You guys have the right to hate me :( Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm writing a novel. :D I love you guys. 3

(Hermione's POV)

I was shaking while packing. There was no bloody way I could stand being with Thorne for two bloody months! What the hell did they expect me to say when he asked why I had a wand? Was I supposed to act delusional? Draco wasn't going to like this.. no... not at all.

After Snape had come to talk to us, Draco wanted to know who the guy was, but I didn't answer, and so I just ran upstairs to our room and packed.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and I opened it slowly. Draco stood there, leaning against the doorframe. Guilt spread over me and I looked down, trying not to think about him or the baby or the project. There was something wrong with Draco, but I couldn't figure out what...

Of course, they said there was still a chance that the baby was still alive, but I was too scared to really concentrate and use my motherly powers to check. If there was no baby, then I would be crushed.

Draco sighed before kissing me full on the lips. I kissed him back, but then he was moaning. I watched him way unevenly as he tried to keep kissing me and I knew that he was drunk. I pushed him away, and walked back to my luggage.

"Her-Hermi-one." He slurred and I rolled my eyes. How easy for him to just get away from everything. Of course, I don't blame him for trying to get away from everything and everyone, because, secretly, I wanted to, also. But, until I knew for certain that I was going to be childless, I wasn't going to take the chance.

"Why you doing this? Are is you lea-leaving mwe?" He asked. Okay, so he was drunker then I expected, but no worries, he was going to pass out soon enough, and I could go sleep somewhere else so I didn't have to smell the alcohol stench on his clothes.

I packed three suitcases: one with clothes if I was pregnant, which I hoped I was, another for if I was unluckily not pregnant, and the third for Draco.

"Her-mio-nee. Don't leave me. I be-f good." Draco said, and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was when he was drunk. But then my eyes clouded over and I left the room, thinking of how he had cheated on me once before... during the project... last time he was drunk.

I closed the door quietly when he was asleep, and walked down the stairs, looking for an extra room.

I found the bathroom I had trashed when I saw Draco and Astoria together and, surprisingly, it was spotless.

I held my breath when I walked towards the room where everything happened: the cheatings, the hatred, ect.

I walked into the room and found it was empty of everything except for a bed. I lay on the bed, crying. There was no way I could hold it; I just let everything go.

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Lucius asked, walking in slowly. I wiped my tears and shook my head.

"Nothing, Luc. I'm fine." I said, and he walked cautiously towards me. I sat upright, and sighed, looking down at the clean sheets.

"Hermione, I know that you and Draco have had your ups and downs, but this is a time that you have to stick together, no matter what." He said, sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my knee. It was awkward for a moment, and then I flushed. Of course it wasn't awkward. This was my soon-to-be husband's father, who was just trying to make me feel better.

I smiled up at the vision of Draco. Luc's face was so much like his, but yet, so much different. The deep lines that were supposed to be on Luc's angelic face weren't. His skin was so smooth, it put younger people's skin to shame. His eyes must have been the same color as from when he was born. His hair, the hair I wanted to touch and feel and embrace. I remembered when I was a kid, I thought that Luc was pretty much the hottest father on the face of the earth.

"Hermione?" Luc asked, and I know that I was probably putting on a really stupid face. I grinned, and placed my hand on top of his.




(A/N: Really, I'm so, so sorry. This might make you cry.)

Before I knew what was happening, we were wildly making out. I was letting out my pain, or maybe he was letting out his.

Every cell in my body told me that this was wrong, disgusting, inhuman, but really? Was it? I was sick in every way possible, anyways.

Back then, I didn't mind what came my way. Humans were all supposed to die anyways, muggle or wizard, why not have a little fun with it while you can?

It was after my fourth year at Hogwarts, and I had just turned 15 years old; I was too old to have a party, but you're never too old to have some fun and hang out with the friends you never see during the school year.

Jared, Thomas, Thorne, and Shay came over, laughing and baring presents at three in the afternoon—looking helpless and innocent as their mischievous minds trashed and dirtied their insides. I couldn't help but giggle drunkenly as they told me the plans for the night.

So, we acted like angels until eight, helping my mom cook and bake the cake, and, after dinner, I kindly asked my mom if I could have a sleep over at Shay's house. She said yes, smiling and patting Shay's blonde hair. Shay squealed happily and told my mum how much fun we were going to have. Yes, yes, lots and lots of fun.

We left shortly after I had packed everything I needed: PJ's, clothes for the next day, and clothes for tonight. I kissed my mum goodnight, and the five of us disappeared into the night and fun of London, where Shay's house was.

I left my bags at her townhouse, and we started laughing as we realized how we were free, seeing as Shay's parents were on vacation in Egypt, and her brother, who was supposed to be taking care of her, was off to France for the night with his girlfriend. We walked a couple of blocks to the party scene of the city, and got into the 'Naughty-or-Nice' club, which apparently Thomas had some connections to.

We danced, drank, and finally, after what seemed to be forever, Thorne called up over to a circular table, and introduced us to Ray—her dealer. He had huge, dark sunglasses on as he smirked at us teenagers. He dealt, be bought, and then we hurryingly left, ready for the real fun to begin.

There was no way in bloody hell we could go back to Shay's multi-million euros house and sniff the lines, so Jared proposed that we go to his multi-billion euro home. We took a cab, paid him a block away, and hopped off. Jared's house was like a house out of the magazines. It had a beautiful garden, and looked like it should belong to an actor.

The fun part of his house was that it was separated into four. He got a massive part of his home from his parents, since he was an only child. He had redesigned a room to be secret. His parents didn't care, since they had gotten all their money from drug dealing.

We walked into the house, running to his secret room, which was anything but bare. There were statues, paintings, hookah machines, and a fridge that could feed five families in a third-world country. We sat on his black rug, and slid a rectangular mirror in between us: the boys on one side, and Shay and me on the other.

'You're first, birthday girl,' someone said, and I smiled inwardly. This was what I considered a good party.

I opened my eyes from the momentary flashback to see Luc's shirt being pulled off by my own two hands. 'Okay,' I said, trying to think logically, but he was totally fucking ripped.

I was totally unaware of what I was doing, and yet I was thrilled and a little scared. Shit.

I supposed, inside, I could please his son, but could I actually be an equal to the elder Malfoy?

He smirked and started undressing me as I sat, limp and... yeah, just limp.

Bad, Hermione, bad.

But who knew good from bad, anyways? He groaned with pleasure as I nudged him inside of me. I breathed heavily as he touched and felt and, obviously, enjoyed what I was giving him. This is what sex was supposed to feel like, not for revenge, or hatered, but for love and pleasure.

He climaxed, and we were done; half an hour, filled with things I would never tell my children. Hells no.

My heart was thumping in my chest as he kissed me lightly on the cheek and was gone. I was left sobbing on the bed, thinking of everything I had, had lost, and was going to lose. Life was so simple when you were young, so what happened when you grew up? Why'd it get so complex?

I got up quickly, and dressed. There was no use in staying in this room: a room filled of lies and sins. One strike for Draco, two for me.

(Draco's POV)

I woke up with a huge head ache.

"Bloody hell," I muttered, resting my hand on my forehead. Hermione came in and smiled sadly. Oh Merlin, why did I have to solve my problems with alcohol? I smiled warmly at her and she looked away, looking worried.

"Happy Christmas, Draco, love." She said, handing me a medium sized box. I pushed it away towards the bed, and pulled her towards me and kissed her passionately, rubbing her back and preventing her from trying to get away.

Her stomach, pushed on me, was swollen from either from being beaten by the jackasses I was going to get back, or because of the baby; I hoped it was the latter.

"Happy, great, merry, marvelous, beautiful Christmas, Hermione Jane Malfoy Riddle Granger." I said as she pressed herself on me, sitting on my lap. For now, our troubles were gone. It was Christmas day, and today was the day we were leaving to New York.

"Go on, hun', open your gift." 'Mione said, rolling her eyes towards me, and carefully sat down next to me on the bed. I knew I probably smelled terrible, but Hermione was ignoring it.

I grinned, taking the green gift and opened it carefully. Hermione murmured something that sounded like, "Don't bother."

Inside the green gift, another box was laid. I smiled tensely at Hermione, and opened the silver present inside. Inside the silver present, there was another box, which opened into another box, which opened into another box, which opened into another.

I scowled at Hermione, who looked away and tried to hide her giggle. I immediately smiled. I didn't care if she hadn't given me anything, as long as she was mine. I finally opened the smallest and last box, and there, a thin gold necklace was laid out. There were three charms on it: one was the Slytherin crest snake, the other was a heart with an engraving that said 'DM&HG', and the last was a charm that had a teeny cradle. I smiled to Hermione, and she threw herself onto me.

She immediately gasped, and sat back on the ground, clenching her stomach. I got up and asked quickly, "Hermione, what's wrong?"

She then started laughing wildly, tears in her eyes.

"The baby kicked, Draco! The baby kicked, even if it was just a little!" She cried and I sat behind her, messaging her back, my legs around her. She leaned back and I kissed her head. No, I was never going to be a happier man. We were going to America, and we were going to have fun.

After we broke off, I handed her a rectangular box labeled 'Tiffany & Co.', a muggle jewelry store my mother commented on.

Inside, a diamond necklace was waiting for her, and, in my pocket, something more valuable. She was thrilled when she saw it, standing up, and making me tie it around her neck at once.

Then, I went down on my knee, and opened the small black box that was resting in my pocket. She stared down at me in amazement, looking at the huge diamond ring I was presenting her with.

"Draco, dear. You already gave me a ring." She said, showing me the ring I had given her in front of my family and the Dark Lord.

"Yes, I know, love. But that one was just the cover-up. This is the one I truly want you to have. It belonged to my great-great-great grandmother, Kiki." I said, opening the box, and she gasped.

"Draco, this is beautiful." Hermione said, sinking to her knees. I took the ring out of the holder, and took her hand, taking off the ring I had given her, and replacing it with the one of Grandma Kiki's.

We held each other for a while, refusing to let go. Only when my mother walked in did we hesitantly move apart.

"Hermione! Draco! Happy Christmas!" She said happily. Then, she wrinkled her nose. "What on earth is that smell?" She asked, and Hermione smirked while I hung my head low.

"Come, come. Breakfast is ready and everyone is waiting to see you for the last morning." Mum said, sniffing as if she was about to cry.

"Let us just get ready, Cia." Hermione smiled, charming my mother enough to leave the room.

"I'm guessing we're wearing..." Hermione said, going to the closet, and stopping short. I smiled as she took out the Patricia dress my mum had insisted I buy her. It was a rose color with a zipper in the front, and, I could tell by Hermione's expression, she loved it.

"Oh, Draco! It's beautiful!" She said, hugging it close. The reached down, and took out another box. I groaned, thinking it was a box inside a box, but it was actually a nice white dress shirt with a moose on the chest pocket. On the inside, a huge label saying: ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH, caught my attention. I was supposed to buy Hermione a dress from there, but my mother said that Hermione would have thought it too expensive, and would have made me give it back.

I smiled as I took off my shirt and walked to the bathroom. I apologized, saying that I stunk, and she smiled, stepping in front of me and blocking my way.

"Lets save some water... and shower together." She smirked and I laughed.

(Astoria's POV)

I waited for Hermione and Draco at the bottom of the stairs impatiently when Snape came up to me and smiled evilly. I raised an eyebrow and stepped away, thinking he was trying to get up the stairs.

"Astoria Greengrass." He said, and I nodded trying to ignore him. He took another step towards me and I took out my wand, not caring that I was underage or a dumb student; from what I had heard, he had done things to Hermione that no one was allowed to speak of.

"What the hell do you want, Snape?" I asked, and he sneered. He handed me a letter, and I took a couple of steps up the stairs. For all I knew, Snape was a lunatic that I should watch out for.

Dear Miss Astoria Greengrass,

We have chosen you to go abroad with Miss Riddle and Mr. Malfoy for a school project they are to complete in February. You have no choice, seeing your standings since last week. You, Miss Granger, and Mr. Malfoy will be leaving at eleven thirty PM sharp, with the company of Mr. Thorne James. Please be ready, suitcase and all, for your departure to New York City.

Professor Dumbledore

I looked up, confused. Dumbledore? But.. he was dead.

"He knew this was bound to happen. He wrote that before he was killed." Snape said, so cold that I doubted he even cared for the past Head Master. Seeing that Snape was the Head Master now, I had reason to believe that he, himself, killed Dumbledore.

"Now, girl." He hissed, as if reading my mind if I should pack now or after breakfast.

(Draco's POV)

I dried my hair as Hermione tried combing hers. She gave up as she heard me laugh, and went to her bag, taking out a long pink... THING. (A/N: THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! )

Hermione caught me staring at it and sighed. "Really, Draco? It's a hair straightener." She said, showing me how she took a lock of hair, ran the 'straightener' down her hair, and it was no longer curly.

"I bought it yesterday for the project. We're going to be in New York, love. The city that never sleeps," She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. I hadn't ever been to New York, but I knew that it was probably going to be our future vacation spot.

Finally, when we were both dressed, I took her hand, and we went down the stairs.

"Hermione! Draco!" Aunt Bella cried, smiling at both of us. I grinned back as Hermione let go of my hand and gave Aunt Bella a big hug.

"Happy Christmas," Hermione called out to the ten-so people in the room. They all smiled warmly back while Mum and Hermione put down the rest of the presents they had gotten for everyone.

Everyone watched and then we greedily waited for Mum to give out the presents.

"We have to wait for the Dark Lord, who is gracing us with his presence; this is Hermione's first Christmas as one of us..." Mum smiled, and gave Hermione a hug.

I sat down on the love-seat, rolling my eyes, and thinking how we were all going to have to be on our best behavior because Merlin forbid we had a little fun when Lord Voldemort was amongst us.

Hermione sat next to me, looking into my eyes for me to tell my family that the baby was still here, still going to be with us.

Astoria came down the stairs, unnaturally late for a pureblood. She bowed her head and muttered, "Happy Christmas," to everyone.

Less then three breaths later, the Dark Lord was prancing into the room with a dark black bag. He smiled warmly at everyone, as we shifted uncomfortably.

He placed more then fifty presents, all of them addressed to Hermione and 'grandchild', and a couple of presents for 'Malfoy's.'

I wanted to laugh, but I knew that would have been rude, so I muffled my laughter onto 'Mione's shoulder.

She hushed me by hitting my head lightly. I smiled and she leaned on my chest, whispering, "When are you going to tell them?" Obviously she meant when I was going to tell the family that the baby had, once again, kicked, and that we were still to be happy parents come June. I shrugged and kissed her on her forehead.

I looked back to the Dark Lord who finally placed the last present down for Astoria Greengrass. Everyone looked puzzled, but didn't comment on it.

"Happy Christmas, everyone," Voldemort started slowly, looking around at everyone, "as you know, this is Hermione's first attended Christmas with us. Narcissa, have you told them of your plan?" He asked, and Mum blushed, shaking her head. Voldemort looked a bit disappointed that he was to tell the news, but continued.

"We are going to have a ball, starting at five, right here at Malfoy Manor. It'll be done at about eleven, just in time for Hermione, Malfoy and Greengrass to depart to New York." Voldemort sighed, smiling proudly at Hermione.

"Well, then. Lets start opening the presents. Oh, Hermione, darling. I forgot to tell you that we have an old pureblood tradition here, and that's to hand everyone the present you bought for them." Mum said, and Aunt Bella muttered beside me, "That's going to take too goddamn long."

Hermione smiled and nodded, still begging with her eyes for me to tell my family the great news. "Later, babe." I said and she sighed, frustrated.

"Who would like to hand out their presents first?" Mum asked, looking around the huge room. Before the Dark Lord could raise his hand, Hermione jumped up and yelled, "Me!"

She handed everyone at least four presents and then sat back down, smiling at everyone. Mum opened her gifts first. Hermione had gotten her a dark purple scarf from Nordstom, a couple of books, and a pair of UGG boots. My mom smiled, trying not to be rude and ask why Hermione had gotten her such boots that weren't even popular.

"Every muggle that knows anything has them. I'm not trying to compare you to a muggle, Cia, but maybe you'll start a new trend." Hermione winked. Mum laughed and responded with a witty, "Of course, I always do."

Next, the Dark Lord opened his presents. Hermione shrugged me as to tell me that I was going to be amused. I looked up and saw him holding up a green dress robe. Instead of getting irritated, he smiled at Hermione and said, "Thank you, Granddaughter."

Hermione smiled, even though I knew deep inside she wanted to bother the Dark Lord just a little.

Everyone else opened their presents with high expectations, smiling and thanking Hermione for their wonderful presents.

I saw my father didn't get anything from Hermione.

"Hermione, dear?" I whispered, looking at her watching my father smirk at her.

Her dark eyes shifted, and became clear again. "I saw him earlier, and I gave him his little gift then." She smiled tightly, and I knew something was wrong. I started to ask her about it, but then Mum gasped and I saw Hermione's father had entered the room.

(Hermione's POV)

He had changed.

His hair was no longer a dark brown, it was now streaked with silver; he had deep wrinkles in his forehead, as if he had thought long and hard about coming to the Malfoy manor. He smiled directly at me, and I couldn't do anything but gawk at the man I used to love so.

"Hermione, I invited your father to come. It's Christmas, anyway, and the family must be together." Voldemort said, and I looked at him. Heat rose up as I practically yelled, "And what about my mother? She might not be YOUR family, but she sure as bloody hell is mine. What about my cousins? My aunt and uncle? No, I'm here with the Malfoy's, my new family, but what about my old family?! I'm here with YOU, Grandfather, another part of my new family. The only thing remaining of my old family is my father, who has done nothing but lie to me for my entire life."

Okay, I admit, I didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, but the way Voldemort and my father were looking at me made me upset.

"He's not saying your entire fucking family, you stupid girl. Why don't you ever appreciate anything you have?!" Father said, and his voice sounded like nails scratching down a chalkboard.

Nightmares were reopened. Back when I didn't have Draco, and when Thorne was nothing but another friend I couldn't possibly tell anything to about "home." Back when mummy drunk herself silly, and when father did anything possible to keep himself by me. I was a good girl, wasn't I?

He would stalk into my room, whispering, 'Hermione! Hermione, please stay with me. Be my little girl forever.' I would sob yes, of course. He was my daddy, the only one that really understood me.

Of course, that was a lie I told myself. He didn't really care, he wanted to use me for thing little girls should NEVER be used for.

He would leave me in pain, of course. It didn't matter to me, as long as I was making my daddy happy, as long as he stilled loved me more then he loved mommy or his lady friends.

I don't like to blame people for my own actions, but it was most likely because of this father, that I did everything I needed to in order to leave the house. To sleep over at some other friend's house, to go to Hogwarts, to go to the library, to do drugs, to make love and not care about anything or anyone.

Love wasn't something I used, of course. Only for my daddy, my beautiful, caring daddy. And never once did that bastard say sorry. Never.

"Don't talk to Hermione like that," Bellatrix hissed, taking my wrist and sending a powerful jolt running up my arm.

"I can talk to that ungrateful bitch however I please, Bellatrix! And I don't think it's any of your goddamn business." He slithered back. Voldemort was shocked and mute, and Draco's face was so red, I thought it was burst.

"Leave my Fiancée alone!" Draco said, getting up and walking right up to the face of the monster.

The monster. The lover. The hater. The wrenched man.

"Don't tell me what to do! You're just a puny little teenager." Father spit, and before I knew what was happening, Draco had gotten out his wand.

"Draco, no, don't!" I said, running up to him and folding my arms around him.

"HAH! Hermione, you wouldn't be able to stop a bug. Leave me and your Draco alone. I'll deal with him." Father said, and Draco pushed me lightly aside.

I took out my wand and jammed it into my father's chest.

"Fuck. You." I hissed, and he looked surprised. "Leave him alone, and get out."

He raised his arms a little, and I thought he was going to surrender, and then he slapped me hard. I reeled back, pressing my hands to my cheek, which was probably red as hell.

Draco had responded slower then I had, and Father pushed him back, taking Draco's wand at the same back, and held it up to him.

"You stupid little—,"

"Langlock!" I said, removing my hand from my face and throwing spells at my father. "Obscuro! Locomoter Mortis! Stupify!" I said, tears running down my face as I cursed and jinxed my father over and over.

I fell on the floor, sobbing as my father was knocked out.

"Hermione, love, it's okay." Draco said, as everyone just watched me and my father.

"Get him out. OUT!" Cia barked as the house elves came to investigate what had just happened.

"How dare you, Grandfather? Why on earth would you let him come?" I asked, and Voldemort just sighed, and walked away, leaving the house cold from his presence.

"Well, now. What happened here?" Snape asked, coming in cheerily.

"Shut up, Snape." Bellatrix told him, and he smirked.

"Oh, okay!" Snape said, laughing, and prancing around, looking at the wrapped presents. "Anything for me?" He asked, turning presents around and shaking them.

"I got you something," I said, looking at his amused dark eyes. They grew a little darker, and nodded for me to continue.

I handed him a brown present, and watched him open it to see a shirt that had in big, red letters: 'Creeper'.

Draco, who was still trying to get over the fact of my father, laughed out loud, and everyone else followed.

Snape stopped being happy, and shot me a death glance before walking away with his present.

We opened the rest of our presents gloomy. I got a nice bracelet from Juicy Couture from Cia and (sadly) Luc, a pair of roman-styled high heals from Bellatrix, and a couple of other small (expensive) things from Draco's family members.

When I had finished opening my presents, and everyone had finished opening theirs, they looked at me sheepishly, looking at the baby's presents.

"We have something to tell you guys..." Draco started, and they looked scared, and more then slightly blushed, "This morning when Hermione and I were exchanging presents, the baby kicked!" Draco said happily, and everyone looked relieved, cheering and saying that they knew it was all going to be okay.

"Well then, 'Mione, ready to open the presents?" Draco asked, and I nodded. We opened all the presents, about seventy, for the baby. The colors were all yellow, white, and green, seeing as we didn't know the sex of the baby.

We got clothes, booties, socks, caps, pajamas, cloth diapers, diaper clips, blankets, pillows, feeding spoons, mugs, nipples, washcloths, ice bags, thermometers, a rocking chair, and playpen, a stroller, baby oil, brushes, bottles, rattles, and designer nursery bags.

We took pictures, and promised everyone we would make a photo album for the baby, reminding him/her everything that happened before he/she was born.

We thanked everyone, but they only smiled and then Cia came up to us, nodding and shushing everyone else.

"We have one more surprise for you." Cia said, and waved for us to follow her up the stairs.

Everyone else stayed while we walked away, Cia leading us into a room, which opened into another, and then we were going up the stairs, going towards our room.

We stopped abruptly at the door after our own.

"This room's always been locked, mum." Draco said, raising an eyebrow at his mother. She smiled, taking out an old-looking key.

"Not always, dear son. This was your room when you were an infant. And your father's when he was a baby, and your grandfather's when he was young. It's been the baby room since this house was made. Now, I understand that you are both going to move away, and lead your own lives together, but," Cia said, tearing up, "I want you to know that you always have a place here in Malfoy Manor, and," by this time she was sobbing, "when your father and I are gone, I want you, Draco, and you, Hermione, to keep this house, move into it, and make it your own, while raising your children."

"Mum, really, don't do this. Of course we'll be here for you!" Draco said, but never directly said that we would stay here after Luc and Cia die. I couldn't imagine myself in this house. Although it could be described as dark, it was Draco's home, and I couldn't just say that we weren't coming back, as beautiful as this house was.

Next, Cia looked at me.

"Hermione, promise me that you'll be here when Luc and I die. Please, it would make me a million times happier." She begged, and I tried not to bite my lip as I contemplated. Shit.

"Yes, mum, of course." Draco replied for me. I wanted to punch him, but I decided to talk to him about it later... a lot later, when we had no choice.

"Oh, thank you, Draco!" Cia cried, her straight blonde hair tossing everywhere. Draco shrugged it off, smiling and hugging his mother. I secretly wished my mother had been there for me, and was here for me right now.

"Well, then, darlings, you better look inside." She sniffed, smiling, and turning the key to show us the most beautiful baby room I'd ever seen.

Three walls were literally gold, reflecting the sun that came in through three huge circular windows, which were painted silver, and the fourth was white stone, with the family tree, which was tremendous, and yet still had space for at least a hundred more names.

"This was your room, Draco, darling." Cia smiled, wiping away some tears. He glanced around, not daring to pick anything up, seeing as the room had been shut from his life for a decade.

"Why'd you close it up?" Draco asked, and he sounded a lot older.

"It's a tradition, darling." Cia replied, smiling around the entire room. She walked over to a beautiful white rocking chair that was engraved with gold flowers, and sat down carefully.

"I used to rock my beautiful baby boy here. I would sing to him and tell him stories." She said, resting her hands on her lap.

She stayed there for a while, looking into the past, as I walked around the room. Everything a baby would possibly need was in there, and a whole lot more. Surprisingly enough, though, there were so self-portraits like in the rest of the rooms and hallways, there was nothing particularly warm about this room, not even close. The room was serious, as in, money-wise. It must have cost a fortune.

"Hermione, how do you like it?" Cia asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"It's beautiful." I lied quickly, and she smiled, nodding.

"Draco used to love it here," She said calmly, and I couldn't help but think of him as baby, with his blonde hair, laying in the crib, spoiled like none other.

"Well, mother, we better get going. We have to—uh—talk." Draco said, and his mother easily bought it. I doubted Draco wanted to be in here, with all the memories his parents had forbidden him.

Draco took my hand, and led me back to our room.

"Love," He said, kissing my neck. I looked at him questioningly.

"I'm pretty sure, around this time seven years ago, I was thinking about the muggle-born bookworm that I was secretly in love with." Draco said, and I kissed him back. Dear lord, how I loved my Draco.

A pang reminded me of what I had done to him, and I refused to look into his eyes, thinking I would reveal something in my own.

"I love you, Draco. I love you with all my heart, and nothing, NOTHING, would be able to stop me from doing so." I sighed, pushing some hair out of my eyes.

Several hours later, we were asked to dress for the lunch, and then, eventually, the ball we would host.

Oh, the presents we were going to receive from the rich and mighty made me giggle greedily.

Lunch went by in a breeze, seated next to Draco and Astoria, and that's when the real fun began.

My gown was a deep purple, with midnight blue streaks; strapless and it held tightly against my body, it was everything I had ever dreamed of. I straightened my hair again, but curled some random strips. My shoes were from heaven, black high heals that went up to my ankles. The outfit, itself, made the old Hermione want to cry, but the new, sophisticated Hermione who was supposed to be used to these kinds of things, held her head up.

I added a little makeup, not much. Blush and pale red lipstick looked fine with waterproof mascara. I did all of this in two hours.

Draco, on the other hand, had started half an hour after the guests started arriving.

"Hurry up, Draco!" I said impatiently. He grinned, sliding on his pants. I rolled my eyes as he winked and smirked at me.

He looked dashing when he finished, and I knew that it was worth the wait. People would swoon over the teenage couple, and I doubted anyone would say anything bad at all in the party. It was Christmas!

When we walked down the stairs, everyone gasped and clapped, happy tears rolling down people's eyes.

I already knew most people form the other parties I had been to, but there was about a hundred more people then I ever thought were purebloods.

Cousins, mothers, sisters, friends, friends-of-friends, fathers, brothers, all came up to us, smiling and congratulating us on our baby and the wedding. A couple of them said that they were ready for the baby shower, so they could show us how happy they were, and some of them even said that they had set some little presents under the tree.

Christmas was supposed to be like this, happy, fun, with family.

Of course, Christmas wasn't supposed to end how it did. How else would this work out?

Don't worry, the next chapter will be a cliffhanger. Well... if this wasn't enough. :D So, yes. R&R. Remember that I love you guys, and if you want to read my NOVEL, go ahead and PM me. :)