A/N: Hi there

A/N: Hi! It's been awhile but I guess none of you minded that right? Only 2 reviews for the last chapter made me a little unsure about this plot an all…….anyways….. here's another chapter….


It was raining, a rare occurrence in Traverse Town. The people were caught off guard by the pouring rain, all of them running back inside or to somewhere they could find shelter, all but a young boy. He liked the rain; he thought the rain could wash everything bad a person carried in their soul, he would let the rain wash him whole because he was no pure boy, far from it, he was a sinner.

He was different from most people that lived in the 3rd District, people who didn't care about others, hypocritical bastards that soiled the streets. He was a sinner, but at least he tried to be good, he helped the orphans to live a little better and he hoped they wouldn't become criminals like most of the poor.

The rain was coming down hard enough to hurt, reluctantly he went inside the little home, and just as he entered two of the youngest orphans hugged him.

"Big brother! You arrived! Why were you in the rain big brother?" The boy smiled.

"I like the rain."

"But you will get a cold." The little girl said that in a tone she thought was disapproving. The boy smiled even more at the cuteness of the girl.

"Oh but if I get a cold you two will take care of me won't you Olette?" The girl grinned and nodded.

"Of course big brother!"

"Right, go now; it's time for your bath." The little girl giggled and went away with the other child. The little boy Pence was born mute, he and Olette were always together just like brother and sister even though they weren't blood related.

The boy stood and watched them go away, and then he started to walk to the room he shared with the orphans. The house was very old and falling to pieces day by day, the halls were painted a dull grey color, since all the old orphanages had grey walls to keep the children calm, the grey was very worn from time, so was the carpet and the ceiling. They had no money for repairs and lived of the donations of the government, but the money they received was barely enough for food and medical supplies. Most children grew old here since nobody from this part of town cared enough to adopt and the people from the other districts didn't dare to enter Ansem's territory uninvited.

The boy entered his room; he lived there with 5 other orphans. The beds were all lined up to the walls, tree at each side of the room. There was a wardrobe full of clothes the orphans had to share, and a chest with some broken toys for them to play with. The boy had his own chest with clothes by his bed. "Ah, I didn't know you had arrived." A beautiful young woman appeared behind him.

"What? You want me to send a letter or something telling you I'm coming back?" The woman smiled sadly.

"Of course not, but you know the kids love you here, they miss you."

"I don't need a lecture Aerith; I'm old enough to do as I please."

"I know, it's just, I worry about you too you know. This city is dangerous enough as it is, and with that tyrant Ansem…"

"Don't say shit about him Aerith, he may be cruel and ruthless sometimes, but he's still my dad, he took me from this same orphanage when no one else wanted me. And besides, even though we have a few homeless here and there, at least there has been a lot less deaths over the past years."

"Don't start talking about him like he is the governor Sora! You know he is a monster. He made you his personal slave and treated you like dirt." Sora got angry after this, sure his dad was a little on the rough side, but he had a kind heart deep down.

"FINE! Say what you want, I'm going out." Just as he was about to get out of the room Aerith grabs his arm and stops him. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to upset you. You just got back; don't go away again, please." Sora looked at her with an unsure smile. "I'm sorry too, it's just…. It's been hard lately, I'll come back later." Aerith smiled again, without a trace of sadness left. "Okay, don't be late for dinner, I'll be making chicken tonight."

And with those words he went back outside, like most times he didn't have a clear path in his mind, he always went were his feet would take him. He found this walks very relaxing, even with the smoke of the cars clouding his vision and the smell of the sewers invading his nostrils.

Life in the 3rd District was not easy, the poor were constantly forgotten while the rich got even more power, Sora thought Governor Rufus Shinra was a bastard, he knew that if his dad was governor things would be a little different, a better different maybe, but a change was needed and soon, or this city would bleed out very fast.


He finally left the train yard, damn this big place he thought. Axel ignored all his questions completely; he just said he would know when the time arrived. A deep sense of dread filled Riku's mind as he followed Axel trough the maze of streets, he even could picture the people running about like rats trapped in a labyrinth trying to find the piece of cheese.

The part of town he was currently at, 2nd District Axel told him, was AVALANCHE's territory and the best place to live according to the redhead. He wasn't so sure, there were garbage everywhere and a few hobos that he could see.

"I don't get it, you say this is the best place to live in this town, but there's trash everywhere and people feeding of said trash, I mean, how could someone be happy here?" Axel looked at him a little angry and was about to yell at him when he remembered Riku was from Radiant Garden, a preppy place full of preppy people, so he couldn't blame him.

"Look, this place has its faults, sure, but we would be a lot better if we paid the douche governor a little extra for his services y'know. But we refuse to corrupt ourselves, therefore the governor neglects our part of town in retaliation."

"What? He can't do that, you should complain to someone who will fix things, take him out of office."

"It's not so easy as you think, anyways, I said this is the best place because we treat our people with dignity, we don't shit on them like the other clowns, especially Ansem… he is one insane fucker." Axel then looked behind him in Riku's direction. "Oh we're here."

Riku raised his head to get a better view of the building before him, 6 stories high, nice looking but not fancy. This must be their lookout, they probably live here too. Very unusual for a hideout, then again, maybe they don't want to hide.

They both stepped inside, the main hall was that of a hotel, furniture scattered all over the place. Riku didn't have much time to appreciate the place as Axel quickly dragged him to one of the elevators. Inside Axel pressed the button of the top floor. The ride was over quickly enough. They stepped out and Axel guided him to the door at the end of the hall, there was someone at the door, a bodyguard most likely.

"Hey there Barret, how are you in this fine day?" Axel shook hands with a very big man, muscular build, shaved head and a beard. That guy scared the shit out of him.

"Humph, I feel like crap you pyro, standing at this frickin' door all day."

"Well, next time you will learn not to upset the boss. Now, may I enter?"

"Sure, go on in."

The big man, Barret he remembered, opened the door for them. Just as he entered he was once again in shock, this was obviously the main room of the building, where the 'boss' as Axel called him was located. It was all very simple, cozy even, not what you would expect from a gang leader.

The walls were an olive green color, the carpet was of a pale red, and he didn't like it. There was no bed; instead there were a couple of desks and some big ass wardrobes, to stash weapons perhaps? Sitting at the largest desk was a spiky haired blond man, with a pair of deep blue eyes, from what he could see he was wearing some sort of army shirt. By his side was a tall man clad in leather pants and leather jacket, a brunet with a scowl on his face and a scar across his nose.

"Axel, who is this boy?" The blond man asked.

"Cloud, this is Riku. I found him on the train yard inside one of the cargo trains while I looking for… provisions. And since we are in need of more members, I brought him here." The man, Cloud, looked at Riku with distaste, Riku felt he was being examined from head to toe, he suddenly felt very shy, this man's gaze was very invasive.

"Fine, this kid seems a little strong, maybe with the proper training he could be useful to our cause. Let's test him." Axel nodded. "Sure thing."

"Wait, what? Tested? What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly like it sounds, you will fight someone and depending on your performance, you will be allowed in, but if you fail, well then you are all by yourself. Maybe you can try to join Xemnas' gang, I hear he is in need."

"Fight? But, who?" Axel grinned.

"You're going to clash swords to the one and only Flurry of Dancing Flames! The great, handsome and powerful Axel!" Shit, he was screwed.

To Be Continued…


A/N: Wow that was a big one huh? At least for me it was, I hope I get a lot of reviews because I tend to get discouraged easily and the reviews would help a lot

Until Next Time Folks!