Her eyes look over the black waters below, silently wondering how deep the ocean was that led to it's abyss

A/N-So here's a new fic that popped into my mind at work today. I don't really know what to say about it aside from read it and tell me if you like it or not. It's a little darker then my normal fics so be warned.


Her eyes look over the black waters below, silently wondering how deep the ocean was that led to its abyss. An abyss much like what her life had become; cold, dark and terrifying. It was for this reason that she now stood here, perched precariously on the railing of a desolate bridge. There was nothing, but silence around her and that was how she wanted it. She didn't want anyone to interfere. It had taken her awhile to finally work up the resolve to go through with what she had so often been thinking of these past few days.

It's the only way…

In the distance she heard the sound of a car approaching. She hoped with all her might that the driver wouldn't see her in the darkness of the night. She hung her head as she heard the car slow down and stop behind her. She refused to look back, hoping that if she ignored the person they would leave her alone. Soft footsteps drew nearer, but stopped a safe distance from the troubled woman. She waited for the person to say something, attempting to coax her down… but there was nothing. The silence ensued and it made her agitated. If this person wasn't willing to do anything, then why be there at all? Why not just leave?

For ten minutes they stayed stock still… neither moving nor making a sound. Finally it was too much for the already burdened woman to bear.

"What are you waiting for?" Her tone was cold and hard, but at the same time it wavered with unease and freight.

"I actually don't know. I think you would have to tell me." Was the reply from a low and surprisingly calm voice, given the situation.

"What?" She slowly turned her torso, an arm bracing her body against the support next to her so she wouldn't fall unintentionally. She looked at the road and found a young blonde man standing there, hands shoved in his pockets.

"Well you haven't done anything so I'm not sure what to expect?" The woman couldn't believe her ears. Here she was about to jump off a bridge, bringing an end to her pitiful existence and this man was toying with her.

"Is it not clear what I intend to do? Isn't that why you stopped? To watch me kill myself?" She asked in anger.

"Your intent does look clear, but I did not stop to watch. I stopped because I thought you might like help."

"Is that why you stopped almost ten feet away and made no sound or attempt to dissuade me?" She was confused by this blonde man and was curious as to his intention.

"I stopped this far away because I did not want to startle you into doing something rash. And I remained silent, because I wanted you to speak first… to tell me why?"

"Why what?"

"Why a beautiful woman would want to end her life of course?" The stranger took a tentative step forward towards the woman, taking in her appearance in the moonlight. She was indeed gorgeous. Her aqua hair fell in curls, resting on creamy white shoulders that matched her complexion. Her face was stained with tears, but even so it was more beautiful then any woman the stranger had ever seen before. He frowned though when he heard the woman before him scoff at his remark.

"What good is beauty? It doesn't matter… nothing matters." She turned back to the water frowning. She heard the gravel crunch under the man's feet and soon felt his presence next to her.

"There are many things that matter… you just have to find them." His voice was soft and comforting and for some reason she felt safe with him there. "Honestly though… what could have happened to bring you to such a place in your life that you would end it all with a simple step?"

"Why do you care?" Her voice was no longer harsh, but sad and defeated. "No one cares about me… not now anyways."

"Am I not allowed to care?"

"But you don't even know me?"

"I don't need to know you to know that you're feeling afraid and troubled right now… and that maybe you just need someone to talk to… to listen to what it is that's upset you so much. If you want to talk, then I will listen." Tears fell down her face again as she listened to the kind words of the stranger next to her. He sounded so truthful… as if he really did care about her.

She thought for a moment about everything. Was it so bad that this was the only way out? Did she have no other option? She was brought out of her pensiveness by the smooth voice again.

"Will you step down and think it over… please?" She turned slightly to see him standing there with his hand held out to her, and a kind hopeful look on his face, pleading her to go with him. She sighed and started to turn her body, to reach for the stranger's hand. She was almost there when her foot slipped on the metal railing. She hit her head against the support that she had been leaning against and fell unconscious as her body went over the railing towards the waters below.

The man lunged forward and managed to grasp her hand before she was too far gone. His body crashed against the railing painfully, knocking the air from his lungs, as he struggled to maintain a grip. However the dead weight was too much and she slipped from his hand and plummeted down. Without a seconds hesitation the blond haired man was over the railing, diving after her.

To be continued..?

A/N-We'll see what happens from here on in because I'm not sure myself and we all know that I'm not one for planning. I like to dive right in and see if anything good comes from it. Review if you wish for me to rack my brain for a way to continue this.