A/N: Hey readers, I just made a few grammatical changes and things. Thank you for being so patient.

(Draco Malfoy pov)

Journal, the old geezer has finally lost it! He started a "Hogwarts Pen Pal System" to, of course, improve inter-house unity. Yeah right, like writing anonymous letters will help us any. I am stuck with some chick named Juliet. I didn't know anyone at Hogwarts read Shakespeare. I decided to name myself "Dark Angel," quite descriptive, no? Any who, I wrote her the first letter, asking why in Merlin's name that old grandpa isn't dead and I asked about Shakespeare too. I'm not totally tactless, despite what people say. Besides, a Malfoy should have the privilege of going first.

(Hermione Granger pov)

Dear Diary,

So, new school year and a new crazy idea from Dear Old Dumbly!! He has decided that we should have a pen-pal system in Hogwarts to promote inter-house unity. I wonder who this "Dark Angel" is . . . by the way, my pen-name is Juliet, after Shakespeare's own, of course. I guess I'm not he only one at Hogwarts to read his work since the Angel knows him too. He's a very amusing chap, he calls Dumbly "old grandpa" and "old geezer" but he's secretive. I know we're supposed to be anonymous, but he won't tell me anything about himself. I think he knows I'm trying to figure out who he is . . .



(DM pov)

Journal, here's her reply:

"Dear Dark Angel,

As a matter of fact, I love Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is my favorite play, though I am currently reading Hamlet for fun. To answer your questions: there's no boyfriend in the picture, I am a girl, and NO! I am most definitely not a Slytherin.


Juliet "

(HG pov)

Dear Diary:

So the reply came at midnight. I found another person who stays up all hours of the night and likes Shakespeare, but . . .

"Dear Juliet,

So . . . you're not a Slytherin, eh? What's wrong with them? I understand not liking Snape, he's a git, but the whole house? What about you, you're not perfect either, why is there no beau? Any deformity, illness, overweight, bad breath, lack of intelligence, overweight, or anything else I should know about you?

your Dark Angel"

So yeah, egotistical bastard much? I can't believe it but I suppose it is kind of attractive on him . . . I can't believe I just said that.



(Omniscient pov)

Hermione sealed her envelope and disappeared to go find her pen-pal. She jumped in the air when she saw Ginny bouncing towards her.

"Mia! Mia! Guess what?!" Shouted a very excited Ginny.

"You found the chocolates I bought you?" asked a nervous Hermione.

"No! Silly! I found those weeks ago, GUESS!!"

"Um, please don't tell me you know who your pen-pal is . . ."

"Mia you are a know-it-all!" exclaimed Ginny happily.

"So . . . Who is he?? Spill it!! Harry? No, no, no . . . Neville? Creevey? The Zabini kid? Ron? Who?" Hermione listed as Ginny giggled.

"Stop, stop, stop. You should've stopped at Harry!"

"Oh, Ginny, I'm so happy for you!! . . . Wait, oh Merlin, does he know? Of course he doesn't, that wouldn't be any fun, now would it? You're not going to tell him are you?" asked Hermione rapidly.

"And ruin the fun? No way in Merlin's name!"

So the two girls plotted how much fun they'd have toying with Harry. Everyone knew Ginny was madly in love with Harry. Everyone except for Harry. Besides, Harry was already infatuated with Ginny. All he needed was a little, tiny, insignificant, forceful shove in the right direction.

(Much later in the Slytherin dorms)

"Draco . . . Draco . . . Draco!! Wake up! You got another letter from the pen-pal-thing-person! Draco Malfoy!" Shouted a flustered Blaize Zabini.

"Mmm . . . five more minutes mommy dearest."

"Ickle-Drackie-Wackie-Pohh-Bear . . . WAKE UP YOU GIT!"

"Blaize?! What are you doing watching over me? Were you a vulture in a past life or something?" asked a startled Draco.

"You got another letter from Juliet. Couldn't you have found a girl who sleeps like normal people?"

Blaize watched in amusement as Draco's face lit up. That was the fifth letter she had sent today. Draco was obviously smitten with the girl; otherwise he wouldn't be primping himself up in the bathroom just to answer a letter. Finally, Draco sat down to open the little envelope ad read the letter quietly. Blaize couldn't take it. If he had to wake Draco up at all hours of the night then he should get a chance to know what these letters said.

"What's it say?!"

"She says: Dear Dark Angel, I'm as normal as one can get. I am quite intelligent, or so say our professors, though I could never live up to my parents' standards. They expect so much out of me, I only want to please them . . ."

"She could be you in a girl's body."

"Don't interrupt me! Anyways, then she says: My musical interest is, well, eclectic. I like classical, rock and roll, ballads, pop, heavy metal, county, some folk music from different countries, contemporary, and whatever else is playing on the WWN. Currently, my favorite piece is Ravel's TZIGANE. I don't know if you've heard of it since it's a muggle piece, but it's amazing. I can lend you a copy if you wish."

"Wow, she is eclectic! I like her more and more. Who could she be?"

"Hey! Back off! Don't even think about it! She's mine! . . . Look at me, I don't even know her and I'm protecting her from you."

"She sounds like a perfect match . . ." Blaize suggested in vain.

"Father would not be happy." Draco was adamant.


Blaize was disappointed as he watched Draco leave. When would Draco realize that this girl was obviously perfect for him? In the meantime it was 3 IN THE MORNING!! Normal people were still sleeping.

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