After showering and getting dressed, Henry told Vicki they were going to Picadilly Circus.

Vicki said," I don't do the circus Henry, my life is one remember?"

Henry laughed at her explaining to her that it was not a real circus, but rather a large area of businesses, similar to New York's Times Square.

If she had not been so relaxed from the mind altering sex they had just had, she would have gotten angry at his laughter but she laughed along with him.

"I want to be back early, I want to see the kids tonight." She said glancing over at the laptop that they had switched back on.

The twins were still sleeping peacefully, they even saw Gwen come in to check on them at least once. That made their trip even sweeter, knowing she was there with them.

The rest of the honeymoon was uneventful except of course the sex and it was always eventful.

On the last night of their stay, as they lay in bed together after making love, they talked for what seemed like hours.

Vicki had her head laying on Henry's chest, his arm wrapped around behind her.

"Henry," she said, raising the upper half of her body up so that she could see his face. However, this position left her full breasts exposed where Henry could view them as they were still nude.

"My eyes, Henry, look at my eyes," she teased.

"Yes, my love, what is it?" He smiled at her.

"Was coming home all you thought it would be? Are you glad you came?" she asked quietly.

He smiled at her, "Oh, yes, many times over." She slapped him playfully on the arm, "Yes I KNOW that.."

He leaned up on one elbow, pushing her back down onto the the bed so that she was looking up at him now. He smoothed her hair out away from her face, kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek.

"I thought I was coming home, but I wasn't." he told her.

"I don't understand?" she said furrowing her brow.

"Well, this is where I was born, that's true. But it's not my home, not anymore."

Vicki was still somewhat confused.

"You, the kids that's my home, " he said to her, " when I said I wanted to go home, I didn't realize at the time, I was already there."

Vicki grinned at him, pulled him to her mouth and kissed him with such passion that Henry thought it would take his breath away.

She ran her fingers into his hair, he put his hand on her hip, sensually, not sexually.

She pulled away, tears in her eyes.

"You can't be real, sometimes I just think I'm in a coma, I'll wake up and this is all a dream, just a dream. But if it is, I never want to wake up."

He smiled at her, then pinched her.

"OW!" She jumped and yelled simultaneously.

"Why did you pinch me?"

"Well, if you were dreaming, would you have felt that?" She smiled at him, he was already on top of her before she could answer.

"Or," he pushed himself into her.."that.."

She squeaked out a small..."no"

After they finished this time, Vicki got up and put a robe on.

"Where are you going?" Henry asked with that I've-had- great-sex-and-now-I'm-sleepy voice.

"To see the kids," she leaned into him, kissing him on the cheek, letting him fall asleep.

She decided there was no way she could have gotten pregnant here anyway, even though she forgot her shot.

They had made love so much this week, Henry's sperm were most likely completely depleted. Besides, she wouldn't be fertile for another week at least and by the, she will have seen the doctor.

Vicki sat down on the couch in the living area of their suite. She pulled her knees up onto the couch and flipped open the laptop.

There they were, there little eager faces watching the web-cam for sight of their mother.

"Mommy!! We were waiting for you!! When are you coming home?" Ward asked, a little pouty.

Vicki touched the screen, running it along their faces. God, how could she miss two little creatures so much?? She never would have thought that of herself, of course no one else would have either.

"Tomorrow, angels, tomorrow." she smiled at them, biting her lip not to cry because her heart ached to hold them.

"Mommy, guess who came to see us?" Abbie said, her eyes filled with excitement.

"Who?" Vicki said back with enthusiasm.

"Grandma Elizabeth," Vicki's jaw dropped. Elizabeth had shown herself to her children? They were her grandchildren after all but..

"Mommy, it's okay, she just said that she was proud of us and that she loved us. It's okay, God always sends his angels to watch over us." Abbie said very matter-of-factly.

"Yes, He certainly does. Have you two been good while we were gone?" Vicki asked trying to change the subject, she would talk to them in person at home, she wanted more information but not here, so far away.

"Well, duh, mommy," Ward had learned that from a playmate, Vicki did not like it, but she didn't say anything. Paybacks were a bitch, she figured, considering what she put her mother through, that was mild.

"Okay, okay! Hey we got you both a surprise! " Vicki told them.

"Yeah, you got Ward a sword and you got me a set of daggers huh?" Abbie, always the optimist.

"Well, no, maybe when you are older, you'll see when we get home.." Vicki chuckled at the little girl who was so her mother's daughter, especially when Abbie mumbled,"it better not be some girly doll thing."

She told them both goodnight and that she would see them tomorrow.

She kissed her hand, putting it to the screen to each of them. Ward began to cry, breaking Vicki's heart. He was really becoming attached to her, Abbie on the other hand was all Henry's. Strange..since their personalities were reversed.

She closed her laptop after she saw that Gwen had comforted Ward, smiling at Vicki to let her know he was okay. Abbie had been so sweet in telling her brother to "suck it up" ...

Vicki went back into the bedroom, climbed into bed with her husband and fell into a deep sleep.

All was right with the Fitroy's...for now anyway...