Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does.

A.N. - This is my first fanfiction; so I would definitely appreciate some constructive criticism. Please Review!!

I sat with Edward on his bed, thinking about this weekend. I really hated it when Edward left me. But this was a necessity, I knew it every time I looked into his onyx eyes. So while Edward went hunting this weekend with most of his family, I would stay with Jasper. Unlike Edward I trusted Jasper's control.

His velvet voice shattered my thoughts. "Bella, what are you thinking?" Edward whispered in my ear. His cool breath teasing my skin. "Just about this weekend." His beautiful face turned pained. "I know I hate being away from you too. But don't worry, I'll be home soon. It's just three days. Plus Jasper will take good care of you." I put my hand on his cheek. "I know. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"Edward, lets go!" Alice commanded from down stairs. With my hand still on his cheek, I looked into his eyes. "Everything is going to be fine. Come on, they're waiting." I started to get up, but before I could make sense of things Edward was on top of me, his face inches from mine. "You didn't think that you could get away that fast, did you?" He said seductively. Before I could answer him his lips were on mine. My lips responded, moving with his. He deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to keep us together, knowing that he would end it, just like he always did. He stiffened when my lips became more urgent. Knowing where this was going, he pulled away.

"Bella..." He said breathlessly. "You know we can't. I could hurt you." I frowned as he unwrapped my arms from his neck. "I don't think you would ever hurt me." I said in rebellion. "I would never purposely hurt you." He said softly. " And you know that." With that he got off me and stood next to the bed. "Come on, Bells." He held his hand out.

I sat up and took his hand. We walked hand and hand down the stairs. "About time Edward!" Alice complained. I laughed, it was funny to watch Alice when she was impatient. When we made it to the door I turned to Edward. He looked at me, his face full of worry. "I'll be home in three days. If you need anything just call me, ok? Jasper will take good care of you. Right Jasper?" I looked over to see Jasper next to Alice, his arm around her. He smiled. "Yes Edward, she will be perfectly fine with me." With that Edward took my face in his hands so I was looking at him. "I love you. I'll see you soon." He kissed me good-bye. Then he disappeared, with the rest of his family, running at vampire speed into the night.

I turned toward Jasper. He smiled shyly. " So, Jasper what do you want to do?" I smiled back.