Summery: The mighty vampire Alucard has just met his match & his mate, she thinks he's adorable, he thinks she's insane how will Hellsing cope with a mad 20 y.o Aussie Girl around, & what will Alucard do, love her or kill her? A/OC please be nice it's my first

Serious I have never done this before so please don't hurt me or I'll cry, also I don't own any Hellsing character or London, but if I had my choice I would own Alucard and keep him chained to my bed where I could ahem enough of that



Alucard was walking the streets bored and restless, he hadn't had any form of action lately and it was starting to get to him, he wanted to kill damn it, to maim and torture; instead everything was quiet, to fucking quiet in his mind. The sun was starting to rise, God how he hated the sun, "Smug bastard" he muttered then turned around and started the walk back to the Hellsing manor.

Later on in the week

It was on one of his walks looking for any form of action that he first felt it, a pull that he couldn't resist. He started walking faster and faster until he was running, then suddenly he knew he was there, standing in front of a large and seedy looking block of apartments, the pull stronger then before, and he could not stop the thought that what was going to happen tonight would change his life forever.

He started to rise up searching for whatever was causing the anomaly, and stopped at a window on the fourth floor, whatever it was it was like a siren calling to him, the call he knew would lead him into danger but it was too strong to resist (and he was looking forward to any form of danger) he stepped onto the balcony rails and looked inside the window, there he saw her.

A girl 19 or 20 he guessed, sitting on a couch watching television, she had shoulder length black hair, skin so pale he sould see the blue of her veins in her wrists, she had sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose, not many but enough that they were noticeable, he wondered what colour her eyes would be, moreover he wondered what she had to do with this feeling.

Alucard smiled, he had always hated waiting and preferred mysteries to be solved quickly, he wondered what her reaction would be if he just suddenly 'appeared' on the couch next to her, then he started to laugh softly to himself and decided to find out the answer to that question as well as the other strange question that ran through his mind, What colour are her eyes?

Alucard appeared suddenly and soundlessly on the couch next to her and smiled then chuckled, the girl whipped her head around and looked at him, 'Blue' he thought 'Her eyes are deep dark blue.'

She looked at him with wide innocent eyes and a big smile, and then she asked "Would you like to ride the washing machine?"

Alucard blinked unsure of what to say or do, here he was appearing out of thin air practically and the damned girl asks him if he wants to ride the washing machine.

He looked at her curiously and thought to himself I'm not going to ask, I'm not going to ask but then heard himself say "How do you ride a washing machine?"

She smiled brightly at him and he started to think that maybe she had a serious mental condition.

"Well it's easy what we do is get a top loader, you know one of those ones with the lifty lid on the top" and then damned if the girl didn't demonstrate with her hands how to lift a lid before continuing on "and then you get in and we turn it on and wheeeeeeee spin cycle, I am sooooo jealous I have always wanted to ride the washing machine" she finally paused for breath and looked up at him with a wide smile and blank eyes.

Alucard looked at the girl trying to place her accent, 'Australian' he thought and wondered what she was doing in England, a moment later he raised one eyebrow and gave, what he thought affectionately of as, his 'evil' grin and replied "Why don't you, ride the washing machine?"

She frowned and tilted her head to the ceiling before looking back at him "I always think I'm going to break it if I try so I don't" she sighed, a deep mournful sound that made him think she was being honest about that at least. Alucard had the sudden, insane urge to tell the girl what he was and wondered what she would say to that, then deciding it would be worth the risk just to see her reaction he looked at her and said "I'm a vampire."

She smiled held out her hand as if to shake and said "I'm a Catholic."

He blinked suddenly once again and repeated slowly in case it didn't register the first time "I.. am.. a.. blood.. sucking.. evil.. vampire."

Her smile held and she replied just as slowly "I.. am.. an.. Easter.. and.. Christmas.. Catholic."

Noting that what he was obviously hadn't gotten a reaction out of her Alucard finally decided enough was enough and got up, he loomed over her in a menacing fashion, and removed his glasses showing his red, evil looking eyes before saying "Why are you just sitting there calmly? Are you simple or just plain insane?"
Before stopping in shock as the girl plunged her hand straight up in the air narrowly missing him (damned reflexes slowed down when he stopped paying attention) waved her hand around saying "Oh, oh pick me, pick me, for the love of god pick me!"

"What!" Alucard snapped

"False." the girl said, and then she put her hand down and stared at him with that damned cheerful smile again.

Alucard growled deep within his throat, but instead of looking alarmed the girl just said in the most annoying baby voice he had ever heard "Awww, it wooks wike somebody needs a wittle nappy, hey cranky bum."

"Do you realise that I am 2 seconds away from draining you of you life's blood and snapping your neck!"

She pouted and tried to act sorry then muttered "I knew I should have picked true."

"That's not the point!" he yelled.

She looked at him with a perplexed expression "So it's false?"

Alucard's eyes went deep red and shadows started to gather around him, but still the girl looked confused.

He growled once more and thought about all the ways he could kill her, he'd wipe that fucking smile off her face once and for all, his hands started clenching together and he gritted his teeth, he felt his fangs start to grow and throb in anticipation of the blood lust and knew he had to leave or else he would kill the innocent (but stupid) girl, he glared at her fiercely once more and then disappeared as fast as he had appeared.

The girl lost her confused look and started to laugh, she laughed so hard tears ran down her cheeks, "Oh my god, oh my god I can't believe that worked" she gasped laughingly "I have still yet to meet a man or woman alive or dead who can handle my ramblings."
She started to laugh harder as she thought of the look on his face when she asked if he wanted to ride the washing machine 'God bless Family Guy, The Simpson's, Futurama and Southpark' she thought, suddenly she stopped laughing and started to wonder what the hell a real live (or dead) vampire was doing in her apartment and what the hell that could mean?
And why did his voice send delicious shivers through her body?
Was it the accent?
No she had been around a lot of English men and though she was a sucker for an accent, she never reacted that intensely before. She sat up straight suddenly realising she was hoping, almost praying she would she the mysterious vampire with the red coat and hat again, and soon.
Worse, since she had remembered what he was wearing she was now trying to imagine what he would look like without the hat, and coat, in fact she was trying to imagine him in nothing.

She wasn't laughing anymore.