By time the ceremony was over, the stars outside were shinning. Edward dragged Bella outside, to the soft music they had there first dance. After everything, the dances, the toasts, and food, that was left untouched on Edwards plate, Bella and Edward left the park and went to the house. They went up the stairs and into Edward's bedroom.

"Are you sure you want to this?" Edward asked.

"Edward, you promised." Bella said.

Edward smiled and took her in his arms, then kissed her passionately. Bella returned the kiss. He picked her up with just one arm and gently laid her on the bed. Edward slowly undressed her, as well as himself, using as much self control as he could. The night of their wedding, Bella and Edward had expressed their love for each other, in a way that neither of them has ever done before. Just as they were finished making love to each other, Edward sunk his teeth into her, right above the heart. That way it would reach it sooner and it would less painful for her. Bella screamed, it was not out of pain, but out of ecstasy. The sensation ran through her veins and into her heart, she felt nothing but love, not the pain everyone had told her about. Her screaming stopped and she fell silent and still.

Edward pulled his teeth out and sucked the venom out, but kept just enough to change her.

When he finished, he leaned into her ear, and whispered. "It's over."

Bella didn't move for a moment. She felt all her scenes growing stronger and she felt a hunger growing in her stomach, not for food, but for blood. Bella opened her eyes.

"That was amazing." Bella finally said. She wrapped her arms around Edward. Thank you so much, I love you."

"I love you too, Bella, I truly can not wait to spend the rest of forever with you."

A bond has just been formed between the two of them. A bond of love that would keep them together and with that bond they could face any challenge that comes there way. They were together forever!

The End!

Thank you to everyone that has read this story and a special thanks to everyone who has reviewed, I love to hear what you think, GOOD or BAD!

And Now for a very special thanks to Nancy Beth Lawter, she has helped me so much with this story.

A/N: If you are into stories such as Harry Potter and Twilight, then you will love The Amulet by: Nancy Beth Lawter. It is an amazing book, so I want everyone to go out and read it!
