Oh how she hated him

Oh how she hated him. Oh how she despised him. How she couldn't stand him. How she wanted him to go away. How she loved him, needed him and only him.

Sakura walked down the street on Konoha and sighed. Those thoughts swirled around her head like a swarm of killer bees. Sasuke was back, so shouldn't she be happy? She remembers how he had acted when she had first seen him in the Hokages office. Tsunade had been yelling at him and acting like a hissing cat. Only Sakura had known that Tsunade had been extremely happy that he was back.

The rosette kunoichi turned her eyes up to the velvet of the midnight sky. There were no whispy clouds to block the view, but there was no moon to give light either.

The night of the new moon. Sakura thought. Strange how something as simple as the moons revolutions can make you want to break inside.

Returning her thoughts to when Sasuke came back, she continued on her way down the street. After Tsunade had calmed down, they finally noticed her.

"See Sakura-chan! See! I brought him back just like I promised," was the first thing Naruto had said to her. Tsunade had told her to sit down and the Uchiha had remained as silent as ever.

"Now Uchiha," her master had started. "You are restricted to D-rank missions for one year and will be followed by an ANBU for that period. As far as living situations go, I am afraid that you will be living with Sakura. She will be the ANBU assigned to guard you."

"Hn," was all the cold hearted man had said.

"Ano, Tsunade-shishou, why can't Uchiha-san live in his own house?" everyone noticed how she didn't add the kun to the ending of his name.

"Since I am assigning you to watch him, it will be easier and more convenient for him to move in with you instead of you to his. Moving on, when the year is up you can take the exams for chunin and possibly jounin depending on your progress." Tsunade gave him a look that said her decision was final. "Dismissed," they left.

Walking down the street, many girls swooned at the sight of Sasuke. He just ignored them.

"Hey Teme, why don't we go get some lunch," Sasuke turned to him and smirked.

"Only if you're paying Dobe," Naruto smiled his foxy grin right back.

"Only because you just got back."

"Race ya," Sasuke took off.

"Wait Teme!"

Sakura had just stood there watching them run to Ichiraku. She was happy that things were so normal, but she couldn't help but feel that she was left behind again. Sakura just shrugged and went home.

He didn't even look at me.

That was earlier in the day, and Sasuke was scheduled to move in tomorrow. She honestly didn't want him to live with her. No one had been to her house since her parents and the rest of her clan had been killed. That's right, the Haruno clan had been wiped out. She didn't even know by whom, so she couldn't even look for him to avenge them all.

Sighing, she turned and headed home.

She finally reached home and unlocked her door to her tiny apartment. The walls were cracked and the paint was chipped, her floors were battered and squeaked anytime you put a foot down. You could hear the neighbors through the paper thin walls. She didn't have any technology besides a phone. Her room was small and could barely hold her bed. Sakura's closet would make any other girl run in shame of it's puny size and her lack of wardrobe. Her kitchen wasn't much better, every thing was old and scarred. It got freezing at night despite the temperature outside. Her living room was only big enough to hold her couch. And the couch could barely hold two people. No, she didn't want him here.

On top of everything else, her parents had made her feel worthless as she found out the circumstances of her birth. A scroll was set to be sent to her on the account of both her parents deaths.

Those people, the Harunos, they weren't her family. She still loved them, even though she wasn't Haruno Sakura, and the scroll that was in her aprents hand writing said they hated her.

So now she had a cold hearted basterd living with her. Great.

The next day…..

Sakura was patiently waiting outside the Uchiha Manor for Sasuke, Kakashi, and Naruto.

They were going to see sooner or later, might as well get this over with.

The boys soon came out carrying a couple of boxes and bags.

Now how in the hell is all that stuff going to fit in my house?

She sighed and led the boys to her house. On the way Naruto just had to start up a conversation.

"I don't think I've ever been to your house Sakura-chan, what about you Kakashi-sensei?" he looked at their teacher with happy eyes.

"No, I don't believe I have."

They soon started to walk into the more dangerous part of Konoha. The slums.

"Uh, Sakura-chan, are we going the right way?" he looked confused.

"I think I would know the way to my own house Naruto," he nodded but still looked disbelieving. The gang eventually ended up in the deepest part of the slums and Sakura's place. She unlocked the door and stepped in. The others seemed more reluctant to come in.

"Are you going to stand there like idiots or are you going to get your sorry asses in here?" she said curtly going into her kitchen. They took a few tentative steps forward. Sakura, meanwhile, was making tea. The guys finally made it to the kitchen.

"Sakura-chan, why are you living in a place like this?" she visibly stiffened.

"I was wondering that as well," Kakshi said looking up from his book.

"This is no place to live," the Uchiha had to get in on this. (A.N. OMFG!! He spoke!!)

"If you all have a problem then leave," she said coldly never turning away from the stove.

They had never heard that tone from her before.

"Sakura-chan, I know somethings wrong. What is it?" Naruto may have had no common sense, but he wasn't an idiot.

"It's nothing Naruto. If you guys really have that much of a problem then you can go ask Tsunade-shishou for a different arrangement. I'm sure Uchiha-san would be more comfortable at your place or you at his Naruto," her voice held nothing at all now.

"Sorry Sakura," said Kakashi. "I'm afraid that she made it quite clear that you and Sasuke are to stay at your…um…place."

"Fine, put his stuff in the bedroom," she then did something they had never even thought she would do. She went to the fridge and took out a bottle of sake. She quickly poured a glass and took the shot like a champ. The boys quickly walked to the bedroom.

"Some things wrong Kakashi-sensei," the walls being paper thin, so it was easy for Sakura to ease drop. "She isn't acting like herself."

"I have no idea whats going on. Tsunade-sama hasn't told me anything about her acting different."

"She's probably got some trivial little problem," Sasuke said. "Sakura's even weaker than before."

"I heard that Uchiha!" Sakura sounded from the kitchen. She quickly stalked to the bedroom and stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "Just so you know, these walls are like paper so I heard every word you said. Stop discussing me. It's none of your damn business."

"Eh he he he, Sorry, Sakura-chan. Hey, lets go out for ramen. How 'bout it Sakura-chan?" Naruto's philosophy? Everything can be solved with a bowl of ramen.

"Sorry Naruto, I have work tonight." She pushed them out of her room, got changed and walked back out. Naruto and Kakashi were on her couch while Sasuke stood. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Sasuke the key is on top of the door jam and hidden with a genjutsu. I'll be back late so don't wait up. Oh, and you get the bedroom." Leaving no room for argument, she left.

After work on the walk home….

Sakura was tired and her feet hurt. She passed her old home on the way back. It used to be a safe haven, but now, it only brought thoughts of pain and betrayal. It made her heart squeeze so hard, she physically had to wrap her arms around herself to keep her body together. Tears didn't fall, they never did. She sighed and walked the rest of the way to her apartment, she refused to call it her home. She straightened and held her head a little higher. Every piece of her child hood had been tainted in some way. The only thing she had now was her strength. Like hell she was going to give up now. Life had hit her from all sides, and she was still standing. With fire in her eyes she opened her door to find a sleeping Uchiha on her couch. Closing the door quietly, she walked over to inspect him.

Sakura could tell immediately by the blush and reek of alcohol that he was drunk.

He probably got into a drinking contest with Naruto. He shouldn't have done that, as far as I know, I'm the only one who could ever beat him.

"Stupid Uchiha, you shouldn't have challenged him," she reached out to pick him up and put him in bed, but his eyes shot open and he pinned her to the cold hard floor.

"What are you doing here?" he slurred his words badly. ( A.N. I really don't feel like wirting his drunken accent)

"I live here remember. You, Uchiha Sasuke, is living with me Sakura." He starred at her confused for a second but then his face broke into a huge crooked grin. She could feel her body respond.

"Oh, Sakura. Pretty, pretty Sakura," he leaned down his head to nuzzle her neck. He nipped and bit his way across her shoulder. Her skin heated. "Do you hate me Sakura?"

"N-no Uchiha-san, I don't hate you." She was trying her best to keep calm.

"Then why don't you call me Sasuke-kun anymore?" he bit her ear and brought his face back to look at hers. His entire weight crushing her.

"I'm sorry, but I don'think I should be so familiar with you," he smiled again. His face got closer to hers. "Uchiha-san wha-" she was cut off by Sasuke crushing his lips to hers.

"Can you call me kun now?" he smirked this time.

"I- I" she stuttered before his lips crashed down on hers again. He didn't let up until they both needed air. "Sa-su-ke-kun," she gasped out.

"Louder," he commanded.

"Sasuke-kun," he pulled down her shirt.

"Louder," her hands stripped him of his own.

"Sasuke-kun," she had nothing on with him in the same state.

"Louder," he slipped in her. She screamed.

The next morning…

Sakura woke with Sasuke beside her. He was still asleep. She smiled and slipped out of bed. The pink haired blossom got dressed and went down to make breakfast.

A few minutes later, a stoic looking Uchiha came down to a smiling Sakura. "Ohaiyo Sasuke-kun," she was just about finished with the food. He looked at her like she was crazy.

"You're back to kun now?" he said with disgust. Sakura turned her puzzled jade eyes to him.

"Yeah," she answered slowly.

"I guess you're just the same weak fan-girl," he just continued eating.

"What are you talking about? Las-" realization suddenly hit her. "What do you remember from last night?"

"Hn, just making it home after drinking with the Dobe and then passing out on the couch."

"So you don't remember anything else?" she lost her appetite.


"Nothing at all?" he looked at her with annoyed eyes.

"No, why do you want to know so badly?" she took her plate and rinsed it with her back to him.

"No reason, just curious," she looked over her shoulder and smiled fakely. Even the Great Uchiha couldn't have seen through it. "Well, I'll see you later Uchiha-san." His eyes narrowed as he heard the door swing shut.

"It's kun," he whispered.

Sakura had just arrived at work when Tsunade summoned her.

"Hai Tsunade-shishou," her eyes had lost the last bit of life they had left.

"Sakura, is some thing wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong."

"Fine, I need to talk to you about Sasuke," Sakura's eyes visibly iced over. "Did something happen?"

Sakura sighed and looked at the ground. It was time to tell the truth.

"Shihsou, you know how my clan was killed?" she couldn't tear her eyes from the floorboards.


"I found out that they weren't really my family. I'm not a Haruno."

"What?! What proof do you have that this wasn't some sick joke?" Sakura pulled out a scroll with the official seal mark of the Haruno clan. "I see, then do you know where your real parents are?"

"No, I did find out though, that I have some sort of Kekei Genkai. It's called Myagan, and it give my eyes the abilities of the Mangenkyo and the Byakugan. That's not the only reason I'm here though."

"What else could be worse?" Tsunade rubbed her temples.

"I slept with Sasuke," Tsunade fell out of her chair.

"Wha- How?" she practically screeched.

"Last night I came home to find him drunk and he seduced me," Sakura found no reason to beat around the bush. "And I might be pregnant." Tsunade, who had just gotten back in her chair fell out again.

"WHAT?!" you could see the steam coming out of her ears, until she saw Sakura's face. Her heart was shattered. "There's more?" Sakura nodded.

"He doesn't remember a thing," no matter how much it hurt, the tears never came out of her eyes. Tsunade walked to her and placed her hand on Sakura's stomach. A green glow covered Tsunade's palm.

"Sakura, you're pregnant." she sighed and walked back to her desk.

"I have a plan. Do you remember when we had top clean up those scrolls and we found the scroll about rules and regs?" Tsunade was smirking.

"Don't you mean the scrolls I had to clean up?"

"I'll ignore that. Anyway, one of the rules was in the circumstance that a male has no other relatives and is the last carrier of their family name a bride is to be chosen to hold the baby, but he will not be told until the child is of the age six. I can tell the elders that you received such a request and have been sent away. You can come back in five years."

"Am I going to be taken off of the ninja ranks?"

"No, and while you're at work the child can train with me."

"What about Sasuke?"

"Don't worry, I can handle him and the clown." Sakura hugged her master.

"Thank you, Kaa-san," Tsunade hugged her back fiercely.

"Be careful, Saku-chan." Sakura pulled back and smiled then left to pack up her stuff.

When she arrived home there was no one there. She thanked god that she didn't have to face Sasuke. That would be harder than neccessary. Sighing, she walked to her room and packed what little she had. Three shirts, two pairs of cargo pants, and four skirts. Her usual ninja attire. Sakura put her gloves in her back pocket and walked out of her apartment with her bag on her shoulder. Taking one last look at the place that had been her house, at least for a little while, she headed toward Konoha's gates.

In Tsunade's office

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, along with Hatake Kakashi sat in front of the Godaime Hokage. She looked them in the eye's with a sterness that they hadn't witnessed before.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki naruto, I am afraid that there will have to be some changes in your arrangments. Sakura has been incapacitated for the time being and I am afraid that Naruto will have to move into the Uchiha Estate and act as Sasuke's guard." The ninja looked surprised.

"What happened to Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Sorry, but that information is confidential." Tsunade closed her eyes and sighed, wishing for her sake. "If you boys want to see Sakura, then I suggest that you head over to the west gate now. She's leaving." Tsunade knew that Sakura would rather make a clean getaway, but she knew her surroget daughter needed to see her freinds one last time before she really has to grow up.

"For how long?" surprisingly Sasuke was the one to speak up.

"I can't give you a definite time frame, but she'll be gone for at least 5 years." Their eyes widened in shock and they all bolted out of the tower.

'Sakura, take care of yourself my daughter.'

At the Gate

Sakura sighed and turned around. Tears stung her eyes as she took one last look at the place that was her home. A smile of sorrow crossed her face when she looked up at the Hokage Monument and the clouds. She could see why Shikamaru loved looking at them so much. With one last sigh, she turned her back and walked to the outside world and her new life.

"SAKURA-CHAN!!" she whirled back around. Naruto, Kakashi, and even Sasuke were behind her. They ran and skidded to a halt in front of her.

"Sakura-chan," Naruto wheezed between gasps. "Where are you going?"

"I can't tell you that Naruto," she gave a small fake smile when he looked up at her in surprise. Kakashi was probably the only one who saw through it.

"Well how long are you going to be gone?" his blue eyes looked pained. Her resolve almost broke right then and there.

"I'm sorry, but I don't really know how long I'm going to be gone. I might not be able to come back." Kakashi and Naruto gasped while Sasuke's eyes widened. "This is really goodbye." Naruto grabbed her in a hug.

"Sakura-chan you can't leave." she gave him a squeeze before pushing him back.

"I have too. There are just too many things here that I can't deal with; especially right now," she looked to the Monument again.

"Hn, you're still the weak little crybaby who needs to be saved." Sasuke's words cut right through her heart. Even when Sakura was leaving, and he might never see her again, he still had to cut her down.

"Teme!" Naruto yelled. Sakura walked to Kakashi and gave him a hug. His only visible eye was sad, and he hadn't said a word.

"Take care of them," she whispered.

"I will," he promised. She walked to Sasuke and looked him in the eyes.

"You don't expect me to hug you like the other two did you?" he smirked at her.

"No, I don't expect anything from a thing with no feeling and no balls." his eyes narrowed. Kakashi and Naruto snickered. "I don't expect anything from you. I wanted to know why Orochimaru's bitch showed up to see me off." His gaze turned into a glare. Naruto rolled down on the ground laughing.

"Dope would have killed me if I didn't." he looked away.

"Next time just let him kill you," Sasuke turned back to see Sakura's dull, green, lifeless eyes look through him. Her eye's had never looked like that before, something had happened.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" he found himself asking. His response was a painful punch to the face.

"Goodbye everyone," with that she left.

Sasuke sat up from the ground and looked at where she had disappeared. His eyes then looked to the ground.

Naruto and Kakashi, knowing he wanted to be alone, silently left.

"She's gone," he found himself muttering. "She's really gone."

Hi people. The Psychotic Cherry Blossom here. This is my second story and I decided to put it up for my own amusement. I accept all reveiws and flames so please take the time to do so. I have to say this cause I don't want to be sued so, Kishimoto-san owns Naruto and all the things affiliated with the series and manga. I do own the plot line though.