

Darkness. Shame. Embarrassed. Heartbroken. If I didn't die, Useless.

I had never felt as bad as I did right now. Unless you count when that damn traitor

Sasuke Uchiha left the village, No I don't even think that him leaving the village can

compare to this particular event in my life. At this moment I am in the middle of the

forest. The rope that holds my arms tied above my head is attached to a branch of a fairly

large tree. My feet hardly touch the ground, so I am trapped. And to top all of that off

there is a man, the man who did this to me, staring at me. His eyes are misty and lust

filled. If you don't get what I am trying to say he is basically going to rape me, right here

in the middle of the forest.

… ( Three days ago ) …

I ran to Tsunades' office, this morning I had received a message that she had a special

mission for me. I was the only one in Konoha that could handle it, besides Tsunade

herself of course. Being her best student and I high ranked jounin has its privileges. I

reached her office door and knocked, then I let myself in. I sat down in a chair that had

been placed in front of her desk and waited for her to talk. She said nothing, she stared at

me and then reached into the desk and pulled out a scroll. I opened it…..

Lady Hokage,

One of our most talented ninja has been injured severely. None of the medical ninja of

this village have enough experience to hear her. So I am asking you a favor, will you

please send you best medical ninja to Suna so they may heal her, and also train some of

our medical staff. I don't mean for this to be an imposition but with Konoha and Suna

being allies I thought that I wouldn't be a problem. If you decide to help, the ninja you

send will be over here for about a year I would say. I think that would give them enough

time to complete the mission. Please accept this.

Kazekage of Suna.

I looked up at Tsunade after finishing the letter and pointed to myself. She nodded, I

couldn't believe it I was the best medical ninja in Konoha! Tsunade informed me that it

would take me about two days to get to Suna, and I would be there for one year, no more

no less. Unless the Kazekage said otherwise. She also said I would be leaving tomorrow

as early as possible. I stood and turned toward the door and told her I would be back

before I left I wanted to go pack and get ready.

… ( The next day ) …

I was packed and ready to go. I had visited Tsunade and she actually teared up. She told

me I was like the daughter she never have, of course I cried to I was really going to miss

her. I walked out the gates and headed in the direction of Suna.

The mission was going great, I was about a day away from Suna and I had not been

attacked by anyone! Well I spoke to soon.

… ( The present time ) …

He just kept smiling at me. It disgusted me, it made my stomach churn and I felt like I

just wanted to rip his head off. He walked toward me and I made one last attempt to get

free. Surprisingly it didn't work, it only made the ropes rap tighter around my hands. He

ran his discusting hand down my face and started to undo my top. He undid the first two

buttons and whispered in my ear "you may think that someone will come and save you,

but you're wrong. You can scream as loud as you want but no one will come. You are in

the middle or nowhere, its useless. Besides I think I would like it better if you screamed."

It sent chills down my spine, and I wanted to rip his dick off right there. His hand reached

for the next button, but he was thrown sideways into a tree. "You will never touch her

again, I will make sure of it." I look over in the direction of the voice and couldn't

believe what I saw.