I'm baaack.

Recently, I was speaking with some friends and one mentioned that TUC fanfiction was starting to die out. So...

From now on, I vow, as a TUC fanfiction writer, to update frequently, and review stuff.

The Underland Gag Reels and Judith the Halflander are now first priority. Moulin Rouge and FMA...

I'll try to work on those too.

Anyway, back from the romote recesses of my mind, please welcome, the amazing...

Sharptongue and Ares!

Ares: Thank you, thank you!

Sharptongue: (mimicks sound of roaring crowd)

Start answering these comments.

Ares: (sigh) Fine.

Odriew: XD Yes. We know. :D

idestroyuall: Yeah, Black Widows suck. Luckily there aren't any where we are. Just little house spiders. GregorxStellovet? I wouldn't know who to feel sorry for. Gregor because he would have to touch her, or Stellovet because of the wrath of Luxa.


Moonlights BF: Ripred stole it.

On Edge: We missed you. (hugs)

Inkstink: Chloe, Maggie, etc. shall come up soon.

Well, everyone. Enjoy the chapter.

Judith tapped anxiously on the desk, looking at the water clock every four seconds, each time expecting some enormous amount of time to have passed.

The stone room was hot and stuffy, one of the few places in Regalia that was. Pythagorea, their Nibbler teacher, continued to drone on about the War of Time, which everybody already knew about, seeing as how their parents, grandparents and their bonds had been part of it in one way or another.

Judith sighed, then did what everyone else was doing. It was bound to happen anyway. She laid her head down and slept.


Hamnet looked over at his sister and saw her sleeping. Did she think that was normal? She never slept in class. Though he could see where she was coming from. If they were to meet at midnight, they'd have to sleep before hand. He groaned, then closed his eyes. He'd been sleepy in this hot place anyway, and it didn't take long for him to relax in sleep.


Gregor sat with Luxa on Ares as they flew. His wound, though it looked horrific, hadn't been giving him too much trouble. But it felt weird, so his hand was pressed against it, and that seemed to worry Ares.

They were pretty close, though they'd come out of the Spinner land in a backwoods sort of place, and running away from the spiders sent them even farther into the backwoods. Ripred had said it would take a couple of days at the least.

"But I've read about it. With time comes complications. And since Gregor's foolish chivalry doesn't allow him to just go," he glared slightly at Gregor, who glared back. "There isn't a quick way to get him back. Either the bat or I will need to rest, no matter what we do."

So they opted on having Ares carry Gregor and Luxa, while Ripred ran closed behind. They were going pretty fast, but it was still incredibly slow, considering the speeds Ares could go. But they couldn't leave Ripred behind.

Gregor's hand tightened on the bite as it began to sting sharply. It had been aching before, and the sting took him by surprise.

It steadily grew. The sting turned to pain, rising until he was trembling uncontrollably, and he was drenched in sweat. He vaguely heard Luxa ask him, alarmed, if he was alright. He signed, with one hand, -Peachy-. Luxa called for Ripred to stop and Ares to land as the pain turned pink and green and hot and cold and altogether unbearable. One second everything was hot, the kind of heat you feel during a humid summer day, and the next it was freezing and he was trembling.

Ares landed, calling Gregor's name, sound hysterical. He probably looked like death warmed over.

Then, mercifully, Gregor blacked out.


"Why do you want your hair cut, dear?" The barber asked, shocked as he combed out the tangles in Judith's waist length blond hair.

"I do not know. Just… Times are changing, so I feel the need for a change. I am almost a woman, and Granny Solovet has spoken high praise of my fighting skills. I suppose I must look the part." She turned her head and smiled at the old mans dubious face. "Besides, what good is my hair? I hear that you have started something that uses hair to create wigs for children."

"Oh, yes. Many people have donated." He said, running his comb through her long hair once more.

"I would like to do that. If you do not mind. I wish for it all cut, Sir. I wish for it to be like Hamnets." The man smiled.

"As you wish, Princess."


At 6:00, Judith made like she was getting ready for bed. As she walked towards her family apartments, she ran into Colonel Roy.

The Colonel was, like Solovet, her teacher in army strategy. He taught her more than that, though. He taught her politics and how to stay one step ahead of everyone, not just the enemy outside but the enemy inside too. They usually played chess while he talked.

While they talked, he was dressed in his military uniform. Now, though, he was in his civilian clothing, and wet, having just come from the baths.

He stared, surprised, at Judith's very short hair.

"I see you have changed your look, Judith." He said slowly, a smile creeping on his face.

"Yes. I assume you have heard of Aurora and my parents?" She watched his expression carefully.

"Of course," he said, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Do you believe Aurora?" The tall man's eyes looked anywhere other than hers.

"Personally?" He asked. She nodded. He ran a hand through his metallic blond hair, his young, handsome face gaining color. He looked around, making sure no one was around besides them. Then he looked at her seriously. "I do." Judith smiled.

"As do I. I am glad someone of such high standards believes her. No one else seems to." The Colonel smiled, embarrassed.

"So… May I ask why you have changed your look?" He pointed at her hair.

"There is something of importance that I must do. And it requires my hair to be short." She said coolly. The Colonel's eyebrows raised, then narrowed shrewdly.

"Really? What?" Judith smirked.

"I do not wish to tell you." Roy sighed with irritation.

"I do not have time for this. Good night, Judith." He reached out and shook her hand formally. As he walked away, she blinked and opened her hand.

Inside was a small, golden key.

The key to the armory and weaponry.

Judith grinned.

She loved that man.


Judith sighed with irritation, very much like the Colonel had done six hours earlier.

Edward, Hamnet and Louka all stared in shock at Judith's head, pointing dumbly.

Judith glared and held up the bag of weapons and armor. "You know," she snapped. "You could at least notice this. Someone could get in a lot of trouble for it."

"Yes. Of course." Edward muttered, taking it and looking through it, taking out his weapons and armor.

A flutter of wings caused them to shove the stuff back into the bag. Just as Hermes entered the room, Hamnet scooted it behind him, out of sight.

"Ah, Judith. The Colonel said you would be here, having a slumber party. The message he sends is… perplexing. Hopefully you understand. He told me not to think about it too much." Judith laughed.

"What does he say?"

"He says, 'Do not loose light while under my charge; you are enough of pain without the paperwork.'" Judith's eyes flashed.

"Tell him, 'Fine. There's no way I'll die before you do, you good-for-nothing Colonel with a god-complex.'" Hermes laughed.

"If the rumors are true, and the ruder you are, the longer you live, you two shall live forever. I shall tell him." The bat flew off.

Judith watched him leave, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She turned.

"Let's go."

(pumps fist)

I'm back, baby!