Written for Tianna xoxo

Summer 1998 - That was the summer that was...

"Shannon, quit stealing the food or I'll call you know who and tell her not to bother coming to your stupid 18th pool party!"

"Ah Chicka, don't be so mean...I'm a growing lad, I need my food!"

"Keep taking it big bro and I'll make the call"

"Call to who?"

"You know who Shannon. My best mate, Olympic swimming champion in training...the object of your teenage lust...you know"

Shannon rolled his eyes at his younger sister and shoved her playfully.

"Tianna? I am not lusting after her! I've known her since like...forever; she's like my second sister"

"Note to Shannon...I've seen the way you've ben looking at her, you are sooo lusting after her. Come on bro, just admit it!"

"I will not!"

"Well in that case...I won't tell you that she's got a major thng for you then!"

With that Nicole Moore turned on her heel and swept away from her older brother, a cheeky smile plastered on her face. Shannon could only stand and stare after her, wondering whether his kid sister was pulling his leg or not. His heart was thumping just thinking about it, his sister was very perceptive and she was almost always right...just like this instance. True he'd known Tianna since her family had moved to the area 14 years ago, when he was 4 and her just 3, but she had been away for the last 6 months training for the Olympic swimming trials, when she had returned for her holiday break last week, he had certainly noticed the changes in her...she had becaome a very beautiful woman.

Shannon was brought back to his senses by the loud holler that came from inside the house.

"Shannon, dude...you ready to kick off this party man...where's all the gils at?"

"Hey Matt, Jeff. You're early...nobody'sgonna be here for another half hour yet"

"Hey Shannon?"

"Yes Jeff?"

"Is Tianna coming today?"

"Yeah I think so, why?"

"You gonna make a move or what?"

"Give it a rest Jeff okay...or I'll walk right into that house and tell my sister all about her very own secret admirer!"

Jeff had the good grace to blush and turn away, Matt chuckled along with Shannon at the obvious embarrassment caused. It was a well known fact among the three young men that Jeff had been in love with Nicole for the last two years.

Three hours later, the party was in full swing, the back yard was littered with revellers come to wish Shannon a happy 18th, the sun was out in force and Shannon couldn't help but notice the way it gleamed on Tianna's golden skin. Shannon was sat with Jeff, Matt and Shane, their legs dangling in the shallow end of the pool, all four men attempting to keep a conversation alive, but the combination of alcohol and hormones making it nigh on impossible.

"Guess who?"

Jeff jumped in the air at the sound of the familiar voice and the feel of the soft female hands over his eyes, taking in a deep breath before he spoke, Jeff forced his vocal cords into action.

"Suprise me"

"Okay...close your eyes Shan, you don't want to see this"

Shannon screwed his face up in embarrassment at the sight of his sister sliding into the pool between Jeff's legs and placing a kiss on his lips. Closing his eyes to avoid the scene playing out in front of him, Shannon didn't notice the person swim across the pool towards him, a bolt of electricity passed through his body as the petite hand touched his thigh.

"Hey Shan...so are you planning on talking to me today at all?"

"Oh hi Tianna. Yes of course..I was just letting you have your fun you know...you don't want boring old me hanging around you all day now do ya?"

"Ah, that's where you're wrong Shannon...I came here for you"

"Because it's my birthday?"

Tianna's brown eyes sparkled in the sun as she giggled, her hand reached up to stroke Shannon's face and she leaned in to kiss his lips.

"So let's go find somewhere quiet and celebrate it"

Okay, I hope you like it so far, I was going to have this as a one shot but aft I started mind mapping, it seemed easier to make it into a longer story. Please r&r

xoxoxo H