The clock on the wall had just chimed one o'clock, but a light was still on in the kitchen. The small, six year old boy with the bright turquoise hair stumbled down the stairs, and entered the kitchen. The man with untidy black hair and the fading lightening bolt scar looked up as his godson walked in.

"Teddy," he said, frowning, "what are you doing up?" Teddy shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep. What are you doing?" Harry moved his chair back so that Teddy could sit on his lap.

"Just going over some of this work stuff, nuisance really." Teddy frowned.

"Then why do you do it?" Harry smiled.

"Because that's what grown-ups have to do sometimes. We have to do work even when we don't want to." Teddy turned to face his godfather.

"You know what, Uncle Harry? I think work is really silly." Harry chuckled.

"I guess you're right, it is a bit silly. Now come on, let's get you in bed." He slid off the chair, and put Teddy on his hip.

"Uncle Harry, can I ask you something?" Harry looked at him.
"Sure, Ted, what's up?" Teddy frowned.

"Why did my mummy and daddy fight that bad man when they knew it was going to hurt them?" Harry thought for a moment. He and Teddy walked into the living room, where Harry put him down on a lounge. He then sat next to him.

"Well, you have to remember that when that bad man…"

"Moldywart!" Teddy supplied. Harry chuckled.

"Yes, Moldywart. While Moldywart was around, things were really, really bad. Your daddy wasn't allowed to get a job because of his problem, and people like your Aunt Hermione weren't like because her mummy and daddy were muggles."

"That's stupid, why did that happen?" Teddy asked, outraged.

"They weren't very nice people, Ted. Anyway, to stop these people being so mean, all of us, your mummy and daddy as well, had that big fight against the bad witches and wizards. Your mummy and daddy fought those people so that things cold be better for people like your dad and Aunt Hermione."

Teddy smiled.

"Oh, that's better. So, were my mummy and daddy nice people?" Harry smiled reminiscently.

"Yes, they were nice people. Very nice people. They were heroes!"

"Heroes? You mean like Superman?" Teddy got up and began running around the living room, his arms in front of him.

"I knew I shouldn't have let Hermione show him those shows," Harry muttered, "Come on, Superhero, time for bed." He picked Teddy up, still in superhero pose, and walked him back up the stairs. Tucking him into bed, Harry kissed his godson on top of his turquoise head.

"Goodnight, Teddy."
"'Night, Uncle Harry." Harry turned off the lamp and walked out, turning at the doorway to look at Teddy, who was already asleep.

"They would have been so proud of you."

And they were.