Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto characters.

A/N: In keeping with this site's regulations, this story has been edited. To view the un-abridged version, please visit my profile and follow the link.


With a ding, the elevator doors closed surrounding the two young men with reflective metal and upholstery. Before the elevator even began its ascension to one of the top floors of the high class hotel, the two found themselves panting and moaning, tongues wrestling for dominance.

The pale fingers of one hand twined with sunshine hair as another reached beneath a soft blue business shirt to trail along silky skin, quickly becoming addicted, the owner of these hands trailed kisses along a strong jaw to nip at the pulse point on the tan neck before him.

Not to be outdone, tan hands began their own exploration of the handsome man in front of him. Nips and licks of mouth and throat accompanied the roaming of creamy skin by the hands after un-tucking the burgundy button down shirt from the pressed black pants worn by the normally stoic man that was nearly lost to the heady feelings induced by the impromptu make-out session.

As hands found their way to the top of a pair of pants, the blond broke away enough to pant out "What…ahh.. floor are you..mmhn..on?"

"17th" was the breathless reply, and before he could again fill the space between them, his attention was directed to the display showing their escalating progress. Cooling his ardor a bit, but still wanting to go back to tasting the tangy bronzed flesh he had just discovered, he bent his head to nibble on an exposed earlobe as he felt his current partner's fingers twine in his glossy black hair.

As he felt the elevator slow, before stopping at his floor, he nuzzled the beautiful throat that was quickly showing marks of their activities. "What was your name again?"

He felt more than heard the chuckle. "Do you really care?"

'Not really' he thought as the doors opened. Pulling the other after him with a hand to his wrist, he made his way to his suite and quickly opened the door, allowing his guest to precede him into the room. Apparently familiar with the setup of the room, the blond had no trouble making his way past the sofa and to a lamp on the far side. Turning it on, his host swiftly noticed that the softer light created a better ambience than if they had just flipped the switch of the main light at the door. He nodded his head in approval and they took a moment to take in the other.

The soft light of a hotel room made a much different impression than the smoky lighting of the hotel bar.

Sapphire eyes sparkling in amusement, the blond began removing his jacket. Somehow, the simple action reeked of sensuality. "Do you have condoms?" His mirth grew as he saw the comprehension slowly grow within the lust filled gaze in those onyx eyes opposite him.

"Umm…yeah." 'Somewhere' mentally cursing, he tried to figure where they would be. Probably at the bottom of his suit case, packed more as an 'in case' than from any expectation. He certainly hadn't thought he would be getting lucky on this trip.

"Well, you go ahead and get them; I'm going to the bathroom." As he passed by the slightly taller, and much paler male, he planted a quick kiss on those smooth lips. With a wink he left him with "See you in the bedroom."

Wow. His heart-rate had climbed drastically with that one action.

Heaving a sigh, and mentally taking a cold shower, he went to the bedroom. Making a mad dash for his suitcase in the closet, he searched through its many compartments until he finally found an un-opened box of condoms and tossed them onto the bed. With that out of the way, he relaxed and removed his shoes and socks, his jacket was thrown over a nearby chair. As he was loosening his tie he turned his head to the doorway and the man nearly stumbled at the mouthwatering sight.

A blond sex god had decided to join him. Gone was the jacket, shoes and socks. The dress shirt was unbuttoned exposing the smooth expanse of sun-kissed flesh on the toned chest. An enormous grin accompanied sparkling eyes as he sauntered into the room and placed some objects on the nightstand beside the bed.

The raven couldn't believe it; the blond practically oozed seduction. 'Maybe he does this for a living?'

Not wanting to continue that line of thinking he spun the other around and attacked his lips with a brutal need. Humor was quickly replaced with lust and his shirt was practically ripped from his body by the sex god himself. A black tie was left to lie on a pale, but muscled chest as those tanned hands made quick work of button and zipper on the pants that were becoming much too tight.

Once the pants were loosened, midnight and azure clashed as the raven was dragged forward by his tie for another pleasure filled kiss. They both recognized the duel for dominance that was occurring and neither felt like giving in without a fight. He brought his hands to his partner's shoulders and proceeded to slide the shirt down bronzed shoulders till it fell to the floor as their motions became more passionate.

Fingernails lightly scored down the newly exposed back before pale hands found and cupped what can only be described as a delicious ass before forcefully grinding their clothed erections together.

With a gasp, the kiss was released and eyes locked. What was said in that gaze, neither could say, but an understanding was made.

Stepping back, the blond made quick work of removing his pants, leaving him in a pair of rather startling orange cotton boxers. Blinking rapidly at the blinding underwear, the raven could not help a chuckle from escaping him.

And the foxy grin returned full force. Turning his head, he saw the condoms lying on the bed and retrieved the box. Nodding his head in approval, he noted that they were not lubricated. As he removed a foil package from the box, he saw that another pair of pants and joined his on the floor. He quickly prevented his partner from doing the same with his own silky navy boxers.

Before he could be questioned, he dropped to his knees so he was facing the boxer clad erection which was already giving off the unmistakable scent of an aroused male. He brought his hand to lightly fondle and grasp the bulge, noting the size and shape currently hidden from his eyes, but not his fingers. His heavy lidded gaze took in the man in standing before him and his lips quirked at the lust swimming in those onyx eyes observing his every move.

Without breaking eye contact, with his teeth, he ripped open the package while still massaging that hidden erection with his other hand. He popped the condom into his mouth with such enthusiasm, as if it was candy.

Obsidian eyes widened in curiosity at the action, but there was no time to inquire as, with a wink, the blond turned his attention to lowering the silk boxers restraining his erection, which bounced forth from its confines. Knowing he certainly had nothing to be ashamed of, he watched the kneeling man as his penis stood proudly, angling towards that tempting mouth before it.

Excited cerulean looked up and with another wink, a condom covered tongue peeked out to make a gentle swipe over the head before the mouth engulfed him. Before he knew what had happened, half of his cock had been surrounded by the condom while that fabulous mouth worked him with sucks and licks. A strong hand worked the condom the rest of the way while massaging the base of his penis while the head continued being worked by that warm cavern.

He threw back his head with a gasp as the second hand began messaging his sac and fondling his balls. It was exquisite. He twined his fingers in golden locks and began rocking his hips forward into that wonderful mouth that did not deny him. Dark eyes rolled back; it couldn't really feel this good. Could it? He had never been a fan of blow jobs through a condom, but this man was amazing, the sensitivity he felt from that tongue and those hands was incredible.

All too soon, he felt his fingers tighten in flaxen hair and pulled away before he came. He was nearly undone by the saliva covered bruised lips still open for him, welcoming. However, he would remain calm. He had his pride after all.

"As nice as that was, I didn't bring you up here just to suck me off." He didn't mean to come off quite that cold, but he wasn't comfortable showing just how out of control he was feeling.

Astoundingly, the blond just laughed good naturedly and stood back up. With a saucy smirk, he turned his back and pulled down his boxers. While kicking them off, he went to the nightstand and retrieved what he had brought from the bathroom; a hand towel and a bottle of complimentary lotion. The latter he tossed to the raven and then he spread the former on the bed.

Crawling onto the large bed, he placed his hands against the wall with his knees spread at the edge of the towel, this action placed his ass out and ready, land to be conquered.

When nothing occurred, he looked over his shoulder at the dumbstruck raven and had to hold in a laugh. Instead, he wiggled his rear and quirked an eyebrow. The challenge made.

'Oh hell no.' As blown away as he had been by the erotic exhibit of this beautiful man just putting himself on offer like that, there was no way that sexy male was getting away with challenging him like that. He smirked. Oh yes, there would be screams.

After pouring a generous amount of lotion on his hand, he coated his latex covered erection, not missing the hungry stare his actions had earned. "How much prep are you going to need?"


In response to his obvious disbelief, the younger male elaborated, "I prepared myself in the bathroom." Settling himself on the bed behind that delectable body, his breath hitched at the mental images that generated. Not missing a beat, the blond continued. "Yeah, I was kind of anxious, fantasizing about you, imagining it was your fingers inside me while you were stroking my cock." Hands came up to palm that taut velvety ass, fondling the cheeks together and apart, revealing the treasure to be had between them. Moans erupted from those lips as the words continued. "I almost didn't come out, it was so hot, thinking about you taking me hard. It's too bad, you probably won't be able to compare to my expectations." That earned him a sharp pinch before the hands settled close to his hips, keeping him spread.

Those onyx eyes rose from that inviting puckered hole to look over a bronze shoulder and into luminous orbs filled with lust and delight. That didn't stop the dare from coming though. "Do you think you can do better than my fantasy, gorgeous?"


Once their world stopped spinning, they pulled apart, one wincing at the withdrawal from his body, the other grimacing at the soiled condom he removed and tossed in the conveniently located trash bin near the bed.

Again bracing himself with a hand to the wall, the blond used the towel to wipe off the traces of cum left on him, then turned to offer the clean side to the raven. With a grunt of thanks, the wiped off himself off and tossed the dirty towel to the floor before collapsing to his side on the bed.

The blond followed after, landing face down on the duvet, then turning his head to face his bed partner with a very satisfied look on his face.

Both breathing deeply, they took the opportunity to explore each other with their eyes again, neither finding fault with what they saw.

However, soon tension started to build when neither had said anything. Quickly becoming uncomfortable with the atmosphere, the blond smiled shyly before leaning forward to place a chaste kiss on the others lips.


And then he sat up and prepared to leave.