This is only the first chapter, hope you like it. More is to come. Please review (: I own nothing!! :P though I wish I did!

I had always been the new girl. Always moving around, no balance in my life, the longest my family ever stayed in one place was five months. It was really hard on me and I knew it wasn't good for my younger brother Toby, though he liked it far too much and it wasn't healthy. It was so far from healthy, we were all pretty messed up. Like gypsies, my mother used to say, when I told her I wanted to stay in one place. "Were gypsies on new and exciting adventures," Now I thought it was bull. I think it had to do with the fact neither my mother of my stepfather could hold a steady job for more than two months.

I didn't know that our family would be allowed on the rez in La Push, our not being from the area and all, but they welcomed us with open arms, apparently any natives were welcome in the town, even if we were just natives from British Columbia. We had to go to a council meeting to see what the elders had to say about us moving onto the land first but they left it up to some guy named Sam Uley. We all stood in this little room, Town Hall I guess, and there are all these stone faced old men from the tribe asking us harmless questions but they said that they couldn't make a decision until this Sam person got there. I expected him to be this really old guy too and when he finally arrives, his hair all wind blown, his shirt undone, he's this guy not four years older than I am, twenty one at the most, though he looked to be in his mid- twenties I could still tell he was young. My mouth dropped open at the sight of him. He was at least 6'8 and his chest was built up of nothing but muscles.

He glided over casually to my family and their reactions were much the same as mine when I glanced over at them, mouths dropped, "What are your intentions on our land?" He asked, getting to the point, in a husky voice, he wasn't bad looking I noted, being a typical teenager. I also noticed he looked preoccupied, like his mind was elsewhere, worrying, I had gotten good at the signs of worry because when my mom was worried, that was the time we would usually start looking to move again.

"We want to rent a house and build a life here." Clark, my step-dad, answered. I almost laughed. 'Build a life here'?! That was a joke, I guessed that if we were lucky we would stay for three months, four because of the beautiful landscape my mother seemed to really love.

Sam smiled, it was genuine, but I could tell he didn't do it often. He didn't seem the type, he was the serious type. So serious, I couldn't take him seriously. "Then you are welcomed to La Push." he said "Now if you excuse me I have some engagements that need tending to."

"Thank you," my mother said, I thought she would swoon she was so intoxicated, Sam Uley would be all we would be hearing about for the next two weeks 'Did you SEE his biceps?! Gawd, how'd he get like THAT' or 'Clark, maybe you should head to the gym and get a work out...' like some teenager with a crush, I was the most mature figure in our family and that seemed pretty sad.

"It isn't a problem, really. Now Mr. Black will help you get settled, if you will Billy? I really have to go." Sam was pressed for time I knew, but ghesh! It wasn't like vampires were seizing the town or anything...

Sam nodded to me as he turned to go and I turned purple with embarrassment, I'm sure. I wasn't exactly attracted to him and his seriousness but I mean, come on; he's pretty darn good looking. An older man with leather skin wheeled over to us in his wheel chair, a great big grin on his face "Welcome to La Push." Billy Black said "Do you have any idea where you want to live in the area?"

"Well right now anything will do." Clark said.

"Were living in a hotel!" Toby announced. My mother, Heather, shushed him but Billy Black just laughed.

"I have a boy too. His name is Jacob. While we adults get everything figured out on where you're going to live why doesn't he show you two around" I clenched my teeth, not wanting to spend my time babysitting two eight-year-olds. Billy looked at me, his dark eyes almost laughing "Jacob's about your age I think, Tara, is it?"

I smiled, happy he understood "Yeah, its Tara. How old is he?"

"Almost seventeen"

"Bit- I mean, that's great. Where is he?" I didn't want to swear in front of an elder, I mean, it wouldn't be right, would it? But Billy laughed, I would definitely like this old guy.

"He won't be around for about twenty minutes, busy with some friends I'm afraid. He'll be along shortly though."


It didn't take that long, actually, even though I didn't know it was him, Jacob came in only moments later. He was this huge guy, like Sam Uley, and my jaw dropped again. He looked about twenty-five, though his face did betray some child like features. His hair fell over his face, long, but not like hockey hair, yet I don't think he would be able to fit it in a ponytail. It suited him. He came over to us and he was super tall, Sam's height, maybe even taller. And he was just as well built.

"Here's Jacob now," Billy said casually, unmoved by his sixteen year old sons massive appearance.

Jacob Black grinned widely at us "Hey," the smile lit up all of his features and he seemed warm, reminding me of the sun. With that one smile it warmed me up inside and I felt myself smile back "Hey," I replied with a smile of my own.

"Jake, I need you to show Tara and Toby around town, get them used to things, introduce them to your friends maybe." there was something behind him when Billy said theis that I didnt understand.

Jacobs smile faltered momentarily but recovered quickly "Well Seth, Paul and Leah are out with Sam but the others are down at the Cafe Red." Billy nodded and then turned to my parents "Don't worry Jake knows this place inside and out, they'll be safe with him"

"No kidding" Clark breathed, Jacob laughed a loud, cheery booming thing which made me giggle slightly.

"There's really no danger in La Push anyway, our protectors keep us safe" Protectors? were they like some spirits to warn off bad presences? Too superstitious for me but I didn't say anything.

"Now in this area there is..." Billy started to talk to my parents about locations and good housing, real estate, I cringed at that words, and Jacob rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Come on, when he starts talking about La Push's real estate around here there's no stopping him." I laughed and Billy pocked him in Jacob's giant ribs, I didn't know how he could reach from his wheelchair "Come on old man, you wanna go?" Jacob challenged jokingly, raising his fists, jumping around.

"No, I'm too afraid I'd hurt you. You don't want none of my skillage." It sounded so odd to hear an old man talk like that, I laughed, we all laughed. "You three should go now this stuff is going to bore you."

We walked from the hall into the bright sunshine, the ride here it had been nothing but rain. It rained a lot in Washington I had found.

"I think you'll like La Push." Jacob stated matter of factly, smiling as we left the hall. I smiled too. Something deep within me told me I would like this place too. La Push seemed more to me than just another place to go for two months until my parents got bored with it. Maybe it was just because I had a friend already. Maybe it was only a feeling but it was still meant I felt something for this place, more so than any other town we'd moved to before. I sensed change coming and I wasn't afraid. I wanted things to happen, I wanted to live my life here. Like a deep sense of belonging that I had never felt. Even before I had met the person, people, who would eventually become my life.