A/N: Here it is, just like I promised you Alina. I know it's taken me a while to update, but this is longer than I've ever written; I hope everyone likes this update. Please review and read my other stories, or else I'll make you wait even longer for the next one.


"I love you too, my Juliet."

She felt so safe here; she liked the warmth of his skin.

She leaned in to kiss him as the door was blown open forcefully and there stood an enraged Headmaster.


(In today's episode . . . jk)


Draco and Hermione stood there in shock, not moving out of fear the headmaster would attack.

"Now, now, Albus, let them come out of that closet," Minerva coaxed. "Wait, Mr. Malfoy, where is your shirt?"

Minerva and Severus were standing on either side of the headmaster, looking strangely at Draco and Hermione.

"Oh, well, you see, I was-" Draco tried explaining.

"Don't answer, Mr. Malfoy," said Severus, "just put it back on and come on out of there."

Seeing the hesitation in Draco's eyes, Severus nudged Albus.

"Huh, oh yes yes, I promise not to attack if you just come one out of there and give me my lemon drops."

Hermione and Draco hesitantly stepped out of the closet and into the headmaster's office. Albus, Severus, and Minerva followed expectantly.

Albus held out his hand and cleared his throat, waiting for his many lemon drops.

Suddenly, Hermione whipped out her wad and yelled "STUPEFY," stunning her professors and the headmaster, and dragging Draco along.

"Hermione, what did you just do?" Draco asked.

"You wanted me to play, I'm playing. Now come on, we have to hide, they'll come after us." Hermione said as she pulled him down the stairs and up a corridor.

Draco had to admit, he was very impressed with Hermione's new-found Slytherin-ness. She was cunning and quick-thinking, also rather forceful as she pulled him behind her. He didn't want to admit it, but he kind of liked her taking charge. He should remember to write that in her next letter.

(5 minutes and two flights of stairs later)

"I thought this was my dare . . ."

"It was, until you chickened out, and for Merlin's sake Draco, hurry."


"Did you not see how angry he was when he opened the closet? Besides, this is the second time I've stupefied him this night and I have all his lemon drops."


Draco and Hermione kept running. Up stairs and corridors, through secret passages, until they reached the Room of Requirements. Hermione was about to go in, but Draco stopped her.

"Why'd you stop me?"

"Isn't it obvious that they'd come looking for us here? I say we go down again, and then completely lose them."

Hermione was very intrigued by his plan.

Sleeping is no longer an option, might as well keep playing. I wonder what makes these lemon drops so good . . . Merlin, what did I get myself into; I don't think I could ever face these people and not laugh. Classes should be interesting . . . I wonder what Draco's thinking . . .

Draco was trying to keep running while holding on to Hermione's hand, thinking many things, none of which had anything to do with the previous thought.

Why did this have to happen tonight? Where are we going? Her hand is soft and she smells good. I wonder what lemon drops taste like. Why does he like them so much? And since when does Severus know that muggle song, that was very creepy, should never happen again, at least not while I'm there. I wonder what she wears to sleep . . . what do teachers wear when they sleep . . . careful with that rock, why is there a rock in the middle of the hallway?

(Back in the headmaster's office)

Albus began to stir, and was very confused as to why he was lying on top of Severus and Minerva. He searched his pockets for a lemon drop to calm himself, but . . . he couldn't find one. He frantically searched his robes and pockets, even the secret compartment in his hat. Where were his . . . then he remembered.

Ms. Granger. Mr. Malfoy.

They had stolen his precious lemon drops!! And hidden in his closet after stupefying him, besides, Albus was pretty sure something was going on between them. Otherwise, young Mr. Malfoy would not haven been without his shirt. This was NOT what he had intended when he had paired them up for the pen pal system. All he wanted was less fighting, a little house unity, and some peace and quiet so he could enjoy his lemon drops.

"Severus! Minerva! Let us rise from the floor."

There was no response from either teacher, so Albus resolved to tickling them with his beard.

"Up we go; I know this is all your doing. You two dared him to do it and now they're both gone with ALL my lemon drops."

"Albus, calm yourself."

"Should I really? The smartest witch alive has my lemon drops!! All of them!! How would you feel, Severus, if she had . . . if she had . . . my boy, what do you really love?"

"Do you want your lemon drops back or not? They ran off, probably to the room of requirements again. The last part of the dare was to hide them." Severus snickered.

"Not eat them? Those two wouldn't dare eat my precious lemon drops . . ."

"Albus, they're out there in the castle, with your lemon drops, should we really be here wondering what they're doing with the candy?" Minerva asked.

Dumbledore's eyes widened and seemed to stop their usually incessant twinkling. He instantly took hold Snape and McGonagall's wrists and hurried them out of the office rather quickly.

Severus hated being dragged along, he felt like a child, and he was most definitely NOT a child by any means whatsoever. He was a full grown man who could follow the headmaster all by himself. So he immaturely pulled his hand from Albus's death-like grip and continued to follow him at a brusque pace.

(Somewhere near the kitchens)

"Juliet, can we stop here? I'm hungry." Draco said, not having eaten since lunch.

"Me too, Angel," Hermione answered his pleading look. Those puppy dog eyes would be her undoing. Besides, she hadn't had dinner.

They walked hand in hand into the kitchen, only to be surrounded by the house elves.

Two in particular stood in front of them, wearing the Hogwart's House Elf uniform, recently washed and neatly pressed. One had ears just like Dobby, the other was older and reminded Hermione of the gnomes in Ron's backyard.

"May we please have a snack? We're rather hungry."

"Anything for the lovely lady," answered one elf.

"What may we bring you?" asked another one.

Draco's eyes glinted with ravenous hunger and he began listing off.

"I want a triple-decker club sandwich, fish and chips, some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor ice cream, chocolate frogs, pumpkin juice, tacos, a couple of slices of pizza, a cup of mac and cheese, chocolate chip cookies, a BigMac, and Doritos."

As the list grew, Hermione's eyes grew wider and wider. There was no way Draco could possible eat that much food in one sitting. Was Ron hiding anywhere? And since when did he know all those muggle foods?

"Your usual then, master Malfoy." Answered the elf.

"Usual? You mean you eat all of those things frequently, Angel?"

"Yes, my Juliet, but I usually leave half of everything. Crabbe and Goyle are usually with me, they eat the rest. Tonight, you'll have to help me. You didn't really think I could eat so much, did you? Quidditch can only keep off so much weight from my extremely attractive and sensuous figure."

"Excuse me, Angel?"

"You heard me, extremely attractive and sensuous figure."

Hermione raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"I read a first year's diary."

"Oh, well that explains everything."

"Master Malfoy and Miss Granger, you food," explained the same house elf, gesturing toward an exquisitely set table for two, "is there anything else we can do?"

"Watch the door please; we do not want any interruptions. But, if you do see Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and Professor Snape, do warn us."

The elf was confused by their request but did as he was asked. It was his job after all. At least it wasn't the Weasley boy again, how one person could eat so much in one sitting escaped him.

(Near the room of requirements)

"Severus, my dear boy, do you have a lemon drop?"

Snape turned around wildly, looking at the Headmaster in disbelief.

"Why in the name of Merlin's saggy –"

"Severus! Such language!" Interrupted Minerva, "I would've expected it from the students, but you, Severus, you should know better."

Severus rubbed his temples. These two were really trying his patience, he hadn't had dinner because he of this stupid game of truth or dare, he was still a bit drunk, and then the old fool decided to tap his shoulder once more.

"Why Severus, I sense no sign of the two children. Where are my lemon drops?"

Snape scowled and suddenly a bright idea hit him.

He walked back and forth in front of the wall, thinking I need a place to hide from Ron. Once. Twice. Thrice.

A door appeared in front of him and Dumbledore looked confused.

"I still don't sense them, where are my lemon drops?"

"Wait, Albus, just wait," coaxed Minerva as Snape opened the door.

A loud shriek was heard as Snape entered the room.

Ginny Weasley tried desperately to hide behind Harry and button up her shirt at the same time, suppressing nervous giggles.

Harry Potter stood bravely in front of his potions teacher, seemingly unaware that he was not wearing a shirt.

"Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Headmaster, ahem, what are you doing here so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing Potter. Twenty points from Gryffindor for breaking curfew. Now, where is Miss Granger?"

Harry was confused. Hermione? She was asleep in her room, right?

He had snuck out with Ginny before Hermione had come back from detention, maybe she was missing.

"Uh, can I check something?"

"Will it take long, dear boy?" Dumbledore asked rapidly.

Harry looked at him very confused, and Dumbledore, sensing this began the quick version of the story.

"Miss Granger has stolen all my lemon drops."

Understanding dawned on Harry as he hastily took out the Marauder's Map. This was very urgent, the headmaster was about to crash from his sugar high and that was not good for anybody.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

"Well isn't that an understatement," snickered Severus Snape snidely.

Harry searched for the dot with Hermione's name everywhere. There was Ron, still furiously looking for them on the second floor. There was Filch and Mrs. Norris patrolling the third floor corridor. And there was Malfoy, in the kitchens with . . . Hermione?

"She's . . . in the kitchens . . . with Malfoy . . . why?"

"No matter," Dumbledore said calmly, then . . .

"TO THE KITCHENS!!" He yelled as a war cry, leading McGonagall and Snape closely behind him.

Harry and Ginny, now properly dressed, were relieved to be alone once more and resumed their previous activities.

(Back in the kitchens)

"Angel, I don't think I could eat another bite." Hermione said as she put down her bag of Doritos.

Draco looked up from his pint of ice cream only to have his spoon fall on the floor with a clink. Hermione was bathed in candle light from his angle; the flickering light softening the lines of her already perfect face and making her warm honey brown eyes melt his heart.

"You're beautiful, Juliet."

Hermione blushed innocently and watched him lean in to kiss her. She leaned forward too, only to be interrupted by the gnome-like-house-elf.

"Hazel is here to inform you the Headmaster is on his way rather quickly; Hazel thinks it is best if Master Malfoy and Miss Granger leave quickly out the back door."

"Thank you Hazel," Hermione said kindly.

Draco stood and was about to drag Hermione out of the kitchens to escape, when the main door opened loudly and suddenly.

"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU TWO AND HAND OVER MY LEMON DROPS!! EXPELLIARMUS!!" Dumbledore yelled, Hermione and Draco's wands lying about thirty feet away from them.

"No more stupefying and running, please give me back my lemon drops."

"We do not have them." Draco lied.

"Mister Malfoy, with two skilled Legillimens in the room, I do not suggest lying."

Hermione gulped and Draco squeezed her hand.

"Hand them over, please, and no one will be punished."

"Punished?" Draco asked.

"Yes, punished, now I believe I asked for my lemon drops. Or else."

"No." Draco said blatantly. Hermione looked at him like he had sprouted three extra heads.

"No? Mister Malfoy, is that wise? I said I want my lemon drops, NOW!!"

"Albus," calmed McGonagall, "please restrain yourself."

"Draco, maybe we should . . . you know, tell them the truth."

"The truth, Miss Granger?" Snape asked curiously.

"We . . . well, I wanted to try one a while ago and I ate one, then another, then another, then another, and I gave him one. He had a lot too. I . . . there's . . . none left."

Dumbledore looked at them in dsibelief.

"No . . . more . . . lemon . . ." he began and promptly fainted in shock into McGonagall's arms.

Hermione and Draco scooped up their wads and ran for their lives up to the Room of Requirements. They would sleep there for the rest of the night and then resume this crazy dare in the morning. At least that was Hermione's plan.

They ran up the familiar course to the Room of Requirements, not missing a stair of hidden passage, quickly stepping into the fortified room, glad to find it empty.

Draco proceeded to barricade the door with every piece of furniture except for the beds. He used the couch, the bed-side tables, the chairs, the small coffee table, the love seat, the foot rest, and the lamps.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him again.

"Do you want to wake up to a sugar-deprived Dumbledore and an angry Snape?"

Hermione shook her head violently.

"Thought not."

Hermione the proceeded to cast every locking spell she knew existed. Draco followed with some spells to make them undetectable.

"We should be safe to sleep now I think," Hermione said, "but, um, weren't there two beds a minute ago?"

Draco smirked at her shyness. She was adorable when she bit her lip like that.

"What's the matter, Juliet? My little Gryffindor lioness is afraid to sleep with the mean Slytherin snake?"

Hermione laughed, but he was right in teasing her.

She was nervous; she had never slept in the same bed with a guy. Harry and Ron didn't count. They were like brothers to her, but Draco was her boyfriend.

She was very very very nervous about sleeping with him even if she wouldn't be sleeping with him.

Draco seemed to sense something was wrong with her, seeing as he stepped in front of her gingerly and softly held her in his arms. She relaxed into his arms instantly, taking in his scent. Herbs and something very distinctly Draco . . .

"Juliet, what's on your mind?"


"Uh, I, um, don't speak Ginny." He stuttered.

Hermione blushed very hard and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I, um, I kinda have heard a lot about you and your, um, reputation for being like a God at you know, that thing, um . . ."

"Hermione, you can say it, it's one word. It doesn't hurt."

"Well, maybe it's ok for you because you've done it before, but I . . . I haven't, ever even been close to that, and I know we won't tonight, but we will eventually, right? I mean, I love you and you love me and I intend to marry you, so definitely one day we will do it, but I am kinda nervous about sleeping so close to you. I've slept in the same bed as Harry and Ron but they're like brothers, you know? And you're, you're Angel. This amazing guy I never thought I'd fall in love with who can make me weak at the knees and melt inside out and drop all my inhibitions just by kissing me, and I just, oh, I don't know."

Draco fully understood her now, he knew he had to comfort her somehow.

"Juliet, look at me," Draco said as he sat on the bed beside her, "my reputation is all lies, I've only ever slept with three girls and I didn't want to on any of those occasions."

He kissed her cheek gently.

"It's fine that you've never done it. That's the innocence I like about you, you're untainted and pure, and all mine. Juliet, I will never hurt you and we will not do anything you don't want to do. We won't do anything you're not ready for."

He kissed her cheek slowly again.

"Don't worry about sleeping in the same bed. It's big enough for each of us to have our own side and be comfortable, ok?"

He kissed her cheek once again, happy to see her smile confidently once more. He was about to get up to go change into the pajamas the room had provided for him, when he heard her tiny voice again.

"Angel . . . thank you, for everything," she said as she stood to go change too.

Hermione stood behind a changing stall and changed into red cotton pajama shorts and red cotton tank top, smirking at the choice of colors.

When she stepped out from behind the stall, she laughed at Draco's sage green pajama pants with silver snitches.

"Haha, this is very funny, now come one, let's sleep Gryffindor."

"Gryffindor? What happened to your little lioness?" Hermione joked.

"Let's just go to sleep," Draco said from under the covers.

Hermione looked at the beautiful large four poster bed one moment longer before settling in under the soft blankets. She snuggled into her pillow and he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. They fell asleep in each other's arms, smiling happily.


The sun rose through the window behind the bed and warmed Hermione's cheek pleasantly, slowly waking her up.

When Hermione opened her eyes, she found herself snuggled comfortably into Draco's arms. He was warm and she fit perfectly into his body. There was no awkward entanglement of limbs, just a very comfortable pair of arms around her. Hermione felt content and relaxed.

Draco's eyes fluttered open to find Hermione snuggled into his arms and smiling up at him. He held her closer to him, feeling the warmth of her body and the comfort she brought him. She fit perfectly under his chin and her hair did not tickle him, this was wonderful.

"Thank you, Angel," Hermione whispered.

"You're welcome Juliet, good morning."


"Yes, good morning," Dumbledore said from the foot of the bed.

Hermione's eyes burst wide open and Draco looked as if he'd been shocked.

Hermione tried to pull the covers closer to herself. Draco was not moving at all.

"Now, now, don't panic. I had some emergency lemon drops flown in from Hogsmeade until we figure this al out."

Hermione was calmer now, but Draco remained unmoving.

"All I want to know right now is – what is going on between you two?"

"Excuse me, Headmaster?" Hermione asked timidly.

"Well, I believe it is obvious I deliberately placed you two together in the pen-pal system for a little inter-house unity."

"We figured that after the first couple of letters," Hermione interjected.

"Well, yes, I paired Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley because they both needed some happiness, but you two . . . I never expected you to fall in love. I never expected months of letters, detentions, midnight meetings, and truth or dare."

"To be honest, sir," Hermione began, "truth or dare wasn't completely our idea. It was Professor McGonagall's idea to steal your lemon drops."

"Ah, yes, Minerva has always wanted to do that. Ever since she first saw me eat one."

Hermione could believe that, very easily in fact. Professor McGonagall was a very vindictive teacher, like the time she had put plastic wrap from the muggle studies class on all the boys' toilets after she caught one boy from Slytherin stealing sherry from her personal stash.

"She and Severus both know how much I am addicted to my precious lemon drops and now you do too. I need my lemon drops to function properly. Now, please tell me what your intentions are with each other."

For the first time since Dumbledore had spoken, Draco looked up at him.

"To be perfectly honest sir, I love Hermione more than life itself. My intentions are to marry my Juliet when time permits and we can raise a family together. Hopefully our children will one come to Hogwarts too."

Dumbledore nodded and waited fro Hermione to speak.

"Headmaster, Professor, my intentions with my Angel are quite simple. When he proposes, I will say yes. We will raise a family of two to three children, maybe a pet or two. Our children will grow like we did, but in a much happier world, and then Angel and I will spend the rest of our lives in relative peace. Growing old together, surrounded by grandchildren, out in the countryside. I love him more than anything."

"Ah, Miss Granger, a beautiful dream. I wish you both all the luck. Now please get dressed and follow me to breakfast."

The headmaster left the room, perfectly content with himself. He had not only made them explain the true nature of their relationship, but he had lulled them into a very false sense of security.

There were no emergency lemon drops from Hogsmeade; no sweet shop he knew of carried the delicacies he sought after. These amazing muggle treats were rare in the wizarding world and he wanted his lemon drops back.

He would wait until they had finally hidden his lemon drops, and when they least expected it - perform a thorough search of their belongings and summon all his lemon drops back to him. That would show them.

Dumbledore walked into his office, sat down behind his desk, and smiled.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I will get my lemon drops back. You wait and see Fawkes, you wait and see . . ."

A/N: OK you guys, you all are amazing, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to stop writing this fic. I lost track of it and I just can't continue it. Someone e-mail me if you want to take over. I give you full poetic license, since after all, this all really belongs to J.K. Rowling. Someone please continue the story and take care of it.