Here it is the final chapter of Changed! This chapter is written about fourteen years later. So basically you will get to see Yumi's life! So here it is…

Chapter 18

"Yumi, lord Kazekage has sent for you. He says it is urgent." "Okay sensei, thank you"

Yumi ran from her training grounds to the Kazekage's office. At the moment she was

extremely mad because he had took her away from her training. She walked up to the

door that lead to his office and knocked politely. "You may enter." She pushed the door

open and glared at him. "Daddy you can't just take me away from training! It isn't fair,

you know that if I don't train and work on my ninjutsu then I won't be able to pass the

jonin exams, then I won't become a jonin!" "Well young lady I will have you know that I

don't want you taking them in the first place so there." Gaara said and crossed his arms.

'Damn she is so stubborn at times, she must get that from Sakura.' "Daddy you are so

unfair, all my friends are taking the exam, why can't I?" "Who said you can't take the

exams?" Sakura walked in shooting a questioning look at Gaara. "Mom daddy is so

unfair he isn't letting me train. "Mom Kano and Kenji are going to get way stronger then

me and then I will get left behind!" "Actually that is why I called you her Yumi. Who is

this Kenji guy. Last time I checked you two were teammates and then I hear from

Kankuro and Tamari that you two have been going to the movies! Why was I not

informed about this?" "Well daddy, mom said it was alright." Sakura shot her a death

glare. "Hold on there, I said you could go out with him if it was alright with your father."

There was a moment of silence. "Yumi, please bring this Kenji to the house tonight. He

will have dinner with us and I will meet with him." "Oh thank you Daddy!" Yumi ran

over to Gaara and Gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then ran out the door. Sakura

started to laugh. "What is so funny?" "It's nothing, I was just thinking about how much

you have changed."

Well there you have it. I want to thank all the people who have read this and left comments. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope to start another soon. Thank you again!