He hunkered down in the bushes under the cover of night, hoping the hunter would give up. His heart was beating wildy in his chest. He was panicked, nowhere to run.

The hunter had his rifle at the ready. He had his night vision scope up, looking through it for any signs of the creature. He was going to get it between the eyes, that was his hope as he grinned, his mouth twitching. The creature was an abomination. It needed to die. He would not rest until all of them were dead, even if it took his full lifetime to do it.

The boy kept as still as possible. He could smell the hunter inching toward him. He could smell the sweat, the anger that the hunter carried in him. He leaned back on his haunches. A twig cracked sounding as loud as a firecracker in the dead of night.

The hunter swung his rifle around toward the sound. He smiled slowly, spittle dripping from his lips as he licked them in fervered frenzy.

"Gotcha.." he whispered as he sighted it.

The boy knew he had to try and run, run for his life. He turned and bolted, a shot ringing out next to his ear.

"Damn!" yelled the hunter,"I'm comin' after ya you son-of-a-bitch, I'll get all you sons-a-bitches!!" and he took off after the creature.

The boy ran and ran, branches lashing across his body. He ran through water, jumping over small bushes. He never looked behind him.

The hunter stopped. The creature was in a clearing at a dead run but nothing obstructed his view. He raised his rifle, it wouldn't be between the eyes but a head shot was just as good.

He steadied his arm, sighted him, the shot echoing out forever. The bullet whistled through the air, hitting it's target.

The boy's body jerked on impact nearly folding in two. He made no sound as the bullet had peirced his throat, cutting his vocal cords. He lay on the ground, clutching the gaping wound, opening and closing his mouth, no sound coming out of it.

That was how the hunter found him. He had his rifle still ready, another round chambered.

He looked down at the creature, who was now half human again.

"Nice doggie, it will be over soon.." he raised his rifle, putting the cold steel against his forehead, his finger on the trigger.

"I should let you bleed to death, you vile creature. But then, you might heal so I'll put you out of your misery."

The look in the boy's eyes was pure fear. He didn't know why the man wanted him dead, he didn't even know the man.

The hunter pulled the trigger, a sure kill shot. A silver bullet to the brain. The werewolf would not recover.

Vicki had a lot to mull over. Her mother had remarried, Coreen was about to get married, she was four months pregnant and her mother was five months pregnant with her sibling. It had a been a wild few months. She was glad to be distracted with work. She was still working on building a relationship with Pierre, who had turned out to be a wonderful husband and step-father, so far. She was lost in her thoughts when Henry walked in the door, she felt him rather than heard him.

Never looking up she said,"Hey handsome, where ya been?"

"Doing a little shopping," He answered back, swiftly at her side. He bent over for a kiss, putting his hand gently on her stomach.

"Boy? Girl?" he prodded.

She shook her head at him.

"I told you, I"m not telling you yet. You can wait for the sonogram, " she could sense what it was but she didn't want to be the one to tell him. He had his heart set on a little girl.

"That's a month away," he sighed knowing she would not give in to him, not on this anyway. He even tried during a moment of passion, didn't work. Couldn't blame him for trying.

He kissed her tenderly, his hand still on her stomach. She turned into his kiss,entwining her fingers in his hair and moaning into his mouth.

Henry jumped suddenly, as did Vicki.

His eyes widened, smiling so big that his beautiful white teeth could have lit the whole room.

"Did you feel that?" he asked excitedly.

She nodded. The baby had moved for the first time for Henry. Vicki had felt little flutters here and there but nothing like that. She was thrilled for Henry.

The phone rang bringing them back to the reality that they had to work rather that enjoy the fact that their little offspring was making itself known.

"Nelson Investigations, Vicki speaking," Henry had encouraged Vicki to keep the "Nelson" part of the name as to not confuse clients. Vicki was happy he had agreed, she was going to anyway, it was just better to let him think it was his idea.

'Oh, hey Mike, ..yeah, Henry's here...really? Vicki raised her eyebrows at Henry who could hear the conversation on the other end.

"Sure, we'll...no I won't get sick..yeah you too." Vicki slammed the phone down.

She had been very sick during the first part of her pregnancy with the twins, this one had gone much smoother. Mike had shown her some graphic photos, causing her to vomit into her trash can.

"Someone was shot with a silver bullet?" Henry asked his jaws clenching. That could only mean the dead person was a werewolf and that the shooter knew. That meant the dead person was probably related to...

"Vicki, Henry!!" Coreen nearly ran them down as they were exiting the office.

"Whoa!" Vicki said, protecting her stomach from Coreen's sudden onslaught. Henry growled at Coreen, "be careful"

"Sorry.." Coreen said raising her eyebrows, flailing her hands everywhere, " it's Gwen. One of her grandson's has gone missing."

Vicki flipped her cellphone open as they were heading for the car, dialing the house phone. She wanted a description of Gwen's grandson before she went out.

Please, God, don't let it be him...