Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the Naruto universe. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.

Summery: What if things went differently on the Great Naruto Bridge, and what if Naruto unlocked a bloodline that could copy other bloodlines. Eventual NaruxTen Rating may go up.

A/N: Sorry about the delay. I'm on holiday, and with shopping, watching movies, and generally driving around, I've only had about three hours every night to write. I promise I'll try and post a lot more frequently, but please don't expect too much until the school term starts again.


"Yo." – Normal Speech

"Why me." – Demon Speech

'Raman' – Normal Thoughts

'Teme.' – Demon Thoughts

Jutsu No Jutsu – Jutsu

Chapter Two:

A Blessing or a Curse?

When Naruto opened his eyes he again found himself sitting in his mind. It was still full of water, however it was no longer darkly lit. Something green caught his eye. Getting to his feet Naruto walked over to the wall. Small green tree shoots grew out of the ground, swaying in a non-existent breeze. Knowing that plants can't grow through steel, he took a closer inspection.

The steel around the plant had split open reviling a light soil beneath, the plant had then forced its way through the hole. Running his fingers around the fissure, Naruto was surprised how easily the steel gave way. It seemed to just flake away on contact enlarging the hole. Looking up the passage way he saw many similar plants growing in much the same fashion.

'That's strange maybe the fox knows what's happening'

Walking down the tunnel Naruto saw many more plants growing in much the same way. He saw small patches of emerald green grass pushing it way up through the steel, comforting his bare feet as he walked across them. Small patches of flowers also dotted his mindscape, their petals showing many jewel-bright colors. Eventually he walked into the room that contained the cage of the feared Kyuubi no Yoko.

Stopping in front of the massive gate, he was shocked to see the cage slowly flaking away, in much the same way as the metal had given into the plant life in his mind's halls. Gazing around the room quickly to see if the Kyuubi had escaped, he saw that not even the cage room of the demon fox had been spared from the miraculous transformation of his mental tunnel-system, in many ways it seemed worse. The quantities of flaking metal here were much higher, and the plant-life much more mature. The trees had already grown as high as the ones around Konoha, with no indication of stopping. The leaves caught the light from an en-explainable source, giving the room a forest green-light. Looking through the darkness he spotted the blood-red eyes of the Kyuubi no Yoko.

"Fox! What's happening to this place!?" Naruto called out.

"It's reforming to suit your new body." Said the great demon walking over to the gate.

Naruto just raised and eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'my new body'?"

"Do you remember when I said there would be consciences for me healing your eyes?" Asked the fox.

Naruto nodded.

"Well this is one of them." Finished the giant fur ball.

"Huh?" Said Naruto dumbly.

Shaking his head the Kyuubi rephrased it. "Your body is changing because it absorbed my chakra."

Naruto's jaw dropped, and he stared at his tenant like he had grown another head.

"S so w what's going to change?" He said after clamping his mouth back together.

"Most likely you'll get a set of new ears and claws, and tails, you can't forget the tails." Said the nine-tailed demon, excitedly.

"So my new eyes were part of the change?" He confirmed.

"Exactly!" The fox said nodding his head enthusiastically.

"How come I get the crazy one?" Naruto wondered.

"Hey!" Called the fox indigently.

"Anyway." Said Naruto, on a hope of getting the conversation back on track. "What do I do now?"

"Well you could start by waking up…" Started the demon.

"Okay." Said Naruto, preparing to wake up.

"Just a second kit." His response was Naruto looking up at him eyebrow raised.

"You seem to be taking this very easily, no yelling about me not warning you of the consequences, or screaming about not wanting a tail." Kyuubi said, waiting interestedly for the answer.

"That's because you did warn me about the consequences and I accepted." Said Naruto, "And I won't take back my words, that's my nindo!"

'Maybe I judged your type wrong kit. Maybe you humans do have honor.'

"Good answer kit, now hurry and wake up, we have much to do." His answer was Naruto phasing out of his mind.

Naruto awoke to find himself looking up at a dark wooden ceiling. Upon inspection he found that he was currently back at Tazuna's house, moonlight streamed through the small window in the wall.

'Hey fox.' Called Naruto.


'How long was I out?'

"Hmmm, about seven days…"

'WHAT!' Shouted Naruto.

"Anyway, I think we should keep these changes between us."

'…I agree.'

"And we should probably take this opportunity and buy you some new clothes and maybe something to hide those 'Pretty' eyes of yours."

Sitting up Naruto proceeded to put on his sandals. (He's got his clothes on.) Moving towards the door Naruto collapsed in pain, clutching his feet.

'Hey fox! What's wrong with my feet?'

"Your feet have already started to change, so I don't think you'll ever be able to wear shoes again."

'Great. What am I meant to do now?'

"Kit, why do you think foxes don't wear shoes?"


"It's because we don't need to, our paws are tough so it doesn't hurt when we step on something sharp."

'Oh, I get it now!'

"But I think you might want to cover up your claws. People might get suspicious."

Upon closer inspection, he could see the nails on his toes were indeed long claws. Sighing Naruto took off his shoes and crawled over to this backpack taking out a roll of fresh bandage. Cutting some off he then proceeded to rap it around his feet. Looking at his hands he saw the exact same thing, except with his finger-nails.

Sighing again, Naruto cut another strip of fabric and raped it around his hands. (A/N: Think of Rock Lee.) When the makeshift gloves were tight he carefully got to his feet and jumped up and down a couple of times testing his makeshift garments were secure. He grabbed his wallet and jumped out the window.

Upon entering town many faces watched him as me moved towards the market district. The looks they gave him were not those of ill intent, that the villagers of Konoha wore. They were the kind of looks someone gives when looking at something new. Getting worried Naruto walked over to a nearby shop and looked at his refection in the window. Two deep blue eyes looked out at him. The pupils seemed to contort and twist into random shapes. The irises themselves seemed to have cracks running though them, making the refection on the eyes seem like that from a broken mirror.

"Kit, push chakra into your eyes." The fox called from the depths of his mind.

Doing as the fox told him to Naruto was amazed to see the fissures in his eyes fuse together and the color change to an ice-blue. On top of that cloud like things swarmed into his eyes blocking his pupil from view. Cutting the chakra to his eyes he observed the clouds disperse and the irises start to split again.

'Looks like I'll need something to hide my eyes hey fox.' The said fox just grunted.

Walking into the market district, Naruto was met with an amazing sight. The streets were packed with all manner of shops and stalls, their stock being bathed with bright lights.

'Wow, it's been a week and the town is already prospering again.'

"Indeed kit, now we need to buy you something to cover those pretty eyes of yours."

'HEY! My eyes aren't 'pretty'!'

"AND some different clothes."

'What have you got with orange anyway?'

"Oh nothing kit, but don't you think you should get some 'duller' clothes if you plan on continuing your ninja career?" Sneered Kyuubi.

'I guess.' Sighed Naruto in defect.

Moving towards a general stall sporting all sorts of different items for sale. There were all manner of hats, books, cooking utensils and other such everyday items. However one item in particular caught his eye. They were the thick bulky type of goggles that one often used for swimming. The lenses themselves were blood-red, and instead of being see-through they reflected the outside world, giving the refection a bloody hue. (A/N: Think Obito's goggles only reflective lenses instead of see through.) 'Perfect.' Was the thought that crossed his mind as he asked the shop keeper how much they cost.

Untying his headband he slid on the goggles, and then he retied it around his neck like a collar. (Like Hinata.) What surprised him, was that instead of the world having a blood-red hue, it was clear, just like when he didn't have them on at all. 'Must be some type of jutsu.' He mussed.

Walking towards a different of stalls that sold clothing he browsed a couple not finding any to his taste. Then he saw them. They were like the clothes a samurai wore. Both a long sleeved shirt and pants were made out of some lightweight, yet strong looking material. Both parts of the outfit were black with white trimmings. The whole thing was held together by a white obi-sash. (A/N: Think Bleach Shinigami outfits, except the sleeves go all the way down partially covering the wearer's hands.) Naruto imedently bought five of these outfits asking for them to be wrapped. Turning around with his purchase he saw a stall that he had missed earlier. All sorts of weapons from swords to clubs, staffs to bows hung from its walls.

'Now that I think about it, I could really use a real weapon, any suggestions fox?'

"I'd suggest that thin broad sword kit. It would be both powerful and easy to weld."

'Got it fox!' Said Naruto running over to the weapon store.

Walking through the woods Naruto's frog wallet; gama-chan(1) was now alot Lighter then when they arrived, but it was well worth it. In his right hand he held a large bundle of new clothing, and strapped over his shoulder was a 'large' sword being held by a strip of midnight-black material.

It's sheath was simple, black with red trimming its edges and tipping it point. The sword its self was also of simple design. The blade was nothing special, being about one foot off being as tall as Naruto, making it more sensible to strap it to his back rather then around his waist. The hilt was also simple consisting of just a simple cross guard and raped in a blood-red cloth. (A/N: The whole hilt including the guard, not just the place you hold it.)

Stopping in a large clearing he took off his sword laying it down and sat down opening the package of clothing to revel the five outfits he chose earlier.

"Hey kit put your hand on one of the outfits." Called Kyuubi.

'Kay.' Said Naruto, putting his hand on the black material.

He felt a sudden increase in chakra going to his hand. He watched in amazement as a crimson line spread out from his hand spiraled around the article of clothing. The end result was truly wonderful.

On the right-hand sleeve was a nine tailed fox. Its paws seemed to rap around the sleeve like it was holding onto the piece of fabric tightly. Its nine tails split into two groups at his shoulder, one of five and the other of four. The group of five went down his chest intertwining with the group of four at his left hip. The timing and obi-sash changed colors from white to blood-red.

'Fox, as much as it hurts to say, I like it.' Thought Naruto, putting his hand on the next outfit.

"I know kit." Sniggered Kyuubi, repeating the process to the other five outfits.

After customizing his new clothes Naruto striped and put one of them on. Running around the small clearing they were in he was pleasantly pleased at the lightness of his new threads.

'Um fox, do you think you can teach me how to use my sword?'

"Sorry kit, paws."

'Ohh.' He said collapsing to the ground.

"Why don't you train something else?"

'Train what? I don't have anyway to learn some jutsus. I don't know any more chakra control exercisers, and meditation sucks!'

"Um genius, what about the scroll Haku gave you."

'Oh yea!'

"How come I get the dumb one?"


"Just get it out kit!"

'Ok, ok. Don't get your…um, tails in a knot.' Said Naruto, already looking trough one of his jumpsuit's many pockets. 'Um, fox? I think I've lost it.'

"HAHAHA! How I love to do that. Don't worry kit, I sealed it in her when you first pocketed it so no one knew you had it." Laughed the fox, summoning the scroll into his container's hands.

The scroll was fancy decorated, but it was a rare one so that was to be expected. The scroll was baby-blue with ice-blue trimming. Light-grey clouds traveled around the scroll swirling into each other. Clouds flowed Turning the scroll over his faced scrunched up finding no opening. He was just about to voice this when…

"Turn on your Hyoton and channel chakra into the scroll."

Deciding not to reply, Naruto just looked in amazement as ice condensed around the scroll shattering it reviled the edge of the scroll.

Excitedly Naruto opened the small scroll reveling several funny shaped circles, with squiggly lines in it, and labels above them. 'Storage seals, eh?'(A/N: Narutos has been teaching himself sealing that's why he knows.) Three of the seals were labeled; Novice, Adept, Master.

Now normally to keep up his mask Naruto would instantly go for the one labeled 'Master'. However Naruto channeled his chakra into the one labeled Novice, and large scroll popped out of the seal.

Naruto carefully opened the scroll and quickly looked through the scroll. Basically it was a list of 'E' and 'C' class techniques, with notes on what they are best suited for and practical application. Every now and again there was a control exercise. Naruto went back to the beginning and found one technique and one control exercise.

Ice Fist

Class: E

Notes: Coats the user's hand in a layer of ice, giving them an increase in power and protection. The thickness of the ice is determined by how much chakra is used. Anything can be coated in ice, however it takes a lot more control to use this if its application is something other then the user's body.

Steps: First channel chakra through the limb or object. Then let it coat the object, creating the sufficient thickness of the ice wanted with chakra. Finally mix the wind and water in the air with this chakra.

Control Exercise One: Leaf freezing.

Notes: Beginner level control exercise. Can be compared to the leaf sticking exercise of Konoha village. Best exercise for better controlling the 'Ice Fist' jutsu.

Steps: The aim is to coat the leaf in a thin layer of frost yet not freeze it. Too much chakra and the leaf freezes, too little and it doesn't develop frost.

Grabbing a leaf off the ground Naruto started with the control exercise. For three hours Naruto continued to practice, only moving to get another leaf, until he could hold it for almost ten minuets.

'Ok, ready fox?'

"Just don't freeze your arm."

Nodding Naruto held out his arm and channeled the chakra through this coils and created a layer about two millimeters thick around his fist. Quickly he span it around mixing the wind and water in the air creating ice.

The result was not perfect, but better then expected anyway. All of his a fist was covered in about four millimeters of ice. Spikes formed on the ice from where he had lost control of the chakra and consequently had rocketed of forming the spikes.

'Heh, not bad for a first try hey fox.'

"I've seen better."

'Whatever fox.'

Forcefully un-mixing the wind and water the ice cracked and fell away and Naruto tried again and again until he could perfectly form a glove of ice.

"Yes! Finally!" Shouted Naruto, as he fell to the ground.

After about ten minuets the sun appeared on the horizon sending a golden light through the forest. Getting to his feet, Naruto reached for the sword, when he had an idea. Unsheathing his sword he grabbed it in his right hand and sent chakra along it, and mixed the wind and water like he had with his arm. The result was spectacular. The ice had condensed all the way along the sword, and spikes had also frozen, giving it a jagged edge. The ice had also incased the hilt and his hand in about five centimeter thick ice. Spikes protruded from this also, making it futile to try and separate his hand from the weapon. (Think of Toushiro's bankai from bleach, except without the wings and tail.)

"Wow…" Said Naruto, as he unmixed the ice letting it fall to the ground.

"Kit, I think you should start heading for the bridge builder's home now."

Looking to the sky Naruto saw that the sun had just appeared above the tree tops. 'Right.' He said, already resealing the large scroll into the smaller one. Gathering his clothes sword and the scroll from around the clearing he sat down and took of his shirt. On his right shoulder there was a medium sized tattoo, it was circular with many lines and symbols in it. Putting chakra into it, the once black lines glowed blue, and Naruto shoved the package of clothing into it. The package seemed to sink into his arm before disappearing; he did the same with the scroll. Deciding that it would only get in the way as he can't use it properly, he also sealed the sword.

He pulled up his shirt, and in less then two seconds, Naruto was jumping through the trees. It might have been that he no longer wore shoes, or that he was instinctively using his claws to push off the branch. Whatever the reason, Naruto found that jumping from tree to tree was a hell of a lot easier then before. He was just starting to enjoy himself when the Tazuna's house came into view.

Kekkei Genkai Copied

Hyoton: (Ice Realise) The user can create ice out of thin air by mixing wind and water together. The condensed ice is unbreakable by normal means as it is made by integrating the user's chakra with wind and water to create the ice. For the adept hand seals aren't needed.

Know people with the bloodline: Naruto, Haku(Deceased)

(1): Thanks to Diimmortal for telling me its name. :)

A/N: Okay its finished, please as with the last chapter give me some suggestions on how to improve it. Thanks for reading :P

Alkero Out