Here's just a little drabble I wrote the other day... Can you tell my English class was just in our Shakespeare unit?

Disclaimer: Clearly, I really do not own the TMNT, which entails (of course) Casey and April. Also I do not own anything italix which is Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream dialouge. If you're curious to know which act it's from, feel free to ask me!


"Welcome, good Robin.

See'st thou this sweet sight?"

Casey made a face. "Yo babe, why does Oberon call Robin things like good fellow an' stuff like that?"

April rolled her eyes. They would be done with this act by now if Casey would stop asking her stupid questions. "Well, Robin and Oberon are good friends…"

"So they're not like each others' love partners or somethin'?"

"Casey, don't worry about it and just read your lines," April said sighing. April volunteered to act in a Shakespeare production as Titania, the fairy queen. She asked Casey to come over to help her with her lines…That was a big mistake.

Casey continued:

"Her dotage now I do begin to pity:

For, meeting her of late behind the wood,

But first I will release the fairy queen.

Be as thou wast wont to be;

See as thou wast wont to see:

Dian's butt- I mean- bud o'er Cupid's flower

Hath such force and blessed power.

Now, my Titania; wake you, my sweet queen."

"'Dotage' is the weirdest word, I've ever heard," Casey commented.

"Oh, I've seen odder," April replied, dryly. Next time she would ask Don to practice with her instead.

April delivered her lines:

"My Oberon! what visions have I seen!

Methought I was enamour'd of an ass."

Hmm, how fitting, April thought. She glanced at Casey who had his face scrunched up, trying to understand what they both had just read.

She definitely was 'enamored' with an 'ass', but she would keep her lovely 'ass'. April leaned over and gave Casey a peck on his cheek. She ignored the surprised look he gave her.

She thought out loud:

"Methinks I am enamour'd of an ass.

My lovely ass I do adore thee…"


I am enamoured of thy fair reviews!... In other words, I am quite fond of reviews...Hint! Hint!