Suicidal Love

I do not own final fantasy or kingdom hearts.

Chapter 1: Can I know your name?

The Shinra army was the most well known thing around the world. Lots of teenage boys would leave their

homes and join the army. There was of course the people who didn't like the Shinra like the Wuti and some

other countries that sided with the Wuti. The year the Wuti attacked lot's of tennage boys and men joined the

army and for Cloud Strife this was the dream of a life time. Cloud strife had left his home at the age of fifteen

to join the Shinra army to Join the higher ranks of SOLDIER. Unfortunately he is now seventeen and still just

an infantry man. The war with Wuti is still heated and their is no sign of it changing anytime soon, Cloud wanted

to be a hero and the only way is to get into SOLDIER. Cloud was just lying in his bed waiting for his superiors to

give him some crap job.

"This is pointless, how am I gonna get into SOLDIER if the higher up's can't see how good I am."

"I think someone is high on them self." Cloud looked over to see Reno of the turks smiling at him.

"What do you want Reno?" Reno sat down on the bed.

"Is that how your gonna greet your best friend?" Cloud smiled and sat up.

"Yea, my best friend gets into the Turks and I am still in the infantry." Reno put's his hand on his freinds shoulder.

"Listen you will get there, I promise have alot of potential."

"Thanks Reno, what do you need any way?"

"I just wanted to tell you that you have the day off."

"You want to hang out then Reno?"

"I can't, I have to watch Rufus." Cloud layed back down.

"Cloud...I'm sorry, I wanna hang out with you but I gotta work."

"No problem I'll go train or something in the traing room." Reno got up and stated walking out of the room.

"I'll make it up to you Cloud." Cloud smiled at his friend and Reno left. Cloud got out of bed and walked his way to the traing room. Cloud set into the programing to face off against 3rd class SOLDIER data in the traing room's holographic fighting system. The soldiers appeared and Cloud ran to them pulling out his sword.


Reno was walking down the hall way when he bumped into Zach 1st class.

"Hey Zach." Zach eyed him suspicously.

"What do you want Reno?" Reno pouted.

"Why does everyone asuume I want something?"

"Because you always do." Reno rolled his eyes and put his hand on Zach's soldier.

"In that case I was wondering if you could go up to the training room and see my friend Cloud fight, he is really good and he want's to get into SOLDIER...please, he is great but he hasn't been able to get any of the Higher ups to see him in action and he just needs a chance." Zach was shocked to see Reno actually care about anyone.

"Why should I?" Reno pulled out a picture of Cloud from his wallet and showed him.

"I know you, he is a pretty blonde, blue eyes, great build, he has a nice package..." Zach put his hands up silencing Reno.

"I get it...he is pretty, do you even like guys Reno?"

"No but I experiement ocasionaly, so will you do it?" Zach sighed.

"Yea...I will."

"Great but one thing don't mention you know him or that I asked you to do it."

"Alright, I'll just act like I was walking by."

"Great, I'll see ya."

"yea see ya Reno." Reno left and Zach took the elevator to the 60th floor to see Cloud. Zach walked onto the floor and walked down to the training room and looked in through the window and saw a magnificant performance, Cloud was taking on ten 2nd class SOLDIER from the training program. Cloud ran towards the leader with sword in hand, Cloud reached down in his left leg puch and pulled out a dagger and threw it to the leaders right killing one of them. Cloud jumped and flipped over the leader clashing sowrds with him and pulling his hand gun out when he landed and shot two of the men. Cloud holstered the gun and blocked a attack from the leader with his sword, Cloud landed a punch on the leader and then threw his sword into soldier behind him. Cloud put his hands on the leader and pushed himself up jumping above them all. Zach was amazed at what he was seeing. Cloud charged up his attack.

"Firaga!" The flames shot from his hands killing the six. Zach knew he did that on purpose, in this program the leader would get a power boost and then if he get's beaten the leader will transform into a behmoth, HOjo the head of the science department said if if high levels of Mako were ever injected into the blood stream that the body would have a severe mutation, this program was disighned for that possible situation.

Cloud pulled his sword from the body of the soldier and charged the soldier. Cloud clashed blades with the leader and quickly ended it with him. The program quickly changed into the behmoth.

"Alright time for this to end." The behmoth charged Cloud. Cloud waited green enery charging in his hand. THe behomth ran up ready to strike.

" Thundaga!" Lighting shot from his hands repeling the great beast across the room. Cloud ran up with his sword and thrusted it into it's heart.

Zach couldn't believe his eyes. "Impossible." Zach watched cloud sheath his sword and walk out of the traing room, zach stopped him before he could get away.

"You! Stop!" Cloud turned around not knowing who it was but knew it was a first class.

"Sir." Zach smiled, he was cute.

"I saw your performance in there soldier and you were magnificent."

"Thank you sir."

"Are you in soldier at all?"

"No, I am just a cadet in the infantry squad #99."

"#99 huh...from what I know 99 is the best squad of the infantry."

"Maybe but I want to be in SOLDIER." Zach smiled.

"I may be first class but I don't have that kind of authority, Director Laazard might be able to if he saw you fight a real soldier." Zach pulled out a accsess card and gave it to cloud.

"Hold on to this, as long as you have it you can accsess the Directors floor, I want you up there at noon tomorrow, if the director likes what he see's you will be in SOLDIER." Cloud smiled and saluted Zach.

"Thank you sir." Zach smiled.

"One last thing...can I know your name cadet?" Cloud smiled.

"My name is Cloud."

"I'm Zach...see you tommorrow...Cloud." The two parted ways and Cloud went back to his place to shower. Cloud was excited that he get's the chance to prove himself finally.

This is the first chapter, what do you guys think? Please review.