Part Deux ;D

"Uuuuuuh…" Katara gargled, her face bright red, and not from the heat of the fire. Zuko's eyes were wide as they bore into hers…

"You're on top of me." He states loudly, killing the mood.

"RIGHT! Yes!" And she leaps off him, straightening her Water Tribe robe and touching her pink cheeks.

Zuko sat up, watching her with a raised eyebrow.

What the hell just happened?! They thought in unison.

"I still hate you." Katara said suddenly.


"Do you always have to be so rude?"

"Do you always have to ask questions?"

"Why shouldn't I?"


They turned away from each other and folded their arms. The atmosphere was as heated as the blood pulsing through their veins.

"So…" Zuko said, "We're gonna be stuck in here for a long time aren't we?"

"Now whose asking questions?"
"Still you." He pointed out, rolling his eyes.

"SHH!" She hissed wildly, "...Did you hear that?"

"Is this supposed to be changing the subject? By the way, that was another question you just asked-"

"SHH!" She repeated, slapping his arm as she cupped her ear, "Can't you hear that?"



"It's Appa!" She shrieked in delight, looking up to the ceiling as if she could see the Air Bison slicing through the sky towards her. Zuko looked at her, seriously considering if she'd bumped her head after her little stunt.

"You know, that dumb Teddy Bear can't save you every timeyou get in a pickle." He pointed out, "As much as you want to believe it…"

She just maintained that posture, leaning upwards, hand cupping ear, bright smile as she waited for Appa to smash through the roof with the rest of the GAang.

"…Seriously- not coming."

She snapped out of it, and glared at him disdainfully.

"You know, yo-"

"If this is going to be yet another tantrum, I'm pretty much OK with giving it a miss." Zuko assured her, dusting off his clothes with disinterest and getting to his feet.

Katara watched as his muscles flexed, her mouth hanging down ever so slightly. Unfortunately Zuko caught her watching and raised an eyebrow. However, Katara's attention span was engaged, so to speak so what did she do? Yup. Kept on oggling.

Not being able to resist any longer, Zuko reached forward and used the side of his finger to push her chin up so it closed her mouth. She leapt back, raising her arms and her hair practically standing on end.

"Stay…AWAY from me!" She threatened. Zuko suppressed a snigger.

"Caught you looking." He teased dryly.

"You really didn't." She denied, looking away, her warrior stance forgotten out of shame.

"Why, because that Stick of an Avatar is so much buffer than me?"

"Why do you care?" She challenged, turning to face him, her eyes blazing.

"I…I don't." The tables had turned; Zuko found himself spluttering like an idiot. Katara smirked.

They couldn't fight for much longer…

But still, they continued. I mean, the directors would be PISSED!

So they decided to resort to the basics, I'm afraid.

"You're so shrill, a Moose Puppy couldn't hear you." Zuko shot, and Katara gladly replied:

"You've got a face only your mother could love!"

"Huh! Well at least I don't have permanent PMS!" He spat, as they began to circle, like wild wolves, going back to their instincts, their primitive states…rawr…

"You could've fooled me!" Katara retorted, "You stamped your foot like a school girl every time Aang outsmarted you!"

The insults grew shorter, quicker (and less inspired) as they were fired back and forth like bullets.





"You're Nickolodeon's answer to Godzilla!" Zuko yelled.

"You're Nickolodeon's answer to Harry Potter!" Katara shrieked.

Zuko scowled and stepped closer, hoping to intimidate her, but she stood her ground, looking up at him as her eyes shone with rage.

"All you care about is bossing people about!"

"All you care about is the Avatar!" She hissed.

"Oh that's rich! As if you don't!" Zuko scoffed.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!"

"I know one thing." He growled, placing a hand at the small of her back and pressing her against him. (ooh er) Katara squeaked as she slowly raised her head until their noses bumped. His hot breath mingled with hers as they breathed heavily.

And, obviously, they kissed. (Hallelujah Chorus)

It was fiery, it was passionate, it was everything in the ingredients of a Zutarian Kiss. All the bending in the world could not pry them apart. They were one, they were beautiful, they were reckless.

They were Zuko and Katara, possibly the most popular pairing in Avatar.

But- due to silly things like, oh, I don't know, breathing-they separated, and tried to work out how they got to this stage.

"You know…one thing?" Katara prompted in a small voice.

"Yeah," Zuko breathed, as his golden eyes melted into hers, "That's probably the one way on earth to get you to shut up."

And he had a point.


The End


Hope I didn't insult anyone :D