
Poor, unattractive, dateless Eloise Midgen. You know, that pimply girl who tried to curse them off. Merlin, is she stupid! THINK AGAIN, PEOPLE. The Yule Ball is approaching and still she has no date. (WARNING: Do NOT read this or you may receive a virus containing a forceful love potion from Eloise Midgen, herself. Yes, she is desperate enough to bring a Muggle.)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter world or characters. Those are all from Jo Rowling's beautiful mind.

Chapter 1

The Yule Ball is somehow even worse than Single's Awareness Day. Every year I have to get through February 14th without puking for two main reasons. Someone might send me a box of trick sweets or the magical cupids from Madam Puddifoot's will somehow find me and we'll shriek at the sight of each other.

Now, I don't mean to sound too bitter, but the truth can never be denied, especially by someone who knows the truth all too well. There will be no solid chocolate hearts for Eloise Midgen. No one would even bother giving me hollow chocolate hearts. I'd have to deal with this in three more months.

But let's just focus on what's happening this month. The Yule Ball. Whoever named it must have been a Disney Princess freak. Yes, I know about Disney. I'm half-blood, after all. I suppose that the Yule Dance doesn't sound as good as the Yule Ball, though.

Already I've been snubbed. Not that I've asked anyone yet. I just can't help hating Ronald Weasley. No, Eloise Midgen isn't good-looking enough for the freckled Ronald Weasley. Don't think I'm deaf. I know things that most people don't seem to notice. I think it's because I practically blend into the wall.

Believe me, the blending isn't always bad. It can be a relief on some days. It feels like I'm not really living, I'm just passing through and no one can touch me. But the times that I feel the most invisible are probably times that I am most visible, if that makes sense.

So I was innocently walking along...

"Well - you know," Ron had said to Hermione with a shrug. "I'd rather go alone than with - with Eloise Midgen, say."

Isn't he just charming?

It is obvious to anyone with eyes that Ron fancies Hermione. Why can't he or Hermione realize that? They're the only two people in this school who are completely oblivious to Ron's weakness for bushy hair and buck teeth.

I know I'm being mean. But Hermione isn't much better. She's so self-righteous. Does she think that house-elves seriously WANT to be freed? They'd be begging to come back to their old masters. It's their way of life. She is taking away their culture and very essence itself! Their name would have to be changed to something like we're-not-house-elves or maybe independent-elves.

"Her acne's loads better lately - and she's really nice!" Hermione protested.

Oh, I had acne? I really hadn't noticed. But of course, Hermione is a know-it-all.

"Her nose is off-center," Ron grumbled, looking away from Hermione.

Hmm, you'd think that I didn't own a mirror.

Hermione snapped a quick retort and left.

It wasn't exactly a coincidence that I was in the Gryffindor common room at the time. I'm a Hufflepuff. Yes, I know that name sounds fluffy and cutesy, but I am anything but. If you haven't heard of Hufflepuff, I'll give you a quick overview. Hufflepuffs always manage to come in last for the House Cup. Professor Sprout is our Head of House. She teaches Herbology. Hufflepuffs are supposed to be loyal and kind, but the other houses just think of us as either wimps or the leftovers that wouldn't fit into any other House. Does Hufflepuff ring a bell for you yet?

Well, speaking of bells, I had noticed Katie Bell, the Gryffindor's best Chaser, and Neville Longbottom, that poor boy with the toad, in the hallway. "I've forgotten the password again!" he cried, dismayed.

Katie sighed, but replied, "Its balderdash, Neville," and walked off, leaving a confused Neville behind. She didn't seem to hear him call out her name again, even more anguished.

So, I was just curious to see the Gryffindor's common room. I borrowed some Polyjuice Potion from a seventh year Slytherin. Merlin, he must have been really thick not to notice what it was. I saw him drinking it straight, from a flask without any hairs in it. Did he seriously enjoy drinking that? Well, maybe it is just tasteless before you put any essence of whoever you want to turn into.

I plucked a very stubborn hair from a Gryffindor girl who was dozing off in front of me during Professor Binn's lecture.

Now, I know Hufflepuffs are supposed to be sweet, slightly wimpy, too trusting people, but that's way too stereotypical. Seriously, I could be a mass murderer and no one would even notice.

But the main reason why I went through all of the trouble to get to the Gryffindor common room was because I thought I would be caught. I know, that sounds weird - I agree, but its 100 percent true. Someone might finally realize that I'm not just that dumb Hufflepuff girl who had to have her nose reattached. It would be fun to see their faces when they realized this.

Everyone looks at me, poor, unattractive Eloise Midgen, and thinks, "If I make a magical potion that cures pimples immediately, I could make LOADS off this girl."

The bad thing about being invisible sometimes is that other times you are all too visible. Thankfully, guys have brains of dung, so they don't come up with witty remarks about me. If they did I would probably end up being comforted by Moaning Myrtle. Sometimes I think she has it better than me. She's already dead.

I really want to prove people wrong. It is one of my main goals in life. That's why the whole Polyjuice Potion thing. People think I'm dumb just because of that one time when I tried to curse all of my acne off. Obviously it didn't work.

But I didn't get caught. I'm both relieved and disappointed. I wonder what people would have said about me once they realized that I had somehow tricked my way into the Gryffindor common room. Would they be awed? Confused? Disappointed? Angry? In love? Hehe... Yep, someone would fall for little old me because of my cunning, devious ways. I'm a soap opera villain waiting to debut! Eh, no scratch that!

Was I hurt by Ronald Weasley's unoriginal thoughts concerning me? Yes. Was I going to admit it? Well I guess I just did... The pigeon is out of the cage.


"Eloise Midgen," I heard a Ravenclaw say to a Beauxbatons boy with a shrill giggle. (The girl had the shrill giggle, not the Beauxbatons boy...) I glanced casually their way and the Ravenclaw giggled even more shrilly. I should have just told her to shut up, but Eloise Midgen doesn't do that and it would have taken away from my invisibility. Though, I wasn't feeling very invisible right then.

The Beauxbatons boy looked over at me with a curious expression. When he caught my eye, he smiled.

Cute. Boy. OVERLOAD.

Beeeeeeeeep. Beeeeeeeeep. Beeeeeeeeep.

Ctrl. Alt. Delete.


I hadn't taken a bath today…. or yesterday, for that matter. My hair was probably icky and greasy.

This was so not my day.

They were talking about me. WHY WERE THEY TALKING ABOUT ME?

I resisted the urge to look over at him.

Okay, what the hell. I looked.

He was still looking. Gah!


I walked away at a brisk pace away from Beauxbatons boy and Ravenclaw girl.

Eloise Midgen may not be a very fast runner, but she's damn good with invisibility.

Good? Bad? Please Review. I just want to know how many people have read this. You don't even really have to write anything. You could just be like... "Toast." Have you ever heard of the Toast song? It will blow your mind! It is by an awesome band from Ohio. A friend of mine has a cousin in Ohio who burned her all these songs. At a school 3-day camping trip we were singing it. I still can't get the French part of the song. I'm taking French, but I'm pathetic at it. But I will probably delete this if I don't get a review. I'll think it is bad. So PLEASE REVIEW and save a poor girl's ego! I can guarantee a new chapter by next week. Well, actually I take that back. I might put up a new chapter by next week... or tomorrow...



But don't worry about our heroine. She will be strong! She will prevail!

SHE WILL BE THE NEW FACE OF GIRL POWER! (A pimply face, but still...)