(Sits down in a chair in front of a stage with a large book in hands)

Hello everyone! I'm Kaiyo Uchiha and I'll be reading you several naruto bedtimes stories! Up to the point I get bored… But anyway… As I read, there will be a small show on for you to enjoy! The first story is called Deilocks and the Three Sand Nins…

(Opens book and begins to read)

Once upon a time, there lived a small family of sand ninjas. There was a Mummy..

(Temari walks onto the stage with an apron around her) Humph. I'm Mummy Sand Nin and I'll send you all to bed with one wave of my fan if you make a single joke about this!

And a Daddy…

(Kankuro follows her with a pipe in his mouth and a newspaper) I like to say hi to all my fangirls out there!

(Temari) .. What fangirls?

And a Baby!!

(Gaara walks on looking annoyed, with his teddy held tightly) Laugh .. And you all die.

One morning Mummy Sand Nin decided to make her whole family porridge!

(Kankuro) But I don't like porridge!

(Temari drops a huge bowl of porridge in front of them) I'm not going to slave away for nothing! YOU EAT THIS OR ELSE

(Gaara hugs his teddy) Don't worry teddy… Temari won't poison us. . .

But the porridge was too hot for them to eat! So they decided to take a walk while they wait for it too cool down.

(Kankuro) SAVED!!

(Temari) Grr…


(All three walk off annoyed)

Now hiding nearby was a young boy, who had the most softest and beautiful golden hair anyone ever seen! So they called him… Deilocks!

(Deidara jumps onto the stage with a huge grin) I'm Deilocks and I'm going to steal their pet Bijuu un!

No stealing!

(Deidara) aww

Now, Deilocks was feeling very hungry and he could smell the porridge coming from the Sand Nins house.

(Deidara gags) ITS POISON!!

(Temari holds up a wooden spoon from offstage) WHAT DID YOU SAY?!

(Deidara gulps) Nothing un!

So he entered the house and decided to taste a bit of the porridge.

(Deidara pokes the porridge with a 10 feet hook) You sure its safe un?

Just eat it!!

(Deidara picks up a spoonful and eats it quickly)

But the porridge was too hot!

(Deidara runs around the stage holding his throat) IT BURNS!!

So he tried the next bowl of porridge

(Deidara) You're joking right un?!

Eat it or I'll hide all your clay!

(Deidara quickly takes a spoonful of the next bowl) COLD!!

But the next was just right. So he ate it all up!

(Deidara) NANI UN?!


(Deidara) . . . Tobi!!

(Tobi runs on stage) Yes Sempai?

(Deidara) Eat this un.

(Tobi) Ok! Tobi is a good boy!

(Tobi eats the porridge then falls down twitching)

(Gaara hugs his teddy tightly) That wasn't our porridge.. Honest Teddy. Don't worry. I'll protect you.

(Temari glares at him and drags Tobi away)

…. Anyway… Next Deilocks decided to take a rest. So he went upstairs to the bedrooms and laid on the first bed.

(Deidara jumps onto the first then quickly jumps out again) There's something in there un!

(The puppet crow sits up staring at Deidara)

…. But the bed was already taken?

(Deidara) Get lost un!

(The crow holds up its arm and points kunais at him)

(Deidara quickly throws a clay bird at him and the crow explodes)

(Kankuro) NOOOO!! MY BABY!!

… (sighs)

(Deidara lays back on the bed) Comfy un.

But just as Deilocks was going to sleep, the three sand nins came home.

(Temari drags a crying Kankuro back on the stage, with Gaara following them)

The sand nins noticed that someone had broke into their house!

(Temari holds her hands to her mouth in shock) Oh no! My precious porridge!


(Gaara) . . . . . . If he touched my teddies he's dead.

(Deidara sits up annoyed) Who dares interrupt my nap un?!

. . . . Crud.

(Deidara makes a larger clay spider) You'll pay for that!!

…. Well I hope you enjoyed the tale of Deilocks and the three sand nins. I have to go now.. But I'll be back for the next tale! … If there's any stage left over. (runs off quickly)