"Please remember me!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice. I love Gakuen Alice so who ever does own it, I love you! Oh and I may own some new characters.

Please review...flames allowed cause you know, "Learn from your mistakes"...hehe

Thanks for the reviews, guys!

Chapter 6: I don't want to but I have to…

Realizing she had forgotten why she asked Natsume to for a walk together, Shizune stopped Natsume from going inside the tent.

"Wait, Natsume. Before we go inside i want to ask you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Who is Mikan?"

Natsume's body tensed up and images of Mikan flooded through his head. "How do you know that name?"

"Umm...It doesn't matter. So, Who is she?"

Natsume was confused. "Why do you want to know?"

"Hey, why are you avoiding the question?" Shizune pouted.

"Oh...um..." Who was Mikan to Natsume? Was she a friend or a lover? "Well, she is different."

"Different how?"

"I care about her."

"Oh, so she's your girlfriend! Hahaha that's crazy! I never imagined you to have a girlfriend. You were always so stubborn."

"No, she's not my girlfriend! But she is more than a friend, to me at least."

"Oh it sounds complicated."

"It is"

"Why are you here if you can be with her right now?"

"Good question."

"Do you regret coming here and meeting me again?"

"No I don't actually. It's a huge relief to find out you didn't kill at least one of your friends."

Shizune balled her hands into fists, restraining from anger. "But you risked never seeing Mikan again!!! Why? What if you lost her? I would give anything to see my family again and you're just throwing away your time with the people you love!"

This angered Natsume. What does she know? I know she lost her family and friends but at least she didn't kill them with her own hands. "I've already lost everyone I cared about once! Coming here means I can protect them with as much power I still have!"

"...I'm sorry."

It was silent for a moment.

"Hey let's get inside it's almost past midnight and we have a flight tomorrow." Natsume said.

"No, you go ahead."


Natsume went inside the tent and Shizune disappeared in the shadows.

"Sigh... did he really have to be Natsume?" Shizune asked while looking at the sky as if someone was there.

She was now jumping on tree branches as if running from all the craziness.

She stopped on the branch resting on top of the lake that illuminated the moon just like magic.

"This would have been way easier if this Mikan meant nothing to him but this job is never easy is it? He's lost so much already. Why does it have to be him all the time? He's a good person."

Shizune didn't want to think anymore.

She started humming a song. It was lullaby her mother sang to her when she was growing up as a child. It's the only thing that helps her sleep at night.

While she was growing up she started adding lyrics to it.

We're always here waiting for you, so

If something's troubling you, let us hear about it

Your sad face, which had been crying just until now,

Look, when it comes to us, before you know it we can change it to a smile

See you tomorrow! So I can see you smiling

Like a cloud floating in the perfectly clear blue sky.

Bask in the light of day with all your might, and start walking

With me

You might laugh like it's a trivial joke

But we just always want to see your happy face

Even with downpour from the rainclouds (don't worry) falling over us until now (soon)

Look, we can laugh them off and keep walking on

See you tomorrow! So I can see you smiling,

So we'll never forget the warmth of when we formed a circle

Holding our hands together,

Start walking with me

No matter if we fight and disagree (no matter what happens)

There will never be regrets about meeting you

See you tomorrow! So I can see you smiling

Like a cloud floating in the perfectly clear blue sky

Bask in the light of day with all your might, and start walking

See you tomorrow! So I can see you smiling

So we'll never forget the warmth of when we formed a circle

Holding our hands together, let's start walking

See you tomorrow! So I can see you smiling

Like a cloud floating in the perfectly clear blue sky

Bask in the light of day with all your might, and start walking

With me

Her voice was beautiful. It filled the entire lake and made it seem even more magical.

"Mother..." she whispered.

After a while, she sprinted back to the tent.

When she went inside she walked over to Natsume. She first checked if he was asleep and knelt down next to him.

She put her right hand on top of his forehead and concentrated.

"I'm so sorry, Natsume." She whispered.

The next morning

Shou pulled Shizune aside. "Did you do it?" he whispered.



Suddenly Natsume went into the tent. "What times the flight?"

Shou looked at him "at 8. We arrive at the academy at 9. School starts at 9:30. Please make sure not to make any commotion."

"Yes sir" they both said together.

To be continued

So... how was it??

The song was Mata Ashita - See You Tomorrow! By Ouran High school Host Club cast. I don't own that either. Download it though. It's in the OST 2.

I'm really interested to know so please review :)