(Chris-118 walks in with a sheepish look on his face)

Chrsi-118: Heya people, Yes, it's finally happened, I've decided to start a second story. I bet alot of you are like 'Wait, doesnt he still have one story out...with only 2 chapters', well, ya, but I just saw a wonderful anime, it's name is Rosario+Vampire, and I just couldn't help myself. If you havent heard of the anime just go to youtube, type in Rosario+Vampire Episode 1 and watch from there.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Rosario+Vampire...that's it



He couldn't believe it, no matter how many times he replayed it in his head.


That was his last chance...his last chance to become a shinobi...to become Hokage...and he blew it.


He looked up at the bright, smiling faces of the newly instated gennin and the equally bright smiles of their family.


It wasn't a foreign word by any stretch of imagination, but...it was a foreign feeling. Something he never experienced, something he never would.

Naruto sighed and rose from the swing he was seated upon, walking towards the Hokage Tower.


A dry, bitter chuckle escaped his lips, yes, he did fail. But unlike the other times he failed, he wasn't going to try again, no, he was just gonna go with the flow.

Back at the swing set, a certain silver-haired Chunnin sneered, he was just gonna have to get the scroll himself.

Little did Naruto know, that if he just stayed at that swingset a little longer, he would've actually became a Gennin...and changed Konoha forever.


3 Years Later

Naruto sighed for the umpteenth time as he looked out the window. This was already confusing, first he receives an enrollment package from some academy he never even heard of, then he's riding some strange contraption to said unknown academy. All he did know was that the wierd thing he was sitting in was a called a 'bus'.

Once again, he sighed as he thought back on how he was here.


Naruto's eye twitched as he read his report card, was Kami playing a joke on him? This was the second school in his life he had to repeat.

Science: F

Algebra: F

Physical Education: A+

Literature: C-

History: F

Elective: Shinobi Study: D-

Yeah, Kami was definately playing a joke on him.

He was broken from his musings as someone cleared their throat, he turned, it was his friend, Nara Rei, Shikamaru's cousin. Out of the entire class, she was the only one to befriend him.

"Sorry Naruto-san, looks like your gonna have to repeat the 8th grade", she said, a little disappointed. "Not if use a little...persuasion", Naruto responded, fire starting to swirl around his hands. Then a thwack on the back of his head disappated it, "Itai, What the fuck was that for!?", another thwack, "ITAI!!". Rei stepped back a bit, a small fan in her hand, "Language Naruto, and what did I say in concerns to your power?".

Naruto sighed and repeated what he heard millions of times before, "'Only in a life-threatening situation may it become appropriate, I know, I know"

Even after Naruto became a civlian, he still trained, using what stealth he had, he snuck a few scrolls out of the Shinobi Library and a few chakra papers. He learned his element, or rather elements, were wind and fire, imagine that. He learned how to harness both elements without handseals and, in the process, found out about the Fox Youkai sealed into his stomach. Wow, that was a meeting to remember...NOT!!

Rei just nodded her head and said, "You'd do well to remember that". Naruto muttered underneath his breath, "Hard to believe your one year younger than me", THWACK, "Are you calling me old?".


Naruto walked home, his book bag slung over his shoulder. Well, might as well start studying while he can. He finally reached his apartment, he dug into his pocket for his keys before he noticed something by his mailbox. He turned, and to his surprise, it was a package.

Mail? For him? Something was definately not right.

Pocketing his keys, he slowly walked over to the package. It wasn't in the mailbox nor directly under it. It was almost like some one dropped it.

Picking it up, he looked for a name, only to see none. All it said was 'Youkai Academy Enrollment Form'.

Nothing special abou- wait!..."Enrollment Form?" Naruto questioned. He looked it over again, nope, nothing else. Thinking it over, he came to a stunning conclusion, "I...passed?".

He thought it over and over, but couldn't think why he would pass, he had bad grades, his teacher despises him, but not because of the fox, no. It was because he had a short make-out session with his daughter...totally worth it.

But even if his brain said that this wasn't logical, his heart screamed out in joy. He passed, he was going to High School! He shook his head, he would ponder this tommorrow. Right now, he needed rest.

So, tucking the package underneath his arm he walked to his door, unlocked it, and went inside to get some long-needed rest.

End Flashback

And so, here he was, on some contraption with no one but himself and the bus driver.

Naruto looked foreward hoping to see something else other than the beautiful sakura trees or the sparkling river.

Nope, still the same.

His thoughts were interupted by the bus driver's voice, "Mister, are you a Freshman at Youkai Academy?". Naruto nodded, "Yea, what of it?". The bus driver responded, "You better be mentally prepared, it's a terrifying school". Naruto just scoffed as they started to drive through a tunnel.


The bus finally stopped, at a scarecrow of all things. Naruto couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity with the scarecrow.


Back in Konoha, a certain lazy, perverted ninja sneezed. "Hm, I wonder who could be talking about me...meh, it's probably not important". So he dug his face bag into the orange book with the title all women despise, 'Icha Icha'.


Naruto shook his head to get rid of the feeling. He walked away from the bus and into the forest. He heard the bus driver say a few last words, "Be careful young man", before he drove back into the tunnel.

He looked to his right, only to notice that the once sparkling river had turned a crimson red...like blood. When he took a second look at the forest, he noticed the beautiful sakura trees were replaced by gloomy, dead trees. "It looks like I entered a whole nother world", he commented.

He didn't know how right he was.


Naruto looked around him, it was all the same, dead trees with crows in them, creepy ancient tombstones, eerie fog that gathered just a few inches above the ground. If anything it looked like something out of a horror movie(1) he once saw.

But, he just sighed and dealed with it, in fact, he was almost expecting worst, especially with a name like Youkai Academy.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

Naruto turned around sharply, wind gathering around his hand. He looked left and right, but saw nothing. He relaxed his stance and continued walking, but the wind kept swirling around his hand.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

His muscles tensed, but he kept walking, intent upon getting out of this forest ASAP.


Naruto turned again, dropping his bag and holding both hands up in a clawed position. He looked up and saw...a bat. "I'm a bat", it said.

Before Naruto had time to contemplate how the bat actually spoke, he detected a presence coming in...fast! He turn around and caught something, it was heavy, so he applied chakra to his arms.

But apparently it had wheels as he smelt burning coming from his shirt and an extreme pain came onto his chest, it was too much.

Given the short amount of time it took for this to happen, the bike still had enough force to crash into him and throw him back. He fell to the ground hard, there was a sharp pain in his back, but his regenerative abilities kicked in and healed him. He slowly got up and placed his hand on the ground for support,or, what he thought was the ground.

It was soft and smooth, and as soon as he set his hand on it there was a sharp, decidedly feminine gasp. Naruto quickly forgot about his current pain and started worrying what pain he would be in.

He expected, screaming, punching, kicking, testicle-smashing, anything...but an apology. "Sorry, my eyes went blurry because I'm anemic", said the female. Naruto looked at the girl he accidently touched, only to lose his breath the second he did.

She had long pink hair, sparkling green eyes, a wonderfully slim body, and legs, from the feel of it, that probably went on for miles. She was wearing a green, uniform shirt just like him, but a skirt instead of pants...a really short skirt. She had a silver rosary around her neck with a red jewel in the center.

All-in-all, she was H...O...T, HOT!

The beautiful girl gasped again as she looked down at the hand on her leg. Naruto gasped as well, quickly removed his hand and scooted back, "I-I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to, I swear", but his nose decided to play bastard and bleed.

The girl gasped for what would be the third time today, "Oh no, blood is...", she quickly dug into her pockets for her hankerchief (sp?). She came closer to wipe off the blood, before an intoxicating aroma filled her nose, "That...that scent...".

Naruto raised an eyebrow 'scent?', he took a quick whiff of her hair...and sighed in content, 'that scent...it's so good'. Before he could further bask in her scent, she grabbed his cheeks, "Please, forgive me". Naruto raised his eyebrow again, "For wha-".

Before he could finish, she leaned foreward and bit his neck. "Kappuchuuuuuuu"(2)

Naruto shuddered in hidden pleasure, he was about to say something before he noticed it, her teeth weren't on his neck, they were in his neck.

Before he could shout his protests, the girl quickly let go, "G-gomenasai, I...". Naruto had anime tears running down his face, "M-my blood". He tugged his collar down, expecting to find a bleeding bite mark, only to find a lipstick mark.

He blinked, "Th- There's nothing there?".

The girl looked down at his dropped possessions and grabbed a manilla booklet, "Are you also from the Youkai Academy?", she asked. Naruto nodded and answered, "Yeah, I'm a Freshman".

The girl turned around and looked at him with her beautiful green eyes, "That's great, I'm a Freshman too"

Naruto answered, "I see...". All of a sudden the girl looked nervous, "Erm...do you hate vampires?". Naruto raised his eyebrows at the seemingly random question, "Umm...no, I guess not, after all, don't they just want to live like us". The girl just smiled brightly and glomped him, "Oh, I'm so happy, will you be my friend?".

Naruto just nodded slowly, but before he talk, she continued, "Oh, I'm so glad, I don't know anyone here and I was really worried". Then an epiphany came upon her, "Oh, I didn't tell you my name, it's Akashiya Moka, and I'm a vampire".

Naruto decided to ponder the vampire thing later, "Uh, yea, my names Uzumaki Naruto". While outside he was calm, his mind was jumping for joy, 'I'm going to spend my High School days with this beautiful and kind girl, thank you Kami-sama!!'.


"Hello everyone, welcome to Youkai Academy, I'm your Form Room teacher, Nekonome Shizuka", said a very attractive women, she had a pair of cat ears on her head, though you'd have to look closely to tell, and Naruto isn't one to look closely.

Naruto was smiling happily as he listened on, 'The teacher is really friendly, and cute to boot, I think I'm gonna like it here'

Shizuka continued, "I'm sure everyone here already knows, but Youkai Academy is a school for monsters". Naruto nodded, 'Mm-hm, for monsters...wait...WHAT!?', and thus marked Naruto's patented 'Nothing suspicious here even though I'm sweating like crazy' foxy grin.

Shizuka nodded, as if agreeing with herself, "As of know, the world is ruled my humans, so, this school was built to teach monsters like us to co-exist with humans".

Naruto was having a near panic attack, he raised his hand slightly, 'S-sensei'. Shizuka walked, more like skipped, over to the words on the board and pointed at them with her pointer, "Because of this, school rule number 1: All students must be in their human form unless special situations arrive, school rule 2: No other student should know your true form, everyone understand?"

Then another voice spoke up, one that was smocky(3) and boiled Naruto's blood, "Such boring rules...". Shizuka looked at him and then at her attendance sheet, "You are...Komiya Saizou-kun, right?".

Saizou didn't affirm that, but the way he kept talking did, "Why don't we just eat those humans? At least, that's what I would do, sensei", his tongue slithered out of his mouth a waggled around a bit. Shizuka looked at him in confusion, "But you shouldn't do that, the students and staff here are all monsters, from head to toe", then, her cat ears perked up and her tail came into view. "You see, we're inside a secret barrier, any unsuspecting human that enters..."

Meanwhile Naruto was listening and thinking of a way to get out of this crazy school, 'Maybe if I just tell them I'm human, they'll let me go'. However his sensei's next words shattered that hope, "...shall be killed on the spot". Naruto shivered in fear, just the cheery way she said that.

He felt someone's gaze on him, he turned to see Saizou looking at him with a hungry look in his eyes, not the lustful hungry, the 'I'm gonna eat you and there's nothing you can do about it' hungry. Saizou slipped his tongue back into his mouth and he turned to face Shizuka, "Now that you mention it, I did smell a human, right now in fact". Naruto started sweating, thinking about all the painful ways he might die.

But Lady Luck smiled upon him as the door opened up, "Sorry I'm late". Shizuka looked at her, "Oh, and who are you" she asked kindly. The person at the door came in, "Right, I'm Akashiya Moka".

The moment she stepped into the door, every male in the room, except Naruto, went gaga.

"That girl is hot"

"She's totally cute"

"I agree"

When Naruto finally saw who it was he smiled and waved, "Hey, Moka-chan!". Moka turned to see who was calling her, when she saw her friend waving at her, a smile came upon her face. Before anyone could even blink, she had glomped Naruto, "Naruto-kun, we're in the same class, oh I'm so happy".


Every male in the school watched enviously as Naruto walked about the halls with a beautiful girl attached to his arm. 'This has to be a dream there's no way a school for monsters exist'.

They stopped by a vending machine to get something to drink. Both of their drinks dropped at the same time, so they both went to get them. Before either of them reached their can, their hands touched. Naruto quickly stood up straight, "G-gomen", Moka looked at him and smiled, "Jeez, Naruto-kun".

She went to lightly tap him on the chest with her palm.


Naruto tried to get rid of the pounding headache, he slowly lifted himself out of the pillar he was smashed into, "Such great strength"


Moka took a sip of her drink and smiled, "It's delicious, isn's it?" she asked. Naruto looked to the side, "Um, yeah", when he looked back at her, she was giving him a sad look. Not wanting to make her cry or anything, he took a gulp. Naruto looked upon the now smiling face of his friend, 'But if she's a vampire...', he let that thought hang and just decided to enjoy the comfortable silence between them.

"You're Akashiya Moka, correct?", Naruto turned abruptly, that damn smug voice. Sure enough, when they both turned, they saw Saizou.

Before anyone could answer, he appeared in front of Naruto and held him up by his collar, "Please tell me why a beautiful lady like yourself is hanging out with this loser". Naruto's eyes flew open.




Naruto growled, "No". Saizou looked at him, "What?". "I am NOT a loser", Naruto grabbed Saizou's arm and, with some chakra, flung him into the vending machine. Saizou stood back up, anger evident in his eyes, "How dare you, trash". That comment just riled Naruto up more, he prepared his Kaze Tsume(4).

But before he could charge, someone grabbed his arm, it was Moka, "Please, stop Naruto-kun". Naruto relaxed and dispelled his Kaze Tsume. He wrapped his arm around Moka's shoulders, eliciting a blush from her, "Come on Moka-chan, we have better things to do". With that they both walked off.

Saizou sneered, "I'm gonna put that punk in his place, if it's the last thing I do".


Naruto and Moka stood on the small roof-bridge(5), looking down at the school. Moka turned towards Naruto, "That was amazing Naruto-kun, how you just threw straight him straight into the machine, how did you do that?". Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his head nervously, "Heh, just used a little help", he answered.

However, Naruto was thinking deeply, 'How did he lift me up so easily, he didn't even look slightly strained, is that the power of a monster?'.

Moka looked at him confused, but then smiled and patted his back, "Naruto-kun is so wierd, it's like your seeing a monster for the first time". Then, a thought came upon her, "Oh, Naruto-kun, what kind of monster are you?". So that brought upon another thought "Oh, right, I forgot, revealing your identity is against school rules, I take back my question".

Naruto raised his eyebrow, "But, you already revealed to me that your a vampire". Moka put both of her hands on the sides of her face, blushing in embarrasment, "I didn't know that was a rule back then".

"You don't really look like a vampire to me" Naruto commented, looking over her. "Only right now", Moka responded. She put her hands on her shirt spread it slightly apart, revealing a bit more cleavage, "Look". Naruto did, and immediately blushed, "Y-your breasts?!". She nodded, "Yes, the rosary on my chest, once this rosary is removed, I turn into a terrifying, true vampire".

"True vampire...", Naruto said softly. Moka put her shirt back to normal and grabbed her rosary, "That's why this is a protective seal, even I can't take it off".

There was a few seconds of silence...before Naruto spoke up, "It's okay". Moka looked up at him, surprised. Naruto looked away, scratching the back of his head, "Even if your a little scary...Moka-chan is still Moka-chan". Moka smiled widely and hugged Naruto and he had no choice but to hug back, "Thank goodness, you're my first friend, Naruto...and, you're my first love", she finished, a blush gracing her features.

Naruto backed up a bit, but kept his arm around her, "First?", he asked, he found it hard to believe that a girl this beautiful was never with anyone. Moka brought one hand up to her lips, "Until today, I only fed on tomato juice and blood transfusion packets, so...sucking real blood like that...Naruto is...that sweet fragrance...that wonderful taste...I can't forget it".

She leaned forward to take another bite, but as she did, Naruto saw her eyes flash red, a malevolent, unforgiving red. He quickly pushed her away, "I-I'm sorry, I have somewhere to be".

He quickly turned and ran away. Moka looked at his running form with hurt eyes, "Naruto?".


He ran. He ran like the Devil was after him. While he was running, he couldn't help but think, 'This can't be real, even though Moka-chan is cute...she really is different than me'. Naruto looked around him, at the people he was passing, 'I-It's not just Moka-chan, it's everyone!'.

A girl with short orange-red hair, 'It's her too'

Another girl with long brown hair, 'Her too'

'That guy, that girl, that teacher, everyone!!'

He started running faster, to his dorm room. All the way, he couldn't help but feel like he was back in Konoha.


Naruto looked at the school, his bag in hand and a sorrowful expression on his face. No matter where he went, he was always different, he would always be different.

As he turned to leave, someone shouted his name, "Naruto!". He turned and saw Moka, breathing heavily from running so far, "I felt you were acting strange, so I followed you, to see if I could help, but...", she looked at the bag he had in his hand. "Are you going somewhere?", she asked, afraid of the answer.

Naruto turned back around, "I was thinking about going to a human school". Her eyes widened, "Human school?, she asked cautiously.

Naruto turned abruptly, making Moka jump and take a step back, "Even though your a good person Moka-chan, there's just no way I could stay at this school!!". "YOU CAN'T!!", Moka screamed, this time, it was Naruto's turn to step back.

Moka ran forward and grabbed his bag, frantically trying to tug it from his grip, "You can't go to a school for humans!!". Naruto tugged his bag as well, "Moka-chan!". She stopped tugging but she didn't let go, she whispered softly, "I hate humans".

Naruto looked at her, surprised and somewhat hurt, she continued, "I went to a human school for junior high, I was lonely because nobody believed in monsters, I felt different from anyone, I kept thinking that it would probably be better if I didn't exist". She looked up at him, a smile on her face, "But then you told me it was alright, even though I'm a vampire", tears started to run down her face, "For the first time, I didn't feel alone".

Naruto looked down, his hair shadowing his eyes, "What if...what if I told you that I am a human, would you still accept me?". Moka just looked at him, confused. Naruto looked up slightly, "I am human...I am human!! I just came to this school because of some stupid mistake!".

Moka's eye's widened as she slowly backed up, "No way...humans shouldn't be able to enter this school". Naruto looked down, his hair once again shadowing his eyes, "That expression you showed...", Moka reached her hand out, "Naruto-", "Don't come near me!!". Moka took a step back.

Naruto looked up at her, his eyes filled with anger and hurt, "You hate humans, don't you? I...I...don't want to befriend monsters either!!". Moka's eyes widened as hurt filled them.

Naruto looked surprise at what left his mouth, but then he quickly bent down, grabbed his bag, and ran. Moka stretched her arm out, "Naruto!!".


For the second time today, Naruto ran like the Devil was after him. Well, not the Devil, but something close to it.

He stopped and looked around, "The bus station...that way!", he quickly took off again.

Way back, Moka was running as fast as she could, trying to catch Naruto. But her path was blocked by somebody, Saizou to be precise, "Where are you going in such a hurry Moka-san?" he asked, smugness filled his tone. Moka just smirked and answered, "I'm very busy".

Saizou started chuckling evilly, "I can't take it anymore!!". His muscles started bulging and he grew taller and taller. He was a hideous being, his skina was an ugly pale beige, he had spikes growing out of his shoulders, and his finger became plated and clawed. His eyes had turned a dark green with slits, "I hoped I wouldn't be able to do this, but you've left me no choice, this is my real form, an Orc!!". His tongue zipped out of his mouth and towards Moka.


Naruto stopped running and looked back, that was Moka, was she in trouble? Was she hurt? Or...Saizou! Turning swiftly, he ran back the way he came.


Moka leaned against a tree, Saizou's saliva covering her.

"What's the matter, Moka-san, why won't you transform? Or are you too frightened?", Saizou sneered, that damn cocky tone still there.

Moka glared at him, "It's against school rules to transform", Saizou just started dancing, "We're outside school so it's fine", his tongue shot out, straight towards Moka. His tongue wrapped around her leg, lifted her up and swung her into a tree. She hit it with a painful crunch.

Saizou started laughing insanely...before a foot made contact with his face. He flew away into a tree, destroying it. He slowly got up, shaking his head to rid the daze he was in. He looked up to see who his attacker was. But the moment he stood up, his face met a chakra-empowered fist, knocking him down again.

Saizou opened his eyes, and finally saw who it was. There, standing with chakra swirling around him, was Naruto. Naruto growled, "you hurt Moka-chan, now I'll hurt you", he dashed forward and threw a fist, it made contact with Saizou's stomach. Saizou doubled over, but this time, he was prepared, he grabbed his arm, punched him multiple times before flinging him towards Moka.

Naruto flipped and landed on his feet, but Saizou's tongue wrapped around him and swung him in circles. Naruto crashed through several trees before Saizou let him go. Naruto rolled several feet and came to a stop by the hillside. Saizou walked slowly to where Naruto was, he smirked evilly and kicked Naruto over the hill.

Saizou laughed insanely as he heard Naruto's body slide roughly down the hillside and land with a crunch. "NARUTO!!", Saizou looked back, he totally forgot about Moka, but before he could gather his thoughts, she jumped past him and down the hill.


Naruto's battered form looked up from his spot on the ground, and saw a scarecrow, the same one he saw when he first arrived. He chuckled and said, "Well, whaddaya know, I actually made it here". He heard sliding behind him, he expected it to be Saizou, coming to finish the job.

Just as he started getting up, he felt someone gently pushing him back down. They put his head on his lap, and when he looked up, it was Moka, tears were pouring out of her eyes. Her eyes were closed as she spoke, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Naruto-kun, the difference between monsters and humans are too much".

Naruto looked at her, eyes wide, "I'm a vampire...", she continued "...sucking blood and harming humans, back in my old school, all I wanted was a friend". She opened her eyes, "Being human or monster doesn't matter", she smiled "But I guess it's impossible".

"What the Hell are you doing?", both of them looked back, only to see Saizou sneering down upon them. They both stood up and faced him, but Naruto held up his hand, "Stand aside, Moka-chan". Moka looked at him, confused, "Naruto?".

Naruto backed up until his back hit the scarecrow, "I may not be that strong, but I will defend Moka-chan with my life. Human or monster, I wan't to be Moka-chan's friend". Saizou ran up to him fist raised, "Quit your blabbering!", he threw his fist, but it was stopped short by Naruto, who had gripped it with both hands.

Saizou smirked, "Heheheh, you are a persistant one, but it will not help you", he threw his other fist which connected with Naruto's face, sending him flying backwards.

He hit the ground with a loud thud. Moka was at his side in an instant, "Naruto-kun!". Naruto lifted one hand and set it upon Moka's shoulder, softly, he whispered to her, "Vampire or not...I still like you". His hand slowly fell, his fingers hooking on to her rosary, but his hand didn't stop, it took the rosary with it.

Moka looked down, amazed, as the chain in which her rosary once hung from started to glow bright pink, "The rosary...it got removed". The pink glow got larger and brighter, it covered the ground they were on and the river behind them. Saizou covered his face with his bulky arms.

Then bats flew out from, what used to be a bright sun, what now is the red moon. They flew towards Moka, surrounding her. Both Naruto and Saizou looked at the bat encased Moka. Saizou was shivering in fear, "What just happened? She's like a totally different person". Naruto looked down at the rosary that was in his hand.


"...once this rosary is removed, I turn into a terrifying, true vampire"

End Flashback

Naruto looked back up at Moka, "Could...could this be a true vampire?". Slowly, one of the bats peeled off and flew away, then another. Then, all at once, the bats flew off, back towards the red moon. Naruto gasped at the figure standing there, it was still Moka, but she looked different.

Her bright pink hair had turned silver and her dazzling green eyes turned red with slits. Her face was narrower and had a smirk plastered on it. Despite the situation, Naruto couldn't help but noticed that certain assets had grown...larger.

Saizou however, didn't take the time to check her out fully, he was to busy quaking in fear, "T-the rumors...it's just as they said...those red eyes, that silver hair, that huge demonic aura". His eyes widened in total fear, "It's an S-Class monster, A VAMPIRE!!". Moka flicked some of her hair out of her face and looked at Saizou with that same smirk.

"So, you're the one who awakened me from my slumber, huh?", she asked, her voice was more regal and elegant. Saizou still stood there, his whole body trembling, "H-how could this be...? I'm trembling just from looking at her". Moka stretched her arms and yawned.

Saizou shook his head, "No, who cares if she's a vampire, I'll still crush her!!". But before he could blink, she was right in front of him, her smirk still in there, "You should learn your place". She lifted her leg and kicked with such great force that he flew back and crashed into the hill.

When the dust cleared, Saizou layed there, his tongue hanging out and a dazed look on his face. "I'll be aware of it from now on", he said painfully. Moka scoffed at the disappointing fight.

Naruto stared at Moka in amazment, 'This is a completely different Moka from a few seconds ago', he thought to himself. H watched as she turned and slowly walked towards him 'She's overwhelmingly strong and...which one is the real Moka?'. Naruto stood up, slowly as to not agravate his wounds. But as soon as he stood up, his legs gave out and he fell forward.

He closed his eyes and braced for a hard landing, but was surprised when someone caught him and his face landed in between something soft. His last thoughts before he succumbed to sleep was, 'This scent...it's the same as the Moka-chan from back then'


Naruto's eyes snapped open and he jerked, trying to immediately get back up, but it was to no avail. The first thing he realized, was that his head was lying on something soft.

"Naruto-kun, you're okay!", that was Moka, the first Moka, he could tell from the sound of her voice. He got up, slowly this time. He sat in an upright position, leaning on his hands. Moka didn't waste any time and starting fawning over him, "Are you alright Naruto? Does it hurt anywhere", she gave him a quick look over.

Naruto's face remained unmoving, before he smiled, then he laughed. It was a deep, joy-filled laughed, one that made Moka's face turn a deep red. But her redness receded as soon as she spotted a cut on his cheek, then worry took over, "Naruto, you're bleeding!". Naruto stopped laughing and lifted his hand up to wipe away the blood, but Moka's hand stopped him. He looked at her in confusion, but she just shook her head and reached for her hankerchief.

Naruto just smiled again, but this time, it was an adoring smile, he thought to himself, 'Maybe this place won't be so bad'.

Moka tenderly wiped the blood from his cheek. As she brought the hankerchief back, she sniffed it, "That scent...I really can't resist it, please, forgive me Naruto-kun". Naruto looked at her, confused...before she latched onto his neck and started drinking, "Kapuchuuuuuu"


(1) Just bare with me on this

(2) This is something that Moka always says when she drinks Naruto's blood, she says it in the original anime as well

(3) Heh, smocky, its a word I made up, smug and cocky, get it?

(4) This is the name of one of Naruto's attacks, more will be explained later on

Now, I'm sure most of you have questions, such as, "Why was Naruto so weak if he trained and known about the Kyuubi?". The answer is simple, I did say he trained, but I didn't say he did it constantly, remember Naruto chose to just live a civilian life, and not to mentioned, he now had school 7/5. I never did say he made a deal with the Kyuubi, so he only trained when he had time, which was very rare.

Now, people are probably asking what happened to Konoha during the three year timespan and what's gonna happen now. Relax, all will be explained...later on.

I believe that's all, R&R please. Flames will be used to make Firebombs for my Elites.