Well, ladies and gentlemen and variations there of. This is it. The finally chapter of my Companion Chronicles. Thank you so much for reading til now, I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy reading this final chapter and please let me know what you think of my series as a whole :). I hope to see you in my other projects! Take care, and thanks again.

Loki x

PS: This chapters is written Daisy - The Doctor - Daisy


Who did they think they were? Stupid little humans. I had seen them come in with my own eyes, whilst I was fighting the trainees. I had no idea what they were going on about, kidnappings and disappearances. I just wanted to fight, to train, to be the best. Well, I was the best. But I wanted to be better than that. I had heard the Inanis talking. They were thinking of hiring me themselves, for special cases. I liked that thought. The power it would wield, keeping the whole of time and space in check. Some people might have thought of the job as an assassin. I thought of it as a vigilante, a protector.

I was unstoppable. I had to stop myself from laughing as they dared to take me on, thinking mere numbers would make up for their lack of skill. But laughing wouldn't look good, not for my potential employers. The blonde girl stared at me, absolutely terrified. She seemed to know she was about to die. As I fixed on her eyes I felt a sudden pull, deep inside of me. I instantly snatched them away, putting my helmet back on. I didn't like the way looking at her made me feel.

The strongest man there, what I had seen in my mind told me so, was merely a ghost, clinging on for dear life. Pointless. Another person might have pitied him. But he disgusted me. I had no sympathy for people who thought 'oh woe is me, how horrible my life is'. That look in his eyes, that glint. That's what it said to me. So selfish, thinking about nothing but himself. It was people like that I wanted to destroy.

"Daisy! Can't you hear me?! Don't you understand?" it was the blonde girl.

Daisy, who was this Daisy? The name rang a bell. Maybe my king had mentioned her to me in passing. I never really paid attention during our encounters. These people weren't even trying. They aimed and fired, but their hearts weren't in it. They couldn't bear to look at me. I could see them shake, their eyes full of fear every time they tried to hit me and it just made me angrier. Normally all I needed was myself to win these battles. My 'unique abilities' as Periculum told me I just used to read people, find out their plans. It was only when I was livid that I used them as an assault.

"Stop talking. You're not even trying. It's pathetic!" I shot at her.

I simply held out my hand and a dart flew towards her. Perfect hit, got her in the chest. Her eyes widened in surprise, and must to my distaste; she started crying as she fell. She wouldn't last long. I could sense her trying to fight back, struggle against the darkness that enveloped her. Courage gained some respect, even from me. It was often all people had.

"Rose!" it was the red-haired woman. She had been useless, just circling around with nowhere to go. She glared at me, "How could you do that?! How could you do that to her?!"

I gave a slight smirk as she threw accusations at me, telling me I was a monster. Then she looked at me strangely, focusing on that band around my wrist, with it's black diamond, and she too started fighting back tears. Ugh. Weakness annoyed me. She had promise too.

"Let it lie woman. There's no room here for vulnerability. You've got a fighting spirit. You could do well with us."

"I would never, never join you!" cried the woman.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Well, I'd given her a chance. That was pleasant of me. A little more pleasant than I would like. She ran over, kneeling by her friend, trying to shake her, wake her up, and get some kind of response. I shook my head in despair. What a waste. Another dart. She went down, slumped across her friend.

Something in the air changed. The soldier-man, with the biggest weapons, his eyes went cold, lost all feeling. The old woman looked at me, just a look, a simple glance, and something in her reformed as well. She looked around at the others.

"We have to forget." said the old woman quietly. "She told us to. It's what she would want."

"They might still be alive! We'll get everyone back." The small woman. She was very optimistic, determined.

All of a sudden, I was assaulted on all sides. Heat shot through my body, just above my knee. I was stunned, it actually hurt. A neat round hole, from a laser bullet. It was the soldier man. The mountain of a man ran forward and grabbed me around the waist, the momentum threw me backwards and we crashed to the floor. I snarled, enraged, and with my arm knocked him clean across the arena. The small woman hurried to him, checking pulses and response.

"He's not dead!" she told the others. "Come on, we can do this!"

They took full advantage as I tried to right myself. Bangs and burns spread through my body. I grinned at them, finally, now things would get more interesting. The woman who seemed to be some kind of medic was aiming a laser or something at me, but her hands were shaking as she did. She wouldn't fire. I held my hand out, she was hit and down.

It went on for a while. I have to admire their courage, after they went in to the zone. I could see they saw me as I saw them, obstructions to be overcome. Things seemed to move in slow motion; first I cut down the old woman with nothing but a backhand, then the scrawny girl and her friend. The Inanis were loving this, they clapped and cheered. King Periculum was pleased with me. He kept shooting a look at the man they called The Doctor. He was stricken, absolutely stricken.

I stopped for a breath, astounded that I had to do so. The only competition I had left was the soldier man and the shortest boy, Alex he seemed to be called. So much strength in such a lowly form was quite amiable. He was driven, stubborn, gritting his teeth. It was like he had a personal vendetta against me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?!" It was the man who wasn't a man. He rounded on me and I just looked him up and down. "You think killing everyone that cares about you is funny?!"

I stared at him. What on earth was he going on about? "Are you mad?" I looked around. The Inanis, Chief, Periculum, they were all there. "Everyone's perfectly fine."

"Listen to me. Daisy, I know you're still in there somewhere!" insisted this man.

"Daisy, who's Daisy?" I asked, getting bored.

"Just listen! There's no turning back from something like this! If you stop, we can save them, all of them, together!"

"Save who?" I was quite perplexed. No-one I knew needed saving.

Oh, sneaky. I saw in the corner of my eye, soldier man creeping up on me, weapon aimed. I spun around as he tried to shoot me in the chest, ducking under it and kicking him across the arena. He landed hard, with a solid smack. I smiled, maybe we could use him.

"I'm so sorry…"

It was the boy's voice. I frowned and turned around to face him, just in time for a artistically cut blade to slip in through my armour, I smirked, nothing could get through me…but this did, it went straight through the armour, and me. He pulled it out quickly and I stared at him, wide-eyed with shock. He was crying.

"Alex!!" shrieked The Doctor man. "Why did you do that?! We could have saved her!"

"That's what I'm doing!" argued Alex. "The antidote is on the blade! It was the only way passed the armour!"

I stared at Alex in disbelief. How had he worked that one out? I saw Daisy sink to her knees and I ran forward to catch her, but she fell right through me and landed in Alex's arms instead. Her helmet fell off, clattering to the ground. It was really her underneath all that. Flesh her. Right now it just looked like she was wearing a turtle-necked gold body suit. Everyone stopped clapping and cheering. You could hear a pin drop. Even Periculum looked uncharacteristically crushed.

"It should cure her in a few seconds." said Alex, looking shocked.

"Then…why has it stopped working?" I said quietly.

I was wrong. It had only half stopped. I looked down in horror, neatly just below the ribs, a straight gash was trickling…blood. Alex looked like he might have passed out.

"Oh, no! God no!"

Something quite amazing happened then. Like something building up, about to burst, heat spread through Daisy's body and she started glowing, a strange kind of purplish light that I recognised all too well. I stopped myself backing away from the glow that usually meant something bad. Then there was a bright flash, filling the whole room, purple shockwaves, more like ripples of water, spread out across the Great Hall. I had no idea what was happening, for once.

Her DNA must have been very corrupt. It seemed to leak out and I watched in astonishment as everywhere a beam of soft light touched, metal melted off people and ran down, revealing skin and bone, muscles and colour. People were getting themselves back. Blonde, redheads, brunettes. Tall, short, skinny, stout. Their metal coats just fell away. She was passing on the antidote. I had no idea how, latent psychic energy? But it seemed so much more than that.

"I think…I think they're nanogenes." stuttered Alex.

In no time a lot of very confused people of all species and genders was standing in the hall. None more astounded than…Periculum. Now a tall, broad-shouldered, blonde-haired man. In front of the masses was Chief, tall, slim, black hair…I spun on my heel hopefully and sure enough, when the metal soldiers had been cured of their ailments, my friends slowly started twitching and moving, groaning and stretching. They picked themselves up, Hal and Grace struggled to their feet, and then helped up Blake. Donna and Rose supported each other and stood, Martha helped up Sarah-Jane and they both leant a hand to Jack.

It was a miracle. I'm sure there had to be some kind of scientific explanation, but for once I didn't want to find it out. I'd take miracles where they came. The hall filled with excited chatter and murmuring. The Inanis were incredulous, I could tell from their faces.

They rounded up some kind of energy bolts and threw them out in to the crowd, hither and thither. But they just rebounded off a kind of shield and they roared with anger, ducking and staring, their eyes full of menace. Then I suddenly remembered, Daisy! I hurried over to her, but Alex was unmoving, numb.

"She's…going cold…" he croaked.

No, no, no. We couldn't lose her. Not now. Not now! Not after everything! The Inanis cackled as they saw the sorry state that the poor girl was in. Her plait fell behind her, laced with tiny bits of gold. Her skin was definitely skin, but it was pale. Her t-shirt was ripped across one shoulder, her jeans had gashes in them and her jacket was being stained crimson.

"What's happening?! This should have worked! Why isn't it working?!" cried Alex. "Why won't they heal her?!"

I had forgotten until then, the presence of anyone else. The crowd had fallen silent but a rush of wind and footsteps alerted me to the presence of someone by my shoulder. It was Rose. On my other side was Donna; behind them were Jack, Martha and Sarah-Jane. Rose didn't seem to notice I existed and she knelt over her sister, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Daisy, Daisy? Can you hear me?" she whispered.

Alex sacrificed his position so Rose could hold the girl, and faded back in to the crowd, next to Grace and Hal. Blake put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"No reason for us to hang around." said the head Inanis. "The universe always rights itself, no matter what upsets the balance."

"What do you mean!?" I roared, "How is this right?!"

"As long as she doesn't come back, neither can you." He smirked. "But we'll be back. Oh, we'll be back."

They disappeared. They'd wreaked all this havoc, and they had just high-tailed it. I was furious. The purple light faded and everything was back to normal. As normal as it could be. Rose was kneeling down by Daisy, rocking her, hugging her, whispering to her. The crowd parted, making way for Periculum and Chief. They didn't come too near us, but stood in clear view of Rose and Daisy as my other friends cried and tried to comfort each other. I thought he was going to fly in to a rage, but his arrogance had seeped out of him with his metal shell. Instead, he took off his crown and walked forward, placing it next to Daisy. He reached out to touch her face, but stopped and pulled back. Chief went ahead of him, laying a sword next to the crown.

"I never wanted this to really happen." whispered Periculum. "I don't know how I'll ever forgive myself."

He picked up the sword and passed it to a shocked Rose, then knelt in front of her, removing his cloak. She stared at him long and hard. Before throwing it aside and glaring at him.

"If I kill you, what did my sister die for?" her voice was painfully quiet.

"She saved us. All of us." It was Chief.

He seemed to hold so much more authority than his liege now. A quiet authority, peaceful, that I admired. He placed a hand on Periculum's shoulder as his king stood up, astounded. All he'd known for…he couldn't remember anything else but fighting and ruling. Now the closest relative of a girl he'd killed, was letting him go? I've never respected Rose more.

"We'll see to it that everyone gets back safe and well to home and families." He looked at Daisy and I recognised an affection I hadn't spotted before. Daisy seemed to have that effect on people. "And we'll do it in her name."

After some co-operation arrangements were made and ever so slowly the Great Hall cleared of former soldiers, UNIT and the people called from Blake's school all left. Hal, Grace and Blake began to walk away, and realised Alex wasn't with them. He was stood their, staring.

"Alex. Come on lad." said Blake kindly.

Alex walked forward to us and met Rose's gaze. He'd made a mistake and he knew it, he blamed himself, though it wasn't his fault. "I don't think you'll believe me Miss Tyler. But I loved her. I really did." He walked forward and placed a single yellow tulip, with purple stripes, by her side.

He looked around at all of us once more, and went to join the others as they all teleported out. Rose watched them leave. It was just us once again me and my friends. All we ever could be.

"She was one hell of a girl." sighed Jack. "I don't blame him."

Rose looked up. I was suddenly reminded of a funeral, where people stepped forward to say a few words about the loved one they had just lost. Sarah-Jane was struggling to keep her voice under control.

"She would listen to me when no-one else was around. She knew all about my old age problems, my son and his friends. She never said anything, just heard me out." She recalled with a slight smile. "She kept me going."

"We used to meet each other in the middle of the night when we couldn't sleep." reminisced Martha. "We'd sit at the TARDIS doors and watch the universe go by." she smiled a little, though her voice was cracking. "She told me to have blue and silver for my wedding. Because it was classy. Like me…and she wanted to be a bridesmaid." they all shared a little laugh.

"I almost lost it a million times." mused Donna, "Wandering around with people that had guns and sonics, professional training, technology, insider alien info. I had nothing to bring to the table; she always said neither did she. But she also said I could talk anyone out of a tight spot or in to submission, that was my skill." Donna looked down, "Always cheered me up."

"I told her everything about myself and my family. I even told her a lot of things that would probably get me thrown out of Torchwood and her kept under 24 hour surveillance. Or upgraded to secret agent of something. But I knew I could trust her. She never let anything slip." Jack looked down. "Few years time, I reckon she could have been my boss."

We all stopped as Rose spoke. "She brought me in out of the rain. Whenever I would get lost, she found me. Whenever I had problems, she was always there. Like a second mother. She saved my life in more ways than one."

My god I had missed a lot. I didn't tell them what she had done for me. It was all she had done for them and more. She risked life and limb for me and she didn't even know me. It was like Periculum had said. We'd only been looking at the big picture. We missed the details, the behind-the-scenes. The jokes, the tears, the friendship and love.

"Why didn't it work?" I heard Donna whisper to Martha, out of Rose's hearing. "Why didn't the nanogenes find her, heal her?"

"It's like…they couldn't see her." agreed Martha solemnly. They both had tear streaks down their cheeks.

I surveyed the girl once more and froze as my eyes latched on to something. No. Couldn't be…could it? They all stared at me as I went right on threw them and stood over Rose and Daisy. I knew they were all wondering what I was doing. I whispered to Rose and she hesitated before nodding. Reluctantly, she didn't want to let go of Daisy, she took off her necklace and returned it to her sister. The others wondered what I was doing as I knelt down beside her. It was Martha that had given me the idea. Another detail. I didn't know if it would work. I wasn't really here, but I had to try.

I focused my mind and focused on Daisy. Her mind was a closed door, locked and bolted, cold and fading. I kept trying to push my way in. Slightly, inch by inch, the door opened. I was looking for something as her memories, her personality, her essence flowed through me. It was a beautiful bright presence, warm and comforting. It was just like the girl herself. The corners of my own mind, places and people I had locked away reached out to touch the light again, whenever I felt like I was drowning I was pulled out and along by this energy.

I opened doors both sides, bringing things back to life. It was a rush and I almost lost myself. No secrets between her mind and mine now. I didn't want to, it felt such a relief getting everything off my chest sharing it with someone, anyone, that I never wanted to stop, but I pulled away.

Back in the real world I felt like I had just stepped out of a warm shower. I stared hard at the lifeless form of Daisy, and the chain around her neck light up, all different colours. Then I focused on her wrist. The bracelet I had given her to suppress the extra brainwaves. The stone on it disappeared, and a small round gem appeared on her necklace. There were nine of them now.

With a gasp and in perfect timing, I fell down and Daisy sat up. I could feel the floor underneath my knees. I could feel the cold of the hall, I could feel the warmth of Daisy's arm next to my hand, and I could smell Rose's perfume. Then I did something I have wanted to do for a very, very long time.

He hugged me. I had no idea what was going on, I felt like I had just woken up after a long sleep, but I was rested, peaceful. He grabbed a hold of me and I clung to him, that's all I needed to know. The Doctor was back. He was back; he was solid next to me. I don't know how long I sat like that. I could feel the man's tears on my shoulder and his got the same treatment. I felt like something in me had been missing and now I had found it. It was amazing; a kind of buzzing around my system, glints of everyone in that hall with me flowed through me.

"Oh my god. Don't ever scare me like that again!" Rose flung her arms around me.

Taking it as a cue, I was suddenly swarmed by everyone else fighting to get close enough to hug me, I could sense them, parts of them that I hadn't physically felt before. Jack's hidden, emotional side, Martha's intelligence and desire to help, Sarah-Jane's motherly love for everyone and everything, Donna's compassion and Rose's courage. Like they were a part of me now. I think they were.

Using the handy little teleport devices they had been given by Blake, we headed back to the school to a hero's welcome. There was flowers and cake, we were bombarded by fans and congratulated by fully fledged Intergalactic Police Officers, UNIT members, Torchwood and thousands of people I didn't even know, thanking us for bringing back their loved ones safe and sound. It was a little overwhelming. When we had had a minute to ourselves, The Doctor had explained that because time and space was weird and never properly investigated the parts of him had somehow become parts of me too. The nanogenes hadn't found me because I only existed as much as he did. So we were kind of like each other, to a degree. Entwined. As well as that, I still had my strange little gift apparently. But I should be able to control it now. I hoped.

"So, you're stuck with me then." I grinned, "Well, part of me anyway."

"That's no bad thing. You know things about me now that warrant some kind of surveillance." He winked. "Thank you Daisy. Thank you for everything."

Another person appeared behind us, not daring to encroach. The Doctor saw who it was before me and smiled slightly. He ruffled my hair and excused himself as Alex came out on to the balcony. He didn't meet my eye, which gave me a chance to finally give him a once over. I was seeing him in a whole new light now. He had killed me to save me. That took guts.

"Daisy, I…I…I…" he stammered.

I threw him a bone. "I know."

I kissed him and at first he was surprised, but then he responded and held my hands. What a weird way to meet someone this had been. Talk about a round about route. But I was glad of my little detour.

"You know I'm not from here." I said finally.

"I know." He nodded.

"But find me. Somewhere, some time."

"I promise."

It was strange. The space ship that had seemed to big and scary to me at first was now full to bursting with all of us in it. One by one we went on a round trip, taking people back to where they belonged. First was Sarah-Jane, she was anxious about her son.

"Thanks for listening to me Daisy."

"Thanks for looking after me Sarah-Jane. Say hello to your son and his friends for me." I requested.

"Naturally." She looked at The Doctor. "Come and meet my son some time."

"I'd love to. Take care Sarah-Jane."

The others said their goodbyes and she was out of the door. Next stop was Cardiff, Jack's team would be furious that he had gone without warning again, as he told us.

"If you ever find yourself in need of a job." He offered, even though we knew I probably wouldn't be able to take it. "Take care Daisy."

"You too Jack. It's been fun." He kissed me on both cheeks. Very gentlemanly.

"Doctor. Drop by any time." He winked.

"I'll remember to not do that." answered The Doctor and Jack grinned.

Things were seeming more and more empty and I felt it way deep down, which was horrible really, but I decided to cling on to the good memories I had, instead of never seeing these people again. I'd met them, that was something.

"Remember Miss Martha, blue and silver!" I instructed.

She laughed and hugged me, "I'll think of you whenever I look at my album Miss Daisy." She turned to The Doctor. "Call me."

"I will." The Doctor grinned.

It was just The Doctor, Donna, Rose and me now. The main thing was getting us back to where we had come from. We figured the best solution was to go back to where we had come through the first time. It turned out to be a good solution. Almost as soon as we stepped out of the door, I felt a strange pull.

"I guess, this is us." Rose sounded as reluctant as me to leave.

"I guess it is." The Doctor agreed.

"I hate goodbyes." sighed Donna.

"Me too. But who knows what the cosmos'll do if we stay." I reminded her gently.

"She has a good point." Rose said quietly.

Donna and I simultaneously realised we should give them a moment and walked a little way down the alley. We leaned against the wall, just the two of us. I was glad for a few extra minutes with her. When The Doctor had done whatever he had done, I had seen the future. Or was it the past? I didn't like it, but I couldn't say a word.

"Oh, Donna. Before I forget."

I rummaged around my newly patched jeans, it was a look, and drew out a bottle of nail varnish, the same dark blue as the TARDIS. Donna had seen me wearing it and mentioned that she liked it. I'd also looped the chunky ring of mine she liked around it. I smiled at her and handed it over.

"It's not much. But I hope it brings you a smile."

She smiled at me, "You're a very sweet girl Daisy. I love it. Thank you."

She hugged me and I returned the gesture, although I only smiled to her face. I wanted to remember her. We were soon joined by The Doctor and a tearful Rose, but she wasn't crying. I let Donna go as I felt that pull getting ever so more urgent, however much I tried to get away. The Doctor stood in front of me.

"Well, Daisy. It's been quite something." He smiled.

I hugged him best I could, he was quite a bit taller than me. "Now, don't get erased from time and space again, ok mister? I have my A Levels to worry about!"

"I'll try." He grinned and let me down. "Don't get killed again, ok miss?"

"I'll try." I giggled.

"Goodbye Daisy." He said solemnly.
"Hasta mañana, Doc." I saluted and he gave the slightest grin. It suited him much better than that frown.

"Bye Donna. Take care." Rose hugged the woman.

"You too. It's been great. Sort of."

I took my sister's hand and we stepped backwards. She clung to me tightly, holding it together until the scene around us shifted and we were outside in our garden. I could feel how hard it had been for Rose to say goodbye again even without her shoulders shaking beside me.

The clock struck midnight on the 1st July 2023. Happy Birthday Daisy I thought as I held my sister tight. At least she wasn't standing alone this time. She had me. She'd always have me.