A/N (Lady Ali Style): Apologies for the extremely delayed update. I had an evil case of writer's block. It knocked me out for almost a month... ok actually it was a month. Anyway, I'm really sorry. It's not Pinku's fault, she did everything she could. All the blame lies with meeeee! -sobs ashamedly-

Chapter 2: Share the Love

Much later, when both Matt and Near were awake again and after Mello had shaken himself out of his stupor, there came the obvious panic from the redhead and the albino. Panic mainly centered around "oh-shit-we're-pregnant-and-we're-kids-and-what-the-hell-is-Roger-gonna-say" but also with a touch of "a-small-person-is-going-to-be-shoved-out-of-a-hole-much-too-tiny-for-people-small-or-not-to-fit-through."

Mello endured this for a while before pointing out that there wasn't much to be done about it so they might as well suck it up and quite whining. This was followed by a brief period of hysterical anger in which it was repeatedly pointed out that "That's easy for you to say Mello, you aren't the one pregnant!" until all the commotion caused a passing nurse to worriedly notify Roger of the shouting, and the old caretaker proceeded down to the scene.

"What exactly is going on?" He demanded in the tone of one who far too often finds that he does not know what is going on and is sick of it.

"Well... that depends." Mello began before either of the other two boys, who he considered currently not in possession of all their faculties, could say anything. "What's your stance on abortions?" Roger blinked.

"Are you three... having an argument about the morality of abortions?" He guessed.

"That's not an answer." Mello pointed out. Roger sighed.

"My opinion is that a person should be allowed to do what they like with their own body. That does not mean that I think abortion is right or wrong, and indeed it would depend largely on point of view to find an answer, so your debate would be pointless." Roger replied carefully.

"So you're saying that a person should be able to choose for themselves whether or not to abort their child, and that forcing someone to do it would be wrong?" Near caught on quick. Roger glanced at him hesitantly.

"Yes... wait, where are you all going with this?" Roger began to have a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't a debate on the morality of abortions.

"Well, Near and I are pregnant so..." Matt trailed off. There was no point in finishing the sentence. Roger had fainted.

There was silence in the hotel room that was the headquarters of the Kira investigators. Dead silence. Silence that was broken about two minutes in when L incredulously asked, "those are booties?"

Matsuda looked highly affronted.

"I just started them this morning, of course they aren't going to look that good yet." He grumbled defensively. L made a sound of comprehension. Raito self-consciously stood up out of L's arms. He cleared his throat once or twice and everyone transferred their somewhat dazed attentions to him.

"So... uh... What's the newest lead on Kira?"

"Oh yes, Kira."

"Right, we were studying the murder notebook..."

"You know, I think-"

Business as usual. The human mind has an amazing ability to recover from disturbing information.

The day had slowly settled back to normality. The NPA was trying to research the notebook without actually using it... or touching it... or even staring at it too long for that matter. The thing was creepy as hell. Misa Amane had apparently been stalking the building for a while, but eventually gave up when Raito never came back out. Oddly, the Kira killings had yet to resume now that Higuchi was dead, and there was a large aura of trepidation hanging around the whole mystery.

But enough of that, we're skipping ahead to about a week later, when Watari stumbles into the investigation room looking bewildered.

"Um, Ryuuzaki..." He began somewhat dazedly.

"Yes, Watari?" L replied, not taking his eyes from the screen in front of him yet.

"We have... visitors..." Watari continued. Instantly, all eyes in the room shifted to Watari in various stages of shock and confusion.

"Visitors?" Raito asked.

"I thought this was a top secret facility... type thing..." Aizawa commented.

"It is." L confirmed. "Thus, we should not have visitors. What are you talking about Watari?"

"Well... it's... they're..." Watari struggled to find the right words. "Nevermind. I'll let them tell you themselves." To the further confusion of the rooms occupants, Watari turned and stuck his head out the door to call "Boys!" Before turning back around and coming forward again. There was no time to ask questions before three odd youths barreled in through the entrance, two of whom seemed to be arguing about something.

"Look, I said we should have called ahead, it's not my fault if-"

"Oh yeah because Roger was obviously going to let us use the phone while he tried to hustle us out as fast as possible!"

"Well maybe if we had gone back and asked!"

"If you felt like explaining things further to him you should have said so-"

"Not what I meant!"

"Um... guys?" The smallest, quietest boy of the trio gestured to his companions as a means of informing them that they were the center of attention. A short pause as the trio took in their new surroundings. Then,

"L!" Much to the astonishment of the NPA, a blonde boy darted forward to give L a quick, enthusiastic hug.

"Hello, Mello." L greeted, somehow still calm. "Near, Matt." He nodded at the other boys in acknowledgement. "Why are you three here?"

"Well, before we answer that, what's your stance on abortions?" Matt mimicked Mello's much earlier tactics. L, however, was far more shrewd and intelligent than Roger.

"Don't tell me one of you is pregnant." He groaned slightly, placing a hand to his forehead. The NPA members started out of their reverie.

"Alright, we won't tell you then." Mello quipped neatly.

"What!? But they're just kids!" Raito cried.

"This is getting ridiculous..." Aizawa agreed. Then something terrible happened.

The fluffy pale boy, Near, started to cry.

"Aizawa, you jerk!" Matsuda admonished, giving Aizawa a light punch in the arm as Near whimpered slightly. Aizawa looked mortified.

"What? It wasn't me! I mean... I don't think it was me?"

"Near, what's wrong man?" Matt put an arm around Near's shoulders comfortingly.

"L... L is going to be so mad at us..." Near hiccuped. "A-and that guy said we're ridiculous..."

"Alright... maybe it was me... but I didn't mean anythi- OOF!" Aizawa's sentence was cut off as he was tackled by an angry blonde.

"You moron! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get him to stop crying once he's started?" Mello growled, yanking Aizawa's hair ferociously.

"Mello! Near! That's enough!" L leapt to his feet, dragging Mello off of Aizawa and walking over to stand next to the other two boys. "Now, I am not mad. I understand all too well that mistakes are very easy to make. I would just like to know what is going on exactly."

"Well, I'm pregnant with either Mello or Near's baby, Near's pregnant with either Mello or my baby, and Roger forced us to come to you because he doesn't want us influencing the other children at the orphanage." Matt ticked the facts off on his fingers matter-of-factly. L stared at Mello blandly.

"Really Mello, you couldn't just pick one and stick with him?" L questioned. Mello bristled.

"I did! I mean, I'm dating Near, that is. Matt's my best friend, and we just wanted to have some fun. That's it." Mello explained defensively. "We didn't expect anything like... like this to happen. And now I'm going to be a father, apparently, so it's not like I can just leave one of them even if I wanted to."

"...You love Near more than me... don't you?" Matt accused suddenly. Mello moaned exasperatedly.

"We've been over this Matt! You know that's not true. I just love you guys differently that's all." Mello said in the tone of one who has repeated this far too many times.

"It seemed pretty similar to me." Near pointed out between sniffles.

"Now you're just being difficult." Mello sighed, looking up at L. "You see? You see what they're like now? Nine months of this. I don't know if I can make it." Shooting a glance over his shoulder at the stricken Raito, L couldn't help but think 'I don't know either.'

To Be Continued...

Lady: Um, well Pinku isn't on right now and I didn't want to deprive you guys any longer... so I'll just have her write her note later when she's back. REVIEW PLEASE!! Leave lots of lovely reviews so that maybe she'll forgive me for taking so long to finish. Pleeeease?