The Dark Rose

Chapter 1

Thank you to all the reviews; sorry for it being a bit underdone, I was more focused on getting it out than quality. Hope you like the redone version.


She sat on a high branch of a tree overlooking the scene in the village below her, the humans were oblivious to her presence. Many, more than likely had heard of her as 'The Dark Rose.' She liked the name so she accepted it since it seemed to suit her.

She was observing the village because she was searching for her latest target, a kitsune hanyou by the name of Sakura.

Her human father wanted her dead. The dark rose always made a point to find out the history of her targets and clients. This particular client was a man of high standing in the village she overlooked; he had had an affair with a local kitsune bitch youkai. When she had become pregnant, he had dropped her; though she had kept the hanyou child.

That had been 15 years ago. The kitsune and her daughter had recently approached him asking for aid and for him to claim his daughter as his own. He had taken one look at the pair and turned them out. Soon after he had sought out an assassin to "get rid of the trash" as he put it.

She had been traveling threw the area when she heard of this and sought the man out and cornered him in a dark alley. He had promised to pay her after the deed was done and he was presented with the hanyou's head. She had insisted on half now half later.

He haggled it down to ¼ now and ¾ later, and that was only after she had growled and made a show of fangs. She had agreed since she did not like to argue with humans, really it was a waste of time since they were so easily killed. After he had given her the gold she had disappeared into the shadows.

The dark Rose's nose flared trying to catch the scent of the hanyou with her youkai sense of smell. She found it.

The hanyou, Sakura, was close but not in the village, she was in the forest, probably watching the village, as the assassin was though for different reasons.

The assassin decided to call it a night. She knew Sakura was in the forest so she didn't worry she would pick up the scent after the dark rose had some rest. She jumped from the tree with silent grace causing her cape to flare slightly and entered the village, seeking the inn, her face unseen by any who happened to look at her, for it was covered with the hood of her midnight black cloak.

She quickly located the inn and approached it and walked to the innkeeper, who stood at the bar and placed a bag of gold on the counter between them, the inn keeper looked very nervous but eyed the bag hungrily.

"I require a room, the best you have," the dark rose said in a voice devoid of all emotion.

"Uh, um.yes ma'am, follow me," as soon as he said this she handed him the bag of gold with a clawed hand which he eyed wearily though he took the gold willingly enough, they always did, she thought to herself.

He lead the way to the finest room of the house, it had many silken pillows lining the floor along with a low table for eating and a futon in the corner of the finest quality.

Across the room was another door which led to a bathing room. She nodded to the innkeeper and stepped inside, sliding the door closed behind her, very nearly in the man's face.

She immediately put a barrier around the room no-one could enter with out her express permission, as soon as the room was secure she removed her cloak to reveal her hair, pointed ears and youkai facial markings.

Her eyes, though dead of emotion were the brightest emerald green. Her silky hair was a glistening black and when it was down went all the way to her hips, however at this moment it was in a braid which still reached the middle of her back; on her face she had four blue, two on each side. She folded her cloak and placed it in a corner near the door for easy access. Under her cloak she wore a black kimono of the finest silk, lined in silver with a silver dragon decorating it.

She walked to the door of the bathing room and slid open the curtain and stepped inside. She quickly removed her kimono and folded it neatly in a corner. She then settled herself into the hot water and started washing herself letting her mind drift to her earlier days, when her parents were still alive.


"Kagome come back here its time for your bath," yelled a beautiful inuyoukai in human form at her young five year old daughter who had just run from her bath. The young inuyoukai cub ran from her mother's grasp and unknowing right into her father's strong arms. Who grabbed his cub and picked up a squealing Kagome.

"Let me down daddy! I don't want a bath!"

"No little one, it's time for your bath!"

He then carried his wiggling daughter to his waiting mate who was already in the bath. The inuyoukai then handed the 5 year old pup to his mother's waiting arms.

End Flashback

The Dark Rose was brought out of her pleasant memories by a knock on screen door to the room. She quickly got out of the bath and put a robe that was in the room for use for just this purpose and her cloak and slid open the door just enough to see the young human servant girl standing outside her door. She had black hair and wore an orange and white kimono and had an innocent look on her face.

"What do you need girl," asked the dark rose in a musical but serious voice through the door."

"The master of the house wants to know if you would like dinner brought to you."

"Very well but tell me girl what is your name?"

"It is Rin, ma'am."

"Then I want you to bring my food."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

The young girl then skipped back down the hall. She then closed the door and sat down on the pillows and took a scroll from her pack, unrolled it and proceeded to examine it. Soon there was another knock on the door.

She rolled up the scroll as she checked the aura of the one knocking, confirming it was the little girl Rin let the barrier down just enough for the young girl to come in.

"Okay come in."

The door slid open and Rin walked in carrying a tray of Oden and tea along with a cup. The young girl came in and slid a small table in front of the dark rose and placed the tray on it.

"Will there be anything else ma'am?"

The older woman placed two gold coins in the girls pocket then said, "No you may leave."

Dismissed, the girl skipped out of the room, closing the door behind her. The dark rose immediately replaced the barrier. Once it was replaced, she removed her hood, stood up removed her outer cloak, folding it up and placing it next to where she sat. She then sat down and started to eat the oden on the tray, this was good she thought, almost as good as her mother used to make.


"Oden yeah," yelled a very excited inuyoukai pup named Kagome. She sat at a low table waiting for her mother to serve her favorite meal. Her mother smiled as she placed a bowl of oden in front of the young pup. Kagome practically inhaled it before her mother could reprimand her about her bad manners.

End Flashback

The older Kagome finished her oden then the tea and stood up; going to the futon and lay down, closing her eyes and fell into a light sleep.

Meanwhile a few miles from the village where the black rose slept, another assassin set up camp for the night. He had been tracking his quarry all day and knew she was but a few miles a head of him, he smirked yes his current employer had given him a good amount of gold in pre payment to for him track down and kill another assassin, called the Dark Rose.

He, the Killing Perfection, would have no problem with a female assassin since they were inferior to the males.