I made a change in the previous chapter, so make sure you check it out. It won't change the rest of the story but this chapter will seem confusing if you don't read the new version of chapter 10. Thanks for sticking with me!


Leonardo tossed and turned all night, wondering if he had made the right decision. He slept little and woke with a bad headache, barely managing to focus during morning training. It was all he could do to sit still through meditation, and the concerned frowns from his father and Donatello didn't escape his notice. He evaded their questions and slipped out of the dojo as soon as they were dismissed, hoping to take a nap.

He still couldn't sleep, however, and ended up performing sub-par katas in the dojo for hours. When the pounding in his temples became too distracting he finally left the dojo and sat on the couch, closing his eyes and trying to block out his uncertain thoughts.

At dark Donatello emerged from his lab and glanced over, frowning again. "Hey, you okay?"

Leo nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I'm good. I just didn't sleep well last night."

Don nodded, although the suspicious look didn't leave his face. "I need to head to the dump to find a new part for my computer. You wanna come?"

It had become a habit for them, almost a sort of tradition. Don always wanted company when he went to the dump, and he had always asked one of his brothers to accompany him. Raphael had always hated it; he would much rather be working on his bike or out fighting Purple Dragons. Michelangelo had enjoyed it for a while, but he always became bored sitting around watching Donatello dig through heap after heap of garbage. Eventually, only Leo would agree to go with him, and Don had stopped asking anyone else. Leonardo liked keeping an eye on his brother during his excursions; as well as Donatello was trained he never seemed to remember to pay attention to his surroundings while he hunted for his "treasures." The two would talk for hours—about training, about their brothers' antics, about Don's latest research or invention—while Don searched and Leo watched for danger. They always went together; it was their time away from the insanity that filled the lair.

Despite this fact, Leo seriously considered saying no. He felt terrible, and he really didn't think he would be able to be very vigilant. However, as jumpy and nervous as he was feeling about the Shredder's latest attacks, he couldn't let his brother go out alone. So he agreed, albeit reluctantly, and the two brothers headed out.


They had been at the dump for nearly an hour, and Don was absentmindedly rattling on about something he needed to find. Leo was trying hard to pay attention, but the noise of the shifting garbage was only making his headache worse and he found it difficult to process the words his brother was speaking. He shook his head, causing pain to spike between his eyes, and dropped his head onto his knee.

It took him longer than it should have to realize that Don was suddenly right in front of him, frowning worriedly and holding tightly to his shoulder. "I knew something was wrong," Don said accusingly, looking closely at his face. "What's up?"

"It's nothing," Leo tried to lie, but at a pointed glare from his brother he sighed. "I just have a lot on my mind…." The pain spiked again. "And I have the mother of all headaches," he mumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"You should have said something," Don admonished, standing up and pulling Leo with him. "I wouldn't have asked you to come out here if I'd known you felt bad. Let's go home." The two brothers turned to head back to the lair, and Don stopped to pick up his duffel bag. "You need to get some sleep, and in the morn—" Don stopped speaking suddenly, and Leo turned to face him.

"What…?" His eyes widened as Donatello pitched forward, collapsing to the ground and remaining still. Leonardo was at his side in a flash, heart pounding wildly out of control. He froze when he saw a small dart imbedded in his brother's neck.

"I told you there would be consequences for your refusal."

Leo whirled around, leaping to his feet and taking a defensive stance over his brother. "Karai," he growled, glaring at the woman. "What did you do to him?"

"Relax, Leonardo. It is a mild sedative and will wear off in a few hours. I merely wanted to send a message. I know of your brothers' habits. I have watched Donatello's trips to the dump, and Raphael's midnight excursions, and Michelangelo's pizza runs. I could kill them at any time if I so desired. I am being merciful in my offer, Leonardo. If you refuse, your brothers will die. And then you will die."

"Why not kill us if it would be so easy?"

"I do not wish to murder any of you in cold blood. I desire honorable combat with you, Leonardo, my enemy," the woman said.

Leonardo hesitated, glancing back at Don's still figure. "I will agree on one condition."

"And that is…?"

"If things seem to be coming to an end and one of us is nearing death, a short respite can be called to allow time to speak with our second," Leo replied.

Karai hesitated for a moment. "Very well. We will allow three minutes for such conversation. Then, we will end the battle."

Leo nodded shortly. "Then I accept the terms of your challenge. When will the duel take place?"

"One week from tonight, at midnight. We will meet and do battle in the warehouse. This will give us both time to prepare for our possible deaths."

Leo didn't respond, and Karai took it as he intended it—as his agreement. The woman disappeared again into the night, and Leo returned home, carrying his unconscious brother over his shoulders. "I'm sorry, Donny. I'm so, so sorry."