Disclaimer: I don't own Eragon or anything connected to the Inheritance Universe. That belongs to the ever brilliant Chrissy P.

Claimer: I, SussieKitten, own this plot and the story. Borrow or steal my plot, (when used) my original characters or story and I will report you.

Warning: Just cursing. I'm getting soft. :lol: Hints of unrequired Eragon/Arya and hints of Murtagh/Arya. But please don't leave if you don't like this, the story is a Murtagh/Eragon and will end as such, I swear!

A/N Welcome back to the crazy universe of SK's fanfiction! This just snuck up on me one day and demanded to be written. Because of the length of the finished story, I decided to cut it in half. There is something that's called "too much" after all XD I hope you all enjoy the story!

The first time Eragon had met Murtagh he had hated him. Really, how could he not? He had stolen away the love of his life, corrupted his friends and his family. And if that wasn't enough, before he had even known it, Murtagh managed to turn his life upside down. He couldn't imaging hating someone more than he hated that guy.

Eragon Rider was a normal teenager with normal teenage problems. Always wondering when he'd be able to push in another eight hours of sleep, how much his boss was going to subtract from his pay check because of the previous clumsy episode, how he was going to survive the exam-but-not-exams his teachers were so found of giving out, and when he'd be able to finish his homework and still have a life. His hair, which was a soft brown and messy, was sure to turn grey before the end of the school year. His friends had teased him enough about the bags beneath his dark brown eyes. But there was one problem that stumbled onto him one day that had proven to be extra rough for the young man.

Eragon had been in love with Arya Elve for the three years he had known her. They had hit it off as best friends immediately, to Eragon's great horror. Saphira Drake, whom had been his best friend since diapers, had only given him an encouraging smile and said that most relationships start as friendships anyway. He shouldn't give up before even trying, she had said. Eragon had sighed then and had convinced himself to bear with it. That was, until the day he walked in the door.

He, whose name Eragon hadn't learnt until later, had walked confidentially into the record store inside the local mall Eragon and Arya happened to work in together. He had taken one look inside the room, ruffled his oh-so dark hair, and walked cockily up to counter and had thrown a half-insult his way. Eragon had been about to slam his fist his face when Arya had intervened. Almost immediately he had started to flirt with her. Eragon had seen red. The red had become black when Arya had blushed and started to giggle at one particular visit not two days later. Eragon, who had been walking around in the store at that time, had dropped an entire box of CDs onto the floor and torn down the poster-rack. His boss had subtracted ten bucks of his pay that month and made him stay late to close up that night.

Later he had learnt that this stranger's name was Murtagh Morzanson. He had moved into town just recently and was starting at the local College, the same one that Eragon happened to have gotten into. His hazel eyes were rumoured to be so intensive that it felt like they could look right into your soul. He was three years older than Eragon, Eragon being eighteen and he twenty-one. And Murtagh had since taken it upon himself to visit the record store regularly.

Before Eragon knew what was happening, Murtagh had formed a sort of rivalry bond with his cousin Roran Garrowson, a steady friendship with Saphira's boyfriend Thorn Marron, become Saphira's tutor in whatever subject it was again, become friends with his neighbour Nasuada Black and become Arya's boyfriend. He had seen red the entire month it had taken for all that to happen.

It was ironic that Murtagh would prove to be the best thing that was to happen to him. But that wasn't about to happen until much later.


Part One

Eragon sighed. It was spring now, though it hardly felt like it. It had been six months since he had met Murtagh Morzanson, and never had the feeling of hatred been greater. The brunet wished he had never met him.

Currently the brunet was at Tirms Records, the store he worked in, and he was bored out of his mind. But most of all he was tired. The week before had been filled to the rim with pseudo-exams, but the actual finales were in two months. Oh, how he hated exam season. But he hated Murtagh more.

Eragon was dressed in his usual work clothes, a pair of loose jeans held up by a studded belt and the green and black tee that proudly proclaimed the name of the store he worked in. The t-shirt had actually shrunk in the wash, and he had yet to get a new one from his boss. Or rather, his boss Brom Teller wouldn't give him a new one until he had worked off the damage that had been caused from his last clumsy incident. It had involved a stand, an armload of electronic devices and Murtagh. Or rather, Murtagh and his exhibitionistic traits. Really, didn't the guy know that no one wanted to see him stick his tongue down his girlfriend's throat?! Eragon scowled just from the memory of it.

"Eragon, wipe that scowl of your face. Or I'll shout to the store that you're pouting again."

Eragon was shaken from his thoughts. He blinked and turned to the person standing in front of him. Golden blonde hair pulled up in a high ponytail, sparkling blue eyes, a soft smirk.

"Oh, shut it, Saph." Eragon replied.

Saphira laughed. She crossed her arms before her, leaning onto the counter as she did so.

"Is someone having a bad day?" Saphira asked teasingly.

As if on cue, the bell chimed as someone walked into the store. Eragon shot a quick look at the clock then at door opening. He groaned.

In the door opening stood the one male he had hoped not to see that day. Messy dark hair, eyes that no one could look away from, black and tight clothes, a cocky smirk… it could only be one person. Murtagh.

"It was alright, until he came in the door." Eragon growled quietly, so that only he and Saphira could hear it.

"Then I'm surprised you're not saying it louder. Usually you're cursing his ass to hell and back." The blonde said matter-of-factly.

Eragon opened his mouth to reply, but no words came forward. He shut it and frowned again.

"Ah, Rider. Just the man I wanted to see."

The brown eyed teen scowled. He hated how deep and husky Murtagh's voice was too. His own was lighter, hardly deep at all. He sounded like a bloody high schooler sometimes, and it was embarrassing as hell!

"Don't you mean the kid you wanted to see?" Eragon drawled. "Arya isn't here today. She's sick."

Whenever Murtagh visited, Eragon found himself forgetting the employees' policy. The customers are always right, his ass. And screw being nice to people he knew privately! He hated Murtagh's guts. That gave him the rights enough to screw the policy in his mind.

Saphira shook her head and sighed from the sideline. But Eragon didn't pay much attention to his friend. He was too busy glaring at Murtagh.

The older male's smirk fell away, replaced by an uncaring expression.

"I know, Rider. She is my girlfriend after all." Murtagh replied nonchalantly.

Eragon's glare darkened.

"Didn't I say I came to see you?" Murtagh continued.

Eragon rolled his eyes.

"You came, you saw. Now, if you don't mind, I'm busy." The brunet said uncaringly.

Murtagh answered this with a small glare of his own.

"Busy with what? The store's empty aside from us, kid." He said with a slight hint of an unknown emotion present in his voice.

"So? I'm the only attendant, you jerk. I need to stay alert, not chit-chat with the customers." Eragon replied icily.

"Then what's, Saphira?" Murtagh said, nodding his head sharply in her direction.

Eragon felt a cruel smile enter his face.

"She's my friend. I always have time for them."

Murtagh's lips tightened. His face became emotionless, and without another word he turned on his heel and left the store. Eragon watched him leave, boring holes into his back as he walked. The bell chimed as he crossed across the threshold separating the mall from the store. Eragon sighed.

"Eragon, that was very rude of you." Saphira said disapprovingly.

"So? Like he hasn't been rude to me before?" Eragon said with a snort.

Saphira sighed, a hand coming up to brush away a piece of hair from her eyes.

"Not like you always are towards him. The worst he has done is to call you 'kid'. Hardly rude if you ask me." She said and sighed again.

Eragon watched her leave, a look of surprise in his eyes. His mind was surprisingly blank the rest of the day.

He had no idea how it had happened, but he knew that this incident was going to cost him. For somehow Eragon had managed to crash into the gaming display, make a large amount of headphones to fall down at the same time as the nearby CD rack had cut his forearm. And on top of that he had tripped two customers. Thankfully they hadn't torn anything else down in the process.

But still, Eragon was thankful when Brom had only sighed tiredly and told him to clean up. Even though it was when his boss didn't say anything that half or more of his pay was docked, it was a relief not to get yelled at. But if Brom found the blood on the floor, he would get a real earful!

So there he was, a half hour after the 'accident', picking up the boxes and games and putting them back into place. He was really glad he had worn a black sweater that day. He had only pulled it down to hide the cut, which seemed to be bleeding a lot by now, and made sure to cast a shadow over the small blood pool behind him. He would wash that up later.

"Do you need any help, Eragon?" Arya asked worryingly.

Eragon just looked up from the floor, a small grin already in place.

"Nah, I'm good." He answered easily and looked away.

He didn't see the frown on Arya's face. And neither did he see Murtagh walk up behind him.

"You really need to get that cut bandaged."

Eragon jumped, nearly dropping the games in his hands, and turned around. He glared at the other male and turned back around.

"What cut?" Eragon asked darkly.

"The one that you keep ignoring, on your left forearm. Blood is dripping down on the floor." Murtagh stated dryly. "You're favouring your right hand as well. Don't want to get blood on the equipment I suppose."

Eragon just glared even darker onto the wall before him. He stubbornly continued to place the things back into their proper place. Behind him Murtagh sighed.

"Arya, could you look after the store for a sec? I need to talk to Eragon here."

Eragon started to protest, but as soon as Arya had nodded in consent Murtagh had dragged him out by his hand. There was an employer's toilet just around the corner, and to Eragon's horror that was where he was being dragged.

"Hey, I can take care of myself!"

"Apparently not." Murtagh said deadpanned as he pushed Eragon through the door.

The brown eyed male just barely managed to catch himself before he fell for the second time that day. He glared darkly at Murtagh, who didn't even seem to notice it. The taller brunet locked the door behind him before going to the first-aid kit that hung on the wall. In a flash Eragon was pushed to lean onto the sink, one of Murtagh's hands turning the tap on while his other was rummaging inside the kit.

"Ah, here we go." Murtagh murmured to himself.

Eragon sighed. He yelped a second later when Murtagh suddenly had pulled up the sleeve of the sweater and pushed the arm under the sink. Suddenly the brunet began to notice how much the wound was hurting.

Murtagh snorted.

Eragon refused to make another sound as the other cleansed and wrapped up his wound. Strangely enough, Murtagh seemed almost… gentle. In fact, he was. Eragon bit his lip and tried not to think too much about it.

"Done. Now, at least try to be more careful next time."

Eragon wanted to glare at Murtagh, but found that he couldn't. The guy had just helped him after all. Instead he sighed and looked away.

"Not my damned fault my feet are so big."

"You know what they say about guys with big feat…" Murtagh said and smirked.

Eragon flushed, half out of anger, half out of embarrassment. He glared at the darker male this time.

"Fuck you." Eragon growled.

Murtagh's smirk seemed to deepen even more. He finished putting away the stuff before walking out the door, not looking back once. But Eragon could have sworn he had heard him mumble something. Before he could ask however the door had shut. Eragon was alone again.

When he finally walked back and prepared to clean up the blood he found it gone. Arya didn't send him any glances to ask him if he was alright, so he quickly ruled her out. The frown didn't leave his face for the rest of his shift.

The next time he saw Murtagh, he was once again sucking faces with Arya. Unfortunately he was again not watching his steps, he had been way too busy glaring at the couple, and almost magically stumbled over his own feet. He bumped into a customer and said customer fell hard into the alarm in front of the door opening. The alarm started to yell shrilly. And if that wasn't enough, Eragon had managed to land into the 'half price' box on his way down.

When Brom ran into the store from the backroom and saw the chaos that met him, Eragon knew he would never see him quite as pissed off ever again. And a part of him was glad for that fact.

"Rider. What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Eragon gulped. When Brom Teller swore, you knew you were in trouble.

"I'm sorry sir. I… tripped." He replied meekly.

Brom seemed to tower over him. Eragon shakily stood up, refusing help from Murtagh who suddenly was beside him. He straightened and gulped again.

"This was quite a feat, even for you Rider." Brom said, his dialect acting up and making his voice even deeper.

Eragon felt the cold sweat run down his face and neck. He was in deep now, way too deep for his own good.

"I am very sorry, sir. I'll clean up; I'll open and close the store for a month. You can take away all of my pay if you want, just please don't fire me!" The brunet pleaded.

Brom's glare softened. His dark eyebrows lifted slowly, the scowl disappearing with them. He let out a loud and suffering sigh.

"Ah, you know how to plead your case boy. You're opening and closing for the next two weeks, but I'll only dock half your pay. I know your conditions boy; I'm not that cruel despite what people might think." He said and gifted Eragon with a rare smile.

The brunet smiled back. He thanked the man over and over before jumping up to start his cleaning. Arya entered the store then. Murtagh was strangely nowhere in sight. Arya came over to offer her help, but Eragon just shooed her off. That his voice didn't waver or that he didn't get any butterflies in his stomach escaped his mind completely. He was just unbelievably glad he hadn't lost his job. So glad in fact that when Murtagh, who suddenly seemed to pop up again a little later, waved at him as he exited the shop, he forgot to glare and actually waved back.


Eragon was startled from his sleep. He hadn't slept the night before. He had woken up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and with messy covers. He knew what he had been dreaming about, had blushed over the fact during the entire school day in fact, but he couldn't remember who the dream had been about. And he had already fallen asleep two times during class, and now once at work. When he came home he was going to bed, dreams be damned.


"Huh? Ah, sorry." Eragon said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck absently.

The girl beside him sighed. Arya was a very attractive female. She has just turned twenty and had recently cut her black hair short. Her emerald eyes always seemed to gleam like the jewel under her forelock. But today she looked troubled.

"Arya, what's wrong?" Eragon asked softly.

Arya leant onto the counter, where Eragon in fact spent most of his time. When he wasn't the cashier, he labelled the equipment or the newest releases. But Brom had forbidden him from placing out equipment and purchases after his third incident. That had been two weeks after he had been hired. And so far, even if this was only his first year of employment, Eragon had had more accidents than he could count. It had in fact been inside that very store he had first seen Arya and had fallen for her at first glance. It was really no wonder he had been so clumsy, even after he had started to work by her side.

"I don't know." Arya answered softly.

Eragon shook himself from his thoughts, reminding himself to pay attention to his friend. Or he could end up owing someone a favour or being dragged into something he didn't want to do, even if his life depended on it. Arya had the tendency to do that.

"It's just… Murtagh has been really… distant lately." She continued.

Eragon frowned. That didn't make sense. The couple had been together for a long time, for him anyway. Beside those two Eragon only knew of two couples that had been together longer. And that was his cousin Roran and his fiancée Katrina, and Saphira and Thorn.

"And you don't know why?" Eragon commented.

Arya sighed and shook her head. Eragon's frown deepened. He could count on one had the times he had seen Arya as upset as she was now. And that had been when her father had died and when her grandparents had gotten a divorce.

"No." Arya murmured.

"Well, I'm kind of the wrong guy to ask you know." Eragon said with a shaky laugh. "Murtagh and I don't really get along."

Arya seemed to perk up at this, their eyes meeting for the first time since their conversation had begun. Eragon felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. The black haired girl had that look in her eyes again.

"Yeah. And why is that again?"

Eragon just shrugged helplessly. In reality he knew why, but he wasn't very well about to admit that!

"I don't know. We just don't." He answered.

Arya's eyebrow curved into a slight arch.

"I think you know and that you just don't want to admit it." She said simply.

Eragon was confused by the sudden turn around his friend had done. He looked at her suspiciously, trying his best to figure out what she might be up to.

"Eh, why would I not want to admit it? I really don't know why we don't get along!" He protested.

"Sure you don't." Arya said teasingly. "But I'm sure you will admit it to yourself someday."

"Hey, when did this conversation turn to centre on me?!"

Arya tipped her head back and laughed.

"Since I found the answer to my question."

"Which is…?" Eragon asked.

Arya just winked and turned to go back to her work.


None of Eragon's questions and accusations was answered that day.

Eragon sat at the register, sneak reading the book he needed to read for his English class the next day. He had been too cramped up with his other work and hadn't had the time to read the pages he was supposed to have done that week. And if he didn't get it done, he would be in deep shit.

Eragon turned the page, not even registering the chiming of someone entering the store, and continued to read. He had gotten to the bottom of the page before the book was torn from his grasp.


A very familiar chuckle stopped the curses that had already been halfway out of his mouth. Eragon settled for scowling.

"Contrary to popular belief Thorn, Saphira and I aren't joined by the hip. She's not here. Can I have my book back?" He asked in a slight drawl.

The tall and muscled male before him chuckled again. The red hair on top of his head looked like fire under the light. A pair of sharp golden eyes bore into his own before the book was returned. Thorn smirked.

"How've you been, shorty?" He asked and as always his voice was husky and seemed to rumble softly.

"I've been good, you ogre. Really, what did your parents feed you?" Eragon asked with his eyebrows both crocked as he had always been unable to lift just one.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." Thorn said with another smirk.

"Oh, ha bloody ha." Eragon said sarcastically. "What can I do for you, Thorn?"

"Have you seen Murtagh lately?" Thorn asked, suddenly looking very seriously.

Eragon bit his lip.

"Ah, no."

When he thought about it, he hadn't seen Murtagh in a long time. Not since his last clumsy episode.

Thorn sighed, rolling his eyes slightly.

"The moron." He mumbled. "Well, if you see him, tell him to contact me, or I'll sic Nasuada on him."

Eragon gave a mental shudder. Nasuada could be damn scary when she was mad.

"Will do. But why don't you ask Arya to do so?" He asked, more than a little surprised that Thorn was asking this of him.

The redhead in front of him snorted.

"He and Arya broke up about a week ago. Don't tell me you didn't know."

Eragon's eyes widened.

"Well, there you go." Thorn mumbled, more to himself this time. "I got to go, shorty. I'll be back later. And remember to tell Murtagh, yeah?"

Eragon just nodded. He didn't watch Thorn leave. Too much was on his mind.

He hadn't felt any butterflies when he had mentioned Arya's name. He hadn't felt thrilled when he had learnt that Arya and Murtagh weren't together anymore. Well, not the right kind of thrilled. For some reason, he almost felt sad. Like… like something was missing. And that he wasn't getting it back.

"Yo, cousin!"

Eragon fell forward and had to hold onto the wall to not fall into the CD racks below him. Really, hadn't Roran learnt anything yet?! He was accident prone, especially at work! He really didn't want to loose his job! And still the older male insisted on slapping him on the back as a greeting.


Roran was mock-pouting when he turned around.

"What, no greeting? You wound me, cousin." The tall blond said.

Eragon rolled his eyes.

"Roran, I've told you times and times again that I'm accident prone! Don't ever do that when I'm working!!" The brown eyed teen told him angrily.

Roran grinned.

"Sorry dude, it must have slipped my mind." He said nonchalantly.

But the grin told Eragon otherwise. Eragon sent his cousin a glare before stepping clear of the CDs and turning back to face him again.

"What do you want?" He asked tiredly.

"Do I need a reason to visit my cousin?"

"We used to live together, Roran. Your excuses don't work with me. And yes, every time you visit me at work you want something."

Roran sighed, his mask crumbling.

"Alright, I want something." He said. "Have you heard from -?"

"No, wait." Eragon held his hand up. "If you're going to ask if I've heard from Murtagh, don't bother. I haven't damnit. I don't know why people keep asking me! First Thorn, then Nasuada and Arya, and now you!?"

"We have a reason to." Roran said mysteriously.

"Yeah, one you insist on not telling me." Eragon replied with a small pout.

Roran smirked.

"And let me guess, there's a reason for that too?" Eragon drawled.

"Correct." Roran stated proudly.

"Then get your ass out of here. You got what you came for." The brunet said and started to push his cousin out of the store.

"Is this really the way to treat your favourite cousin?"

"You're my only cousin!" Eragon replied. "And when said cousin is an annoying jerk, then yes."

Roran exited the store laughing.

Eragon couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something. The feeling stayed with him for the remainder of the week, without him figuring out what it was. And it was starting to really annoy him.

Eragon sat by himself the following week, absently mouthing along to the music that was echoing inside the store. Arya was due to start her shift in fifteen minutes, and he didn't care what strangers thought about him. They were stranger after all. The chances of seeing them again were pretty slim.

"Hey 'Agon!"

The brunet looked up. Saphira was entering the store, a big smile on her face. She looked very excited.

"What's up?" He asked as she came closer.

The blonde sent him a playful wink.

"As if you don't know." She practically purred.

"Eh, I really don't. People have started to leave me out of stuff lately." Eragon stated deadpanned.

Saphira frowned. She looked around in the store, as if to confirm that they were indeed alone, and leant forward.

"Then you don't know the latest news?" She whispered.

"What, there's more!?" Eragon leant back and pretended to gasp, his face turning back to blank a moment later. "What did I just say, Saph? No one's telling me anything, seriously!"

Saphira fell silent for a minute. She licked her lips before speaking again.

"Then you don't know that Murtagh and Arya split up?"

"Oh, that I know. And that I got from Thorn of all people." Eragon replied and laughed.

"And yet you're still standing here?" Saphira asked suspiciously.

"… Shouldn't I be?" He asked, feeling yet again like there was something he was missing.

Saphira let out a groan of frustration. Eragon concluded quickly that there was something huge he was missing.

"I can't believe this!! Seriously, has no one told you?" The blonde asked almost desperately.

"Told him what?"

Eragon stiffened. But he was surprised it was because he was startled, not because of whom it was. Something really strange was going on with him.

"Oh, hey Arya. Just… you know." Saphira empathised.

The dark haired girl's face was blank for a split second. Then her gaze turned to Eragon. A smirk suddenly came forth.

"Ah, I see." She murmured. "Really, you'd think he would have figured it out on his own by now."

"I'm still here people. Stop talking about me like I'm not." Eragon said sulkily.

"Sorry, 'Agon. It isn't our fault you're completely clueless." Arya commented.

Eragon didn't even bother to ask what she was talking about. He simply shook his head and turned to change the CD that was playing.

"Bad move, plan B." Saphira whispered to the girl beside her.

Eragon rolled his eyes. Contrary to popular belief he had excellent hearing, despite the volume he listened to his music with.

"I can hear your every word, you know." Eragon commented deadpanned as he put away the previous CD, absently listening to the new music that quickly started to flow around.

The girls quietened instantly.

"Alright. If you want a straight answer I'll give it to you."

Saphira let out a small giggle.

"As I was saying… we're pretty surprised you haven't… come out, so to speak." Arya continued.

Eragon stopped fiddling with the CDs and looked up. Saphira was biting her lip while Arya had crossed her arms over her chest. They looked to be waiting for something. Something other than his answer, that was.

"Come out…?" Eragon asked suspiciously.

"You know… from the closet." The dark haired girl said innocently, too innocently.

"… You think I'm -?!" Eragon cut himself off, trying not to blush at the startled stares coming from the two customers that had just entered.

It was Arya that laughed this time.

"You think I'm gay?!" Eragon whispered accusingly.

There was no answer.

"But I had a crush on Arya for the longest time!!" The brunet blurted before he could stop himself.

Arya smirked.

"Had. Past tense." Her smirk widened. "We all know who you really like."

"Include me then. Because the last time I checked, I was straight." Eragon stated.

"Oh, we aren't about to tell you that. It's more fun this way." Saphira replied happily.

"Sadistic bitches." Eragon grumbled, giving them both a glare for good measures.

The girls merely laughed.

But Eragon kept thinking about what the girls had said the rest of the day. Whatever could have possessed them to think he was gay?! It was quite absurd… Wasn't it?

A/N End part one. What did you think?

Also, to avoid any "wtf, Eragon/Arya!?" or "wtf, Murtagh/Arya?!" comments, I'll just say that I needed a reason for Eragon to hate Murtagh and making that love-triangle gave him a very good reason. More about this will be explained in the next part.

When will that next part be out? Next Wednesday is the earliest I can offer. This is due to the many mock-exams and oral-hearings that I have the upcoming week. I just have to study for these. Gotta love graduation year, right? :snort:

I'd just like to say thanks again to everyone who supported me and gave me advice with the plagiasing case earlier this month. You guys were great, thank you.

Don't forget to press the button at the bottom of the page and review! You'd make my day, seriously. Until next week, bye bye.