Note: I don't own Inuyasha and CO. don't sue! This will be a yaoi, and eventual mpreg!

Chapter 1: Northern Bound

Inuyasha was in his favorite tree, meditating and dreaming as he was enjoying another victory and a beautiful day. As of late he had dreams of a female inuhanyou who was dressed in his clothes and had his sword! She had his ears and looked like him! Who is this?! He was about to go into a deeper trance when a voice startled him out of it.

"Inuyasha!!" The voice called, causing the hanyou to fall over. "Where you even listening to me?"

"Keh, wench what did you say??" Inuyasha said as he picked himself up from the ground and dusted himself off. Kagome looked at the hanyou and sighed.

"We have to get going if we want the next shards!" She said. "And I sense them to the North of here."

"To the North?!" Inuyasha asked. "I think your radar's busted! There's nothing there but a palace! From what I remember, the Lord of Northern Lands! I am NOT going there!"

"But Inuyasha!" Kagome whined. "We need those shards!"

"HELLLLL NO!" Inuyasha said as he scowled at her, his gold eyes looking pissed and bleeding red a bit! "You can't make me!"

"Oh no?" Kagome said as she took her stance, the one that made Inuyasha feel really small…Oh no! "SIT BOY! SIT! SIT! SIT!"

"FUCK…BITCH…WENCH…HELL…NO…OW!!" Inuyasha whimpered as he was impacted into the ground. Damned beads!

"Damned woman!" Inuyasha growled as he got back up, slightly dizzy. "Why the hell did you do that?! Keh, fine you want to die for those damned shards go right ahead 'cause I'm not going!" With that, Inuyasha leapt away a tree at a time, leaving a shell shocked Kagome behind. Songo, Miroku, Shippo, Myouga, Koga and Totosai looked at the miko then turned to Myouga.

"Why was Dog boy acting so…girly?" Koga asked as he looked at Kagome. Kagome just shrugged but noticed that the flea demon knew something.

"Myouga?" She asked. "You look like you know something."

"It's just as I feared." The flea said. "Master…ahem I use the term loosely, Inuyasha is sought after, by the Lord of the North himself; Yukisenshi."

"Yukisenshi?" Kagome asked. "Who is he?"

"Lord Yukisenshi is the Lord of the North and he had fancied Master Inuyasha for quite some time."

"But Inuyasha looks scared of the idea of going and the shards are there."

"Why are the shards there?"

"Lord Yukisenshi is quite a warrior. In battle he had lost his sight and I suppose the shards are to aid him with his vision." Myouga said. "And he's Lord Sesshomaru's rival."

"Is he a dog demon too?" Shippo asked.

"No." Myouga said. "He's an Elemental demon. His name gives you the answer of what type he is. He's the same way in battle, politics and his reign."

"So why does he want Inuyasha?"

"Well it's close to mating season." Myouga said. "And Master Inuyasha…is not as he seems."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh my, I said too much!" Myouga said as he looked at them and smiled. "Bye!" As he hopped away, the gang was deep in thought. Who was Lord Yukisenshi? Why did Inuyasha react the way he did? And what did Myouga mean by 'is not as he seems.'?