Title: Summer Heat

Title: Summer Heat

Fandom: Naruto

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: SasuNaru

Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg

Note: AU

Summary: Sequel to Innocence From Ashes. It's High Summer, and our beloved Hokage-sama has been so busy, that his prowling wolf is getting anxious. Sexually frustrated much?

Summer Heat

Sequel to Innocence From Ashes

Chapter 1

It had been an interesting month, and both Sasuke and Kyuubi had been watching the antics of their little fox kit with vast amusement. As anyone could have surmised, Naruto had been turning Konoha on its ear, making changes left and right. The head of the shinobi clans were safe, naturally. It was their task, after all, to govern the shinobi side of Fire Nation. And it didn't hurt that even the old school of them supported Naruto. But half the old council was out, all non shinobi; those hide bound old men were way behind the times, and contained the most hold outs that set up stumbling blocks for their new Hokage. Sure, they had indeed voted the demon in, but beyond that point, they could not go. And for a month, they lived and breathed to make the young man's life hell.

Especially Sfordanza; the fat fool that had been present at Kyuubi's attempted murder. He did not take well to being fired. The arrogant idiot actually had the audacity to lunge at Naruto in rage at his sudden 'retirement'. Before Sasuke could kill him, Sakura, who was never very far away from Naruto at any given moment and who was currently working as Naruto's superfluous personal guard, sporting her white fox mask, had shot forward even more quickly, and jack slapped the idiot into next week. By the time Shizune had finished treating the man for his injuries, every window of the ex council member's house had been mysteriously broken, and Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon had only smirked when they heard the news.

The man had tried to lead a revolt after this, but he was a very unpopular fellow, for all his power in the council. He had an unsavory interest in little girls, but his position and power had previously protected him. Thus, when the man mysteriously vanished, no one really was too upset, or surprised. But Kyuubi had been seen licking his claws later that night.

Not that Kyuubi licking his claws was anything out of the norm. How the fox loved to prowl the streets of Konoha, hissing and snarling, showing his long claws and fangs to all and sundry, and just generally terrorizing the city. Naruto was almost in despair, until Moegi took matters into her own hands. Whenever Kyuubi was being too, well, Kyuubi-ish, she would suddenly appear, tug hard on a velvety ear or bushy tail, and then Kyuubi would yelp in astonished affront, and chase the girl into the woods, conveniently forgetting whatever hapless fool he'd been not so subtly menacing.

This, naturally, gave Konohamaru a series of heart attacks, but he was not as fast as either the girl or the fox, and always lost them. But Moegi would turn up relatively unscathed every time, and he eventually began to relax. Especially when he came upon them, one dark evening, and found Moegi proudly perched on the fox's back, and Kyuubi had gamely given the exhausted girl a ride home from their activities in the woods.

For whatever reason, Kyuubi had formed an instant love/hate relationship with the girl. Probably because she reminded him so much of a younger Naruto. Once he chased her into the woods, they ended up sparring. Kyuubi, when cornered, simply said it was because he liked her red hair. Very fox like. But feel affection for a human? Never!

Iruka too suddenly found himself an object of Kyuubi's fascination. Whenever he would visit, he was subjected to sudden grooming, especially if the kids at the academy had been particularly rambunctious. In Kyuubi's eyes, he was the closest thing Naruto had to a mortal father, and the fox had dragged the man, literally kicking and screaming at first, into the family fold. Iruka had taken a very dim view of this at first. Kyuubi was his mortal enemy after all. Kyuubi was the source of all his childhood misery. But for Naruto's sake, he accepted the fox into their land, and though he hated every lick and nip, he endured them stoically, escaping as soon as possible. Someday the man would finally be able to tolerate the ex demon lord, but it was difficult, and would take a very long time.

Naruto's second act as Hokage had been… wait for it… to declare a national Ramen Appreciation Day. The only surprise anyone felt for this, was that it wasn't his first decree. And as ridiculous as many thought it, they supported it unilaterally. It was just so very… Narutoish, that even those that cared little or not at all for the salty dish, were comforted.

If for every Naruto there must be a Sasuke, well, for every Naruto there also had to be at least a dozen bowls of Ramen. And Naruto was comforted. Teuchi narrowly escaped being forced to become the head chef for the Hokage's entourage. Sasuke (and Kyuubi!) was forced to put his foot down. This, naturally, worked not at all, save to make Naruto even more intractable. But Sasuke was a wiser man, this time around. He finally persuaded his stubborn blonde that it was wrong, very wrong of Naruto to horde such magnificent talent all to himself. What would the rest of the world do? Could Naruto really be so selfish, so wicked as to deprive the world of the source of the best ramen in the world? And at this, Naruto almost tearfully crumbled. But the old man and his daughter consoled the new Hokage, by spiffing up Naruto's usual stool, printing his name in fancy gold ink upon the newly reupholstered cushion, and allowing no one but Naruto to sit there. They even had special bowls and chopsticks made just for him.

And again, Naruto was comforted.

But someone very near and dear to the blonde's heart was not comforted. In fact, it would be safe to assume that this particular man was so uncomfortable, as to become quite irritable. So irritable at times, that he was prone to growl at innocent passersby, and had been seen demolishing their personal training grounds.

Oh, and there was no more nonsense about calling it the Uchiha District, or the Uzumaki Compound. It was called by a variety of names. Sasuke and Naruto called it 'home'. Kiba called it the 'ultimate shinobi pad'. Most of those closest to the couple called it 'Naruto's place', or 'Sasuke's place', depending upon whom they were thinking or speaking of at the time. Almost everyone else simply called it 'There'. Always with a capital letter. Non shinobi people were convinced it was a death trap; and for the likes of them, it probably was. On the old maps, the word 'district' was crossed out, and hyphenated with 'Uzumaki'. If a stranger with said map were to be suicidal enough to ask for directions, he would ask for 'Uchiha-Uzumaki'.

But, 'nuff said about all that. Why was poor Sasuke Uchiha so irritable? So cranky and ill mannered to all and sundry, you ask? Well… since the night of Naruto's ascension, almost two whole months ago, Sasuke had yet to lay with his beautiful blonde Kitsune. Oh, the will was there, on both sides. But Naruto was very busy with the restructuring of Konoha and the Fire Nation, as was Sasuke with the duties that come with being a newly high ranked ANBU. The times they were both alone together, and not passed out with exhaustion, or inundating with tasks were few and far between. And those rare and precious moments when all the above criteria was met, it was as if some sort of evil conspiracy had appeared.

The first time Naruto had the wherewithal and energy to pounce Sasuke with naughty intent, he barely was able to yank his hand out of the Uchiha's pants before Shizune arrived with a batch of letters that absolutely, positively, and without a doubt and not a second to lose, had to be signed right now!

There was a moment there, despite how fond Naruto was of the woman, that the blonde wondered why in the hell hadn't Tsunade strangled her when she had the chance.

A week passed before Sasuke was able to pin the gorgeous fox against the wall of the Hokage's office, and actually managed to get most of Naruto's clothes off, when a report surfaced of a rogue band of predatory ninja coming their way. It seemed that the news of Kyuubi's latest attack on Konoha had inspired a rather precocious band of shinobi entrepreneurs that the time was ripe for yet another leader change.

Sasuke was so furious that none lived to tell the tale, and those ANBU that went with him to deal with this minor fracas ran away from his wildly spinning tomoe's. Beating a dozen foolish ninja to death with his bare hands simply wasn't enough to take the edge off, and his aura radiated with menacing chakra spikes. Sasuke came home alone, the others trailing behind at a safe distance, only to find that Naruto had fallen into an exhausted slumber. There were rather blood thirsty howls directed at the moon several times that night, and children trembled in their beds at the sound.

And so it went on and on, until Sasuke was ready to scream, and convinced the whole world was against him, and it was some deep laid plot to separate him once more from his precious dobe.

Yessir… Sasuke was ready to kill…

And his first victim would be his not so beloved chichiue. The irritating bundle of red fur had the gall to simply give him an evil smirk, and the enigmatic response of 'just wait, oh impatient cub'.

What the hell was that? When had his chichiue, his own father, for crying out loud, turned against him too?

To which, said wily fox refused to reply, and betook himself far away from his unstable little cub.


It was beginning to look as though if he ever wanted to make love with Naruto again, he would have to kidnap him once more. Half way through his desperate machinating thoughts, who should interrupt him but… Naruto himself.

Not one to let the grass grow beneath his sandals, or bare feet as the case currently was, Sasuke abandoned his nefarious plot to gleefully jump his unsuspecting dobe.

But though Naruto was willing enough, when Sasuke's hand slid up his belly enticingly, the blonde suddenly gave a yip of pain. Nonplussed, his excitement sputtering abruptly out, Sasuke gently palpitated that tender belly again. Once his instant lust had finally cleared, the Uchiha was dismayed to see that Naruto was pale, his customary tanned visage washed out, and he was moving slow.

It was the latter, more even than anything else, that alarmed Sasuke. Unless the dobe was hurt, or asleep, he never moved so slowly, so painfully. And the blonde's skin was cold and clammy.

Naruto suddenly fought him off, further scaring his mate, who refused to let go. And a second later, Naruto threw up all over him.

Since when did Naruto ever get sick? Suddenly terrified, Sasuke cleaned him up, tucked him into bed, and got a jar when he saw that Naruto's half closed eyes were gleaming red. He'd not had red eyes since Sasuke first made love to him in their enchanted little glade; when Kyuubi had surrendered his lordship to the blonde. Since that day, even the rare moments when Naruto 'demonized', his eyes always stayed blue. So why were they red now?

Not even bothering to bathe the last residues of vomit from his body, Sasuke dared leave his stricken mate only long enough to transport himself to the hospital, were he practically kidnapped Sakura.

Sakura, becoming as quickly alarmed as Sasuke once she saw the still, slightly huffing blonde with the glowing red eyes in their big bed, couldn't find anything wrong… he didn't have a virus, bacteria had not invaded his system. There were no injuries, no miniscule pinpricks denoting some drug, and he showed no traces of poison. Even Tsunade could not find anything wrong with the fox boy.

And the Byakkuugan was beyond them at the moment. Hinata had long ago returned to her husband's lands, and Neji was far away on a mission. Without a second thought, Sasuke sent out messages to both Hyuuga's; return immediately, Naruto is sick!

Gaara, regretfully enough, responded back that Hinata had just been discovered to be in the first stages of pregnancy. Not even for Naruto would the ex kazekage risk her well being by teleporting or, worse, traveling overland so far a distance. He did, however, arrive almost immediately with several of his best healers; who were as perplexed as the Konohan medics.

Nothing seemed wrong with Naruto; yet everything was wrong with him.

They would have to wait, until Neji returned.