I'm in a really, really good mood since my computer is finally agreeing with me after malfunctioning in my face for two days.

Kankuro: It wouldn't be malfunctioning if you wouldn't use it everyday.

Me: The hell do I know! I'm bored around here. I'll be busy again when school starts again. Darn it.

Kankuro: And you'll finally get this stupid leash off my neck and set me free?

Me: No, I'm bringing you to school. If a teacher asks who the hell are you, meow. He'll think you're just a cat and you'll slip through.

Kankuro: No bloody way.

Me: Anyway, I'm not working on any stories right now, so I've decided to make a ten-shot collection for all NejiTen lovers everywhere! It'll have every kind of NejiTen one-shot, from fluffy ones to angsty ones! This is the first one so I'll be making more till we have a collection!

Kankuro: Damn it, Ruki; stop making the sappiest things on Earth!

Me: Don't worry about that. I'm going to add a one-shot that's action-packed, too, I guess.

Kankuro: Well, that's one good thing out of you.

Me: I don't own Naruto, guys! Just Kankuro…

Kankuro: Oi!


NejiTen One-Shot Number One:




They're like social gatherings gone formal and oddly classy. You're required to wear formal wear, in fact. Women came in thick skirts and tiny corsets, giving everything a medieval feel of knights and princesses. Men came around in tuxedos or suits. There'd be ballroom dancing and dinners under the moonlight among the gardens of roses and such.

And all guests each held a mask.

Yes, a simple mask has always done the trick. You'd see everyone's upper half of their faces concealed behind a firm mask, sometimes connected to a strong handle to use to hold it up but most of the time, people have it worn for less hassles.

Why did they call it masquerade? They could've simply called it a party. Of all the other words, they just had to use masquerade, which also means 'deception', 'cover-up', 'pretense' and 'pretend to be'.

Ask others and maybe they'll answer by saying it must be because of the masks. One would hide behind their mask, pretending to be another. But maybe there's another reason…

Let me show it this way:

The man behind the behind the falcon mask smirked. His long, brown hair was tied in the low ponytail he usually had back when he was a genin. How great those times were. As he walked through the dewy grass, he looked about, in search of someone.

His Byakugan eyes saw through the hole is his mask and he was quite disappointed that he still hasn't found the one he was looking for…

He was looking for the one in the Panda mask.

Slightly distressed, Neji approached his cousin, the woman in the swan mask, and whispered, "Was she invited?" She nodded without hesitation and explained, "She's here. I saw her earlier. Go look around." Hearing this relieved him as he went back to walking about in the venue.

As he did, he found the Uchiha genius in a tiger mask, holding hands with a girl in a peacock mask. Clearly, he was with Sakura Haruno. To the other side, a woman in a rather elegant boar mask danced happily with the man with a deer mask. The InoShika connection, he assumed. He was just trying to immediately notice if ever a Panda-masked guest were to pass by.


Our falcon-masked man bumped shoulders with a lady, making her drop her purse. Being considerate, he bent down for the lady and picked it up, handing it to her. "Your purse, I believe." Neji said, making his hand meet the woman's gloved one. Behind the mask she had, she smiled and whispered, "Thank you."

After a nod, the man realized something…

She's the Panda-masked woman he was looking for.

Seeing this, he smiled and asked, "What brings you here?" She shyly smiled and said, "Your cousin invited me. I'm just glad I bumped into you." Hearing that, he held out his hand and asked politely, "Well, I hope you don't mind dancing with me for a little while." When he told her this, she was quite surprised but she answered simply, hoping not to offend him (deep inside, she was absolutely delighted), "S-Sure."

Her hand rested on his and when their eyes met, sparks flew. For a second there, it seemed like an enchanting moment, fresh out of a fairy tale. It was somehow too good to be true, and maybe it really is. Gently holding the lady's hand, Neji led her to the dance floor, a wide floor of granite placed in the middle of the huge lawn. There, other guests danced with the music, and the couple was about to join.

Once they've got their position right, Neji swayed with his partner along with the music.

Their hands kept their hold on each other as their feet ran through the smooth granite. Under the moonlight, the masked guests looked rather graceful with their slick movements, following the songs of the violins and the cellos.

Raising his arm, Neji twirled the Panda-masked girl around, making her skirt twirl along. She smiled with delight as she landed again in his arms, always there to catch her. Soon after, he held her waist firmly and leaned low, making her dip and forcing her to hold on from below his nape. When she was back up, she giggled and asked, "Since when did you dance, Neji?"

He shrugged and said, "I dunno. I just do everything right when I'm with you." The two laughed amid the dancing masqueraders. Neji cupped the woman's mask's side, sliding it upwards so he could see her beautiful face. When their eyes met, it was the best feeling of all.

"I like your mask." Neji simply said, keeping it off of her face with his hold. She giggled and proceeded to reach for his mask and slip it off, "Really?" she began, "Well, I like you better without your mask."

Wrapped in each other's arms, Neji and Tenten felt rather secure and warm against the night breeze. It was a time to enjoy the night, to enjoy the gathering… to enjoy each other's presence. Neji leaned over to Tenten and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek, letting his lips touch her delicate skin with a smile thinly spread over them.

Tenten giggled with the soft touch and when Neji had let go, he asked, "Having fun?" She grinned happily and nodded, saying, "What's that kiss supposed to mean?" Neji shrugged and made a face, "Well," Neji muttered, "What does it mean to you?" Tenten smiled and guessed, "I love you?" With that, Neji smiled and said, "You've got it right."

And there, the only mask-less guests stood at the center of the dance floor tight in each other's arms and forgetting the world around them.

It was their night.


Maybe, just maybe, a masquerade is called a masquerade for a different reason.

Everyday, we do a masquerade. We hide certain things from the world, like weaknesses, flaws and most of all, feelings. We keep those masks on so people won't see that it's us, doing that one stupid thing in front of the world. We keep our masks on for too long.

It is called a masquerade because, like in the party, we wear a mask to conceal who we are. These little social gatherings we call masquerades reflects real life, somehow. You meet a stranger, and you get to know each other through experience, like a dance, and you become acquainted. Still, things are kept from one another. I don't know why wearing masks is done during a masquerade, but one thing's for sure:

From that night on, Neji took his mask off. He finally came clean. He didn't hide his feeling towards Tenten for any longer…

Neji has stopped living the life of a masquerader.


You guys liked it? I sure hope you did! X)

If you did, leave a review and tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is accepted. Flames? I dunno.

If you want me to make a specific kind of one-shot to add here, send me a PM, okay? I won't bite. –smiles-

Kankuro: Gawd, that was damn mushy.

Me: That's just what you think.

Kankuro: I hate it. Burn it!

Me: If I do, you burn with it. –chibi smile-

Kankuro: I hate you.