I don't own the WWE, or the statue in this story. If I did then well, it would be wierd.

Location: Florida, in John Cena's home.
Time: 5:00 in the afternoon.
Day: Friday

John sat down on his comfortable sofa, watching the Boston Red Sox play their game while he drank his beer. He sets his drink down on the coffee table, and sits back into his sofa and relaxed. The sun was peering in from his window blinds, and the light rays spewed down on his floor. He noticed there was a glare on the television, so he went to close the blinds and he sat back down. The game cut to a commercial, and he was able to take a bathroom break. He stood up and walked to his bathroom, as he stood over the toilet, his house phone began to ring. 'Damn it', he said as he zipped up his pants and went to the phone.

"Hello, this is John."

"Hey there Champ, how are you doing?" It was his father John sr.

"I'm doing great dad, just finally relaxing a bit around the house."

"Oh really, that's' good son. I wanted you to know that your aunt Susan was planning to send you a gift. Well, she already sent it, and she didn't tell me what it was. Your mother did say something about a statue."

"A statue of me?" Cena wanted to laugh.

"No, not a statue of you, don't get cocky now. Just call me once you get it, alright?"

"Sure thing dad, I'll call you later, bye." He hung up and went back to the restroom to start what he needed to finish. When he finished he flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He looked into the mirror and stared at his black eye. He frowned a little, remembering that Randy had punched him in the face. John stepped out of the restroom, and walked back to see his television. Boston Red Sox were winning and he clapped his hands to support his team. The time flew by and it was now seven in the afternoon, he decided to turn on his light near the front door. John spent the remainder of his night watching television and films, what else could you do when you live alone?

Location: John's bed.
Time: 8:34 in the morning.
Day: Saturday.

Someone was ringing his doorbell, and it took Cena a couple of seconds to reach the door and open it. A UPS man held a box the size of a German shepherd.

"You must be Mr.Cena, please sign here" The UPS guy said and handed John the tablet.

John looked at the box and squinted his eyes.

"It's kind of heavy, wonder what it is," the guy questioned.

"It's probably that statue my father was talking about. It is a gift for me from my aunt."

"She must really love you then. Is it a statue of you?"

"That's what I'm wondering too."

John gave back the tablet to the man, and grabbed the box and headed back inside his home. He placed it down on the kitchen floor and crossed his arms, deciding if it should be opened. With a sigh, he got his knife and opened the box's flaps. He looked inside and saw a statue of what seemed to be a demon. John took a hold of the statue, and placed it beside him. The statue was stone, and the demon had fangs and his right first was parallel to his shoulder and his left down at his side. Not to mention the wings that sprout from its back.

"What in the world is this?" John Cena stood up and looked down at the statue that seemed to be glaring at him. He didn't pay no mind to it and thought if he should send a Thank You letter to his aunt. He called up his dad and waited for him to answer.

"Hello John, how are you this morning"

"I got my gift."

"What is it?"

"A statue just like mom said."

"What is of, I hope it's not of you."

"It's of a demon. A demon with wings, and fangs, and a scary face to it. Why would aunt send me this crap?"

"I have no idea, but that doesn't seem like a nice gift at all. Trash it and just say thank you to her." John Cena sr. said.

"I'll see what I should do with it."

Author's notes: I like how this is going; hopefully I'll get more into it. I know it's a bit slow at first, but hang in there. If you can guess where I got the statue idea from, then you are amazing.