It's Rush time at Cypress Rhodes, and there are plenty of worthy candidates for Kappa Tau to choose from. Out of this crowd, however, one guy seems to stand out: Matt Braun. He doesn't know how to explain it, but there's just something about Matt that Cappie likes. The guy's hilarious, and his taste in music is awesome. Not to mention the guy kicks ass at beer pong and makes a serious chip dip. Who cares if he's a little on the scrawny side? So, with the support of his fellow KTs, Cappie fully endorses Matt's initiation into the brotherhood of Kappa Tau.

Yet, as time wears on, the KTs start to notice some strange behavior on Matt's behalf. Like, the fact that he never seems to be interested in any of Cappie's well-intentioned dating advice. Or the fact that he does his laundry in the middle of the night. Or, even the fact that he gets along with girls amazingly well, but never seems to have a girlfriend of his own. But hey, there are a lot weirder things he could do. Right?

Little do our Kappa Taus know that Matt has his own dirty little secret. One that will turn the entire Cypress Rhodes Greek system on its head. And he'll do just about anything to keep it from getting out. But, when the time comes for him to be outed, the end result might just be the last thing anyone could have imagined.

Especially Matt's own 'big brother', Cappie. Just what is Brother Braun hiding?

Fraternity Rose

Rush was over.

There had been blood shed, tears cried, and a very unfortunate incident with a sheep and Dean Bowman's car. But now, it was time to introduce the newest members of Greek Row to their respective houses.

Cappie, the notorious party-hardy president of Kappa Tau Gamma, stood in the front hall of the fraternity house. Five minutes ago, he had called a house meeting in order to introduce their new brothers. Or, in this case, brother. It seemed that only one pledge had made it through Rush this year.

"Fellow Kappas, lend me your ears! Or, get at least one body part in this room."

He paused briefly in his speech, giving the guys time to assemble in the front hall. Not that he cared if they were all here, but it did save having to explain everything 50 different times.

Finally, it seemed like all the guys were there. Beav was the last, sauntering in from the living room at the last minute. Satisfied, Cappie continued on.

"This is an important day in Kappa Tau history. Today, we herald the arrival of a young man of promise and legend - not unlike moi."

He gestured to himself, the move full of false modesty. Taking a step back, he put his hand on the handle of the front door.

"As your beloved president, I'm honored to present our newest KT brother. Gentlemen, the only pledge to survive Hell Week with both his clothes and dignity intact - Matt Braun!"

Dramatically, he threw the front door open.

The newest brother stood on the front stoop. He was dressed in a white button down and a black thermal undershirt with faded jeans. His hair was a dark brown, with some reddish highlights and cut a little shorter than Cappie's; his eyes were a bright hazel. His build was slender - not much bigger than Rusty - and he looked to be about a foot shorter than Cappie.

When the door swung open, he looked surprised and raised his hand tentatively in salutation.


Reaching out, Cappie drug the guy into the house. Grinning, he hooked one arm around Matt's neck, as if they were old buddies.

"Come on, don't be shy Mattie. These--..."

He gestured with his free arm to the motley grew of guys currently inhabiting the space that was the front hall.

"Are your brothers! From now on, you're a Kappa Tau. Now, got any questions?"

He looked down at the face of the shorter guy expectantly.

Matt, a little taken aback by the sudden headlock Cappie had him in, grabbed the taller man's forearm in both hands. Half-heartedly, he tried to pry it off of him.

"Yeah. How long are you going to choke me, dude?"

Cap immediately released him, clapping the younger guy on the back.

"Sorry, man. I got a little carried away."

Something suddenly occurred to him, and he motioned to Rusty Cartwright, who was standing in the corner by the coat rack.

"Spitter! Do me a favor? Show Mattie here around campus, alright? He's a freshman; we don't need him getting lost."

Good-naturedly, Cappie put a hand in the middle of Matt's back and pushed him forward. The shorter guy stumbled for a moment, but he made it over to Rusty nonetheless.

Rusty gave the new guy an once-over, curious. Matt was even shorter than him, and he had extremely pale skin. He reminded Rusty of himself when he pledged Kappa Tau: scrawny, short, nervous and under spoken. He felt sympathetic.

Realizing Rusty hadn't answered him, Cappie cleared his throat to get the other guy's attention.

"That goin' to be a problem, Spitter?"

He gave Spitter his 'corporate' look, the one that he used when asking an underclassmen a question. He looked like a boss asking a employee if the paperwork was finished, when he knew the paperwork damn well better be finished.

Snapping himself out of his self-induced assessment of the new guy, Rusty shook his head and grinned happily at his frat brother.

"No, not a problem. I didn't have classes this afternoon anyway."

Cappie nodded, apparently satisfied.

"Great. I'll leave him to you then."

He gave the pair an once-over and grinned to himself.

"Looks like you'll get along great." With that, he left the room, apparently off on some self-appointed mission.

Turning his attention back to the guy in front of him, Rusty smiled. He extended a friendly hand as the rest of the guys dispersed, apparently returning to whatever they were doing before Cappie the meeting.

"Hey, I'm Rusty."

Matt regarded the outstretched hand for a moment before returning the gesture. He smiled too, albeit somewhat cynically.

"Matt. Good to meet you, Rusty."

Rusty took his hand back, distracted for a moment. He couldn't help noticing how small Matt's hands were. Then again, he thought as he looked down at his own hand, he wasn't the most masculine guy either. Realizing he was being rude, he shook himself out of his reverie.

"So where to? I mean, where should we start the tour at?"

Matt seemed to think about it for a moment, before breaking into a small grin. It seemed he was pleased to make a friend so soon.

"Know a good coffee joint?"

Author's Note: Yay, people want to read it! Whoo-hoo! And look, I got the first chapter up before Sunday (hint hint). Yes, I know it's short. But most of my first chapters are. Anyways, please R&R.