she felt her heart rate slowly decrease as she caught her breath.

With every passing second there were less and less monsters both in the sky and on land and as Musa gazed up at the sky from her place on the ground, the sun finally began to peek through the clouds and the gloomy haze was beginning to lift. For the first time in a long time, she saw the sun. "The entire army is gone!" Flora said as the last of the monsters began to dissipate into the air.

"I think we just won," Stella said happily as she looked to the other girls with a smile so happy that she could hardly contain herself.

"Yes we did!" Musa grinned and tilted her head back with relief and let out a laugh of pure joy as she let the bright sun warm her face. While this wasn't the way she thought she would be spending the last weeks of her semester, she wouldn't trade this moment for anything.

"Hi," A voice said behind Musa as she sat on the ground. Musa looked up to see Riven standing above her with a smirk painted across his face. Musa had missed that look so badly. With her heart beginning to race again –this time it had nothing to do with the fact that she was just fighting with the Trix sisters – Musa smiled as Riven outstretched his hand "Need a hand?"

"Yo," Musa said happily as she took his hand and allowed him to help her up, trying not to look too excited. While Musa was feeling better, she was still feeling a bit of recoil from all of the fighting. Musa stumbled a bit as she stood, but luckily Riven put his hand on her waist in an attempt to steady her. Musa couldn't have planned that better. They didn't say anything after that; instead they stood there for a few seconds simply looking at each other. And for the first time it didn't feel awkward at all and Musa did take notice that their fingers were still woven.

Their hands remained that way for a few more minutes until Bloom flew down from the sky with Icy laying unconscious in her arms. She then placed Icy on the floor and greeted her friends. Bloom was far to humane to have actually killed Icy and as she looked back as Bloom approached them, Icy was put in the exact chamber that her sisters were probably now waking up in. "Bloom," Musa said happily as her hand slide out of Riven's and she walked over to her friend, not seeing Riven's smile fall slightly when she left his side.

"I'm so happy you're okay Bloom," Stella said.

"It's so good to see you guys," Bloom said with obvious fatigue in her voice, everyone was tired but Musa was sure that once the high of victory sunk in, that she would get a second wind.

Musa talked to Bloom for a second before realizing that this victory meant that she was going to be going home soon. As far as her father knew, the semester was over in a few days, but Musa wasn't going anywhere until the whole 'witch taking over' thing was dealt with. And now she could finally call her friends and tell them that she was going to be back. The princess then turned to go inside, missing the small kiss that Bloom and Sky shared right as she turned her back.

Just as the azure eyed fairy got to the outside corridor to the staircase, she felt slender arms quickly wrap around her and give her a hug from behind. For a second she figured it was Bloom or Flora, since it was behavior she might expect from then, rather she turned to find, much to her surprise, that it was Ali who had embraced her. "Hey!" She said excitedly. "I can't believe it's finally over!"

"Yeah," Musa said a bit weirded out still. Ali was not the type to just randomly huge people.

"I saw you kicking Darcy's butt, nice job" Ali said as she began to walk backward towards the quad, Musa had honestly never seen her so happy off of victory. "I'm gonna go see James!"

"Oh…kay…" Musa said rather slowly still having a hard time believing that she was the Ali that Musa had known all year from the dance team. Musa turned and began to walk towards her room. Once in her room she walked to her cell phone and immediately called the one person she knew would be happiest with her news that she was coming home soon. Unfortunately the prince of Crescendo didn't pick up any of the several calls that she had made.

"Damn," Musa cursed. She was dying to share her news with someone and now that everything was over it was probably safe to tell Daniel what had really had really been going on at Alfea. She would be careful to leave out some details that she knew would only be harmful and she would have to downplay the whole thing, but it was better than making up some lie that he would be able to see through anyway.

Musa, defeated in her attempt to get in touch with her best friend, decided to go back down to the quad and join her friends in what was sure to be a celebration. She did however send a text to him hoping it would prompt him to call her back. I hope you miss me cause guess who's coming home in two days? Musa then closed her phone and began to walk back down to quad.

"Hey Musa it looks like we're going to have a prom after all," Bloom said with Sky trailing not too far behind her.

"Really?" Musa asked confused. As far as she knew it, big parties like that took awhile to plan and organize, not to mention get ready for.

"Yeah, Faragonda and Saladin figured it wouldn't be fair to make us have classes," Sky said as he put one arm around Bloom's waist, an act that made the two of them blush. Musa raised and eyebrow ready to make a comment but Bloom began before Musa had a chance.

"It's very impromptu," Bloom insisted. "We're gonna go help with the tables and stuff Techna, Stella and Ali are working on the lights over by the garden if you wanna help,"

"I'll get right on that," Musa said with a grin as she walked over to the gardens that had managed to survive the battles that Alfea had endured. They were still alive and sparkling with vitality even when some parts of Alfea looked as if they would never come back. But the major pieces of rubble and debris had been moved out of the quad and there were already plans being made fire the reconstruction of Alfea and Red Fountain.

Musa found her friends hanging lights on small lines that were originally used to light up the garden during the Kai Fly sorority's annual ball. "Need some help?" Musa asked as she walked over and grabbed some lights. There were a lot of the small twinkling lights and from what she was looking at already, the school was going to look great.

"That would be great," Ali said as she handed Musa small clamps for hooking on the lights. "Whitney and Tara already started in the main entrance way and we can go help them in the quaff after we finish here,"

"Sounds good," Musa said as she flew up and began hanging the lights. She and the girls continued for twenty minutes and before they knew it the entire garden was lite up.

"This looks great!" Stella said. "Now onto the quad,"

She and the girls proceeded to the quad and Musa saw Knut sweeping up on the way. The ogre that had originally given them so much trouble was now a huge help when it came to reconstruction the school and from what she heard he was now going to be a part of Alfea permanently. "Nice job Knut," Musa said when she and Techna flew by. She looked down to the ogre who was helping to sweep and clean up the school after the attacks. He had also been the one to do a lot of the heavy lifting, but the boys helped with that too. "Thanks for helping us out. We're gonna go set up the light in the quad. See ya later, kay?"

As Musa finished helping the other girls set up the lights she looked over her shoulder and saw all the witches lining up in their cloaks and preparing to leave the campus. "Looks like the witches won't be joining us for out little make shift prom," Stella said, while she was not a huge fan of a casual prom that didn't involve ball gowns and limousines, she was warming to the idea of having one last hoorah before going home for the summer.

"Good," Ali spat. No matter how hard Musa tried to rid of Ali's prejudices before, it never seemed to work. She hoped that maybe over time something would change.

"Be nice," Musa chastised as she continued to hang some lights on the tree. She looked over her shoulder and saw the last couple of witches go into the portal that went back to Cloud Tower.

"I hear the witches are going to Do Gooders Boot Camp," Techna said as she finished with the last light and the Winx Club gathered to watch the Trix sisters, who were now put under a spell that stripped them of their power, but only temporarily.

"That should be a nice change of pace," Musa joked as she watch with delight as Darcy got pushed through the portal, not before looking back at the five and giving them an awful sneer. Musa simply laughed it off since she knew that they had won and the sisters had lost.

"I'm just happy we never have to see them again," Bloom said.

"Bye" Stella shouted over to the witches. It had to be so embarrassing that they were being carted off to a pyschward in front of everyone that had defeated them.

"I am so not done with you," Icy said she was the last one to go into the portal, other than her handlers and they had to expect one of the witches to say something. It hardly mattered, it was over and they had won.

"Well now that that's over," Stella said once the portal shut. "How about we go get ready!"

Musa and the rest of the Winx Club emerged from their rooms a little while later in their party clothes ready to have fun, but as they stepped outside they heard Griselda call. "Young ladies, please gather in the quad immediately," Griselda ordered as everyone began to walk back outside after getting ready. The girls followed their orders and walked to the center of the quad where Ms. Faragonda was waiting for them. "Ms. Faragonda has an announcement for you,"

"This has been a unique year for you here, capped by a day of extraordinary courage," She began with her normal look of grace and composure. There was something to be said about a person that was that composed and self aware even in the most stressful sitations. "You certainly behaved like true Alfea girls, you did well. In fact you did so well I feel it is unnecessary to have final exams this year, you're all passing with honors,"

Suddenly the girls all cheered when they learned they wouldn't have finals, although Musa wasn't very surprised considering they spend half of finals week fighting the witches and it would be unfair to make the students that just saved the school to site down for exams. "Alright, now that that's settled, lets get ready, now it's time to party!" Ms. Faragonda yelled happy as she threw her arms up in the air. The girls followed suit and cheered as well.

Later that night, Musa carried a cup of punch as she walked through the crowded quad where everyone was dancing. She stopped when she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Musa! Who knew you had something relatively slutty in you're closet?" Ali nearly yelled as she walked up to Musa from behind. It was a little true, Musa wasn't used to wearing such a short skirt or a strapless top for that matter, but she figured it was a party and there was no harm in changing things up every now and again. Musa smiled at her friend that looked almost too jolly when she realized she was avidly drinking something.

"Are you tipsy," Musa asked as her eyes narrowed and she looked at Ali more closely. She was only a couple more cups of whatever she was drinking away from being completely smashed.

"It's a party," Ali said as she pour a clear substance that Musa was sure from it's scent wasn't water, into her cup. "Celebrate, I plan to,"

Musa laughed as she watched Ali stumble a bit and then begin to dance with James, she would have warned her friend to be careful since there were so many teachers around, but they were too busy talking with each other and by the way they were acting Musa had a hunch as to where Ali may have gotten her booze, probably without permission of coarse.

"Hey Musa, over here," Timmy called she waved and walked over to her table where everyone was sitting. She took an empty seat between Sky and Timmy and took a sip of whatever was in her glass, it wasn't bad.

Just as Musa was about to join in on the conservation she heard her phone go off in her pocket, which was pretty impressive since the music was going pretty loud. You know I do. Finally, it's really not the same without you. I'll call you later tonight. Musa smiled at the text Daniel left as she closed her phone and looked back to her friends. Musa was beyond excited to get home and see everyone that she hadn't seen for such a long time, especially Daniel. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't deny the attachment she felt towards him. But that didn't mean she was happy to leave Magix.

"You guys, we're going to be sophomores next year," Flora told her fellow members of the Winx Club, obviously not addressing the guys since they would be juniors. "And you know what they say; sophomore year is even more thrilling and more exciting than freshman year." When she had first arrived here she had a strong desire to go back home where everything was familiar and safe. But now, she felt sad to leave Magix, even if it were only for the summer. Musa looked up at the friends she had made over the past ten months and even though she hadn't pictured her freshman year at Alfea to happen the way it did, she was very happy with the way it turned out.

"To next year!" Sky proposed as he raised his glass. Musa yelled along with everyone else and raised her glass right after Sky raised his. She smiled and proceeded to take a sip of her drink. She understood why her mother loved it here so much, there was no way to describe how she felt here, but it felt like magic.

I had orginally planned to finish this over the summer (which would be the winter for those in the southern hemishpere) but I got pretty distracted. Then i wanted to finish by the end of 2008, and technically I did. It's just I was busy on new years eve and i had a lot of sobering up to do on the 1st day of 2009. So it was finished in 2008....

anyway, i hope you enjoyed the story. I did love writing it, this was the biggest story i have every written. Wow!

For now I have to focus on college, but I'll be back in the summer! (Hopefully!)
