A/N: Hello, this was a request by LoVefan0813 and so I am honoring that wish. And plus I thought it was a good idea. This is my take on a reveal.

Disclaimer: I do not own Superman nor do I own 'So Close' from the Enchanted Soundtrack.


A life goes by

Romantic dreams will stop

So I bid mine goodbye

And never knew

So Close was waiting

Waiting here with you

And now forever I know

All that I wanted

To hold you

So close.


The day started out well. He didn't have to get up extra early to take of Super-business. In fact he wasn't even really that late to work. Perry White didn't yell at him as soon as he walked in the door and Lois was in a good mood. She greeted him with a smile. Jason had been good that morning.

He wasn't called away too often during the day and when he "accidentally" spilled his coffee it didn't ruin his suit. Lois even stopped over to help him clean up. She did mutter something about him being a 'clumsy dork from nowheresville' but she said it with a smile and he knew she was kidding.

Lois brought Jason to work after he got out from school and his heart soared when he saw the boy walk into the bullpen with a smile. Jason greeted Jimmy with a happy tone and then proceeded to greet him.

"Guess what Mr. Clark; I got an A on my test!" He held up the piece of paper with the big 'A' and a smiley in Sharpie Red Marker.

"Wow Jason, that's really great!" His son was smart…he wouldn't love him any less if he wasn't though.

Jason grinned and then practically skipped back to his mother's desk.

Yes his day seemed to being going well indeed.

But that was soon to change.


Clark jumped and turned to see Lois standing next to his desk, Jason holding her hand next to her. "Can you watch him? I have to step out for a minute."

Clark grinned inwardly but said aloud, "Sure Lois."

Lois smiled gratefully and let go of Jason's hand and walked towards the elevator.

"Hello Jason."

"Hi Mr. Clark, what'cha doing?" He asked looking at the computer.

"I'm writing an article for Mr. White about…" He paused. A five year old wouldn't find current events interesting. "Just an article."

Jason stared at the screen, "You're a good speller."

"Yea?" He knew Jason was smart, but what five year old could read adult words?

Jason nodded, "You have no lines under your words. Mommy has lines under her words."

Clark laughed. He was sure Lois had a lot of 'lines' under her words as practically every other word was misspelled.

"Are you a good speller, Jason?"

He shrugged, "I'm only five."

Clark opened a new document and pulled Jason up onto his lap. He typed something on the screen. "What does that say?"

"That spells my name! J-A-S-O-N." He stated proudly. Clark smiled, "Right." He deleted that and typed another word.

"Cat!" Jason read.


He typed another word, "How about this one?"

"That says Superman."

"Good…that was a hard one."

Jason shook his head, "No it wasn't. Everyone knows how to spell Superman, Dad."

Clark stiffened. Did he hear correctly?

"Jason…did you just call me Dad?"

Jason turned to look at him and Clark saw his own blue eyes staring back at him. "You are my Daddy aren't you?"

Clark's eyes widened. Did Lois tell him? No...Lois didn't know Clark was Superman but if Jason knew that Superman was his father than he must know Clark Kent is Superman.

"Where did you hear that Jason?"

"I hear Mommy tell you when you were in the hospital." He said simply.

Yep, he knew.

"Jason…Do you know who I am?"

Jason looked confused, "You're Clark…"

"And besides that?"

Jason nodded, "You're superman!"

Clark lifted his head to look around the office, to see if anyone had heard Jason say that. No one seemed to have.

Clark lowered his voice, "How do you know that?"

"I saw a picture of Superman on the TV and you were standing right next to it and you looked the same." He said like it was the easiest thing in the world to figure out.

Clark let out a breath. Okay, so his son knew his secret. That saved the trouble of telling him and he also knew that he was his father. "Now Jason…you can never tell anyone that I'm Superman, you understand?"

Jason nodded, "And Mommy doesn't know either so I can't call you Daddy when you're Mr. Clark."

Clark looked down at him in surprised, "Uh...right. And you can't tell anybody that Superman is your daddy either."

Jason frowned, "I can't let anyone know that you're my daddy?"

Clark shook his head, "No, I'm sorry buddy. But when we're alone, you can call me 'Daddy' anytime you want."

The look on his son's face broke his heart. That's it…he was telling Lois today. He had to. Jason deserved better than this.

Jason nodded, "Okay…" He said quietly.

Clark brushed Jason's bangs out of his eyes, "It'll be our secret."

" 'kay'" Jason wrapped his arms around Clark's neck and Clark couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.

"Okay." Clark said after the hug ended. "You want to get back to spelling?"

Jason nodded, his nodded suddenly changing.

Clark erased 'Superman' off the screen and typed a different word. "Try this one."

Jason squinted at the screen, "Bee-are!"

"Close, but not quite." Clark pointed at the screen. "An 'e' can have an "ee" sound or an "eh" sound. In this particular word the 'e' has an 'eh' sound."

"Beh-are." Jason tried again.

Clark smiled at his attempt. "Again, very close. Now the "a" can have an 'ah' sound of an 'aie' sound. Now try to say it once more."

"Beh-air.Beh-air. BEAR!" He exclaimed happily. "It says bear!"

Clark grinned, "Yes, it says bear!"

Jason grinned and laughed, "Another one!"

And Clark went back to the keyboard and typed another word.

Lois came back into the bullpen after stepping out for some air. There has been too much going on in her life lately. First she learns that her son is the son of the Man of Steel, then she and Richard started to drift apart. Richard decided to break off the engagement and moved to Europe. And to her surprise and great relief, Jason took it rather well. But now he didn't have a father in his life. Superman wouldn't play catch with him in the backyard. And Perry assigned her to the 'New Krypton' incident and she was still collecting information from Superman and she figured he didn't like talking about it.

She wanted a cigarette but she knew Superman would probably show up and ruin it for her so she fought of the desire and just went up to the roof for air. After she let her mind wonder she came back downstairs and now here she stood.

She immediately sought out her son and found him where she left him. Jason was sitting on Clark's lap smiling and laughing. Despite her state of mind, she let herself smile at the sight. No matter what, her son's smile and laugh could always cheer her up.

She caught a glimpse of Clark's face and saw a smile on his face as well. She watched as he said something to Jason, Jason inclined his head toward the computer and said something. Clark's face lit up and he nodded.

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe how quickly Jason took to her old partner and visa versa. Clark was always her rock during hard times. He was the one she could always count on. The one who would put up with her moods and attitudes and never complained. She really had to thank him for that.

She approached them slowly and heard Jason proclaim Clark's last name.

"Right!" Clark exclaimed and at that moment Clark looked to her. "Hi Lois."

Jason turned when he heard Clark say his mother's name, "Hi Mommy!"

Lois smiled slightly, "Hi baby. Did you have fun with Mr. Clark?"

Jason nodded vigorously. "Yea, we were spelling!"

Lois cocked an eyebrow at Clark. He still had that grin on his face but his eyes held that glint she knew all too well. Clark knew far too well that she couldn't spell and now he was rubbing it in her face with her own son!

"Spelling huh? What words were you spelling?"

"A lot of words. I spelled Cat, bear, Mommy, Superman, Clark, Kent, my name…Mommy did you know that Mr. Clark doesn't have lines under his words?"

Clark sniggered and Lois shot a glare at him. "Yes well, Mr. Clark is a good speller. Come on honey, come back to my desk."

Jason pouted, "But I wanna stay with Mr. Clark."

Lois sighed quietly, "Mr. Clark has work to do."

"I don't mind Lois." Clark said quickly. And he didn't mind. He would spend all day with his son if he could.

"No Clark, I've pulled you away from you work long enough, come on Jason."

"Awww.." Jason hopped off Clarks lap and made his way over to Lois' desk. Lois watched him walk away and then turned to Clark. "Thanks for watching him."

Clark nodded and smiled, "It was no trouble at all Lois, anytime."

She smiled slightly and nodded. But her smile faced when she heard a crash from across the room followed by a quiet 'oops' by Jason. It was inaudible to Lois but Clark heard it and he had to suppress a smile.

"Jason!" Lois called out as she stalked over to her desk.

"Sorry Mommy." Clark heard Jason say.

Lois bent down and picked up the desk drawer that had completely fallen out. She gathered all the supplies and muttered, "I'm going to need to talk to your father about this newly found strength of yours." She said it more to herself. Clark's heart skipped a beat when she said that. He heard her tell him before that Jason was his son but hearing Lois say it like that made it seem even more real.

"I didn't mean to Mommy." Jason's voice ran in his head. Lois kneeled down to his eye level and placed her hands on his arms gently, "I know sweetie but you have special abilities now, you're stronger than other boys your age. So you have to be careful."

Clark watched and listened on in silence. He remembered his mother telling him that when he was Jason's age.

"I was just trying to get a pen." Jason voice sounded sad, scared, and confused. Oh how he wished he could go over there and help his son through this.

"Honey…I'm just saying you have to be carefully. Remember what we talked about the other night."

Jason nodded, "Daddy told me I would be different."

Clark's eyes widened and his breath hitched in his throat.

"He did, when?"

"After he came out of the hospital, he came to visit me. He told me I would be different."

Clark let out the breath he was holding.

Jason was awake during that speech? Well the kid did just learn his father was Superman, what five year old could sleep after learning that bit of information?

He decided to stop eavesdropping on Lois and Jason and turned back to his work.

After a few more hours of working, he decided to head home. He looked over his shoulder and saw Lois hunched over her work. She had taken Jason home and left him with a sitter for it was getting late and Jason needed to eat and he was getting restless.

He packed up his things and started to head out.

Lois glanced up and saw him getting ready to leave. She dropped her pen and pushed the chair back as she got up.

Clark turned off this computer and tuned his hearing to see if he could hear any trouble. The world seemed pretty quiet right then but he wanted to do a quick check anyway.

He headed towards the elevator but only got a few steps away from his desk when he felt a hand on his arm. He turned and saw Lois standing there.


"Clark before you go I want to talk to you." He noticed that she looked serious and that only posed one question. "Am I in trouble?"

Lois scoffed and shook her head, "No, Clark. You're not in trouble."

He cocked his head to the side, "What do you want to talk about?"

Lois looked around, "Not here." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards an empty room. She closed the door behind her and turned to look at him.

"Lois what's going on?"

Lois was acting more peculiar. For one Lois never pulled Clark Kent into a dimly lit room…alone. Right now…he didn't have to act nervous. Lois said that he wasn't in trouble but she could be just saying that to keep the peace on the outside… but then again Lois never really cared who heard her when she was in one of her moods.

"Clark, I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me? For what?"


He furrowed his brow. This was definitely out of character for Lois.

She sighed, "I mean since Richard left my life has been as mess. Jason doesn't have a father anymore…well there's his biological father but…"

Clark inwardly winced, "His biological father?" He hated lying to her. He really did.

Lois nodded, "Yea, Richard is not Jason's biological father but his biological father I don't think I can count on."

Another wince. That one hurt.

"He's never around and I just can't see him playing catch with him or taking him out to ballgames." She turned to him, "That's why I'm thanking you Clark. Jason needs a father figure in his life and he seems to really like you."

Clark swallowed and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "Lois…you don't have to…Jason is a swell kid."

Lois made a face. He wasn't sure if it was the use of the word 'swell' or the fact that he used the word to describe her son. But she didn't say anything about that subject.

"Not only that Clark but throughout the years, you've always put up with me."

'That's because I love you Lois.' The voice inside him said.

"I've always lashed out on you, called you names and yet you never once seemed to mind. Clark, you're my best friend."

Clark remained calm on the outside but on the inside he was going insane. 'I have to tell her tonight. I have to.'

"Lois…I…I'm sure Jason's father will pull through."

Lois gave him a skeptical glance, "You don't know him like I do."

'Oh Lois, you have no idea…'

"Well maybe not…but people can surprise you sometimes."

Lois smiled but shook her head. "I wish I could believe you Clark."

Clark turned his gaze to the floor. Was he really that bad? Well, Lois did only know Superman as Superman and Superman can't publicly go out with his son.

Lois rested a hand on Clark's upper arm and raised herself up onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He lifted his head and stared at her in surprise. Lois smiled at the slight pink Clark's cheeks turned.

"Goodnight Clark." She said and left the room. He stood there for a few moments and then shook his head and exited the room.

After he left The Daily Planet, he went back to his apartment quickly and then changed into his suit and did a check of the world.

There was a car fire in New York, a robbery in Wyoming and a gang rape over in France. After he took care of those major events and a few more minor accidents, he headed over to Lois. He hovered over the Riverside Drive home for a few silent moments and then slowly lowered himself to the ground.

Lois stood in the kitchen, clutching a cup of coffee. She had no idea why but she had the feeling tonight was going to be a long night.

After Clark had left The Planet, she stayed only a half an hour more before heading home. When she got home, she discovered that Jason was already in bed and asleep. She paid the babysitter and went into the kitchen and that's where she stood now.

She turned around slowly lost in her thoughts and nearly jumped out of her skin. Outside of her window stood Superman, his arms crossed over his chest and staring right at her. She placed her hand over her chest, "Jesus." She muttered and opened the sliding glass doors.

"Could you knock or something next time instead of scaring me to death?"

His lips curved up into a small smile, "Sorry Lois."

She rolled her eyes, "Jason is asleep."

He shook his head, "I came here to see you."


He nodded, "Lois…we need to talk."

"Yes we do." She agreed. "Jason is getting stronger…soon it will be uncontrollable for him."

Superman nodded, "Yes…I will need to train him."

"Train him? What is he a dog?"

He was taken a back by that statement, "No! Lois, Jason is not a dog but in order to control his strength he has to learn how."

Lois sighed, "Is that the only time he's going to see you? When he needs to be 'trained'?"

Superman's brow furrowed, "Lois you know it's…"

"Dangerous….yea I know. But you're his father. He needs a father. And like you said it's dangerous he…you can't be around for him to…"

"Play catch with him or take him to ball games." He voiced her words from before. "You can't count on me."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "You were listening in on me?"

He shook his head slowly, "No." He took a breath. This was it. There was no going back now. "I was in the room."

Lois looked utterly confused, "What do you mean you were in the room? The only two people in the room were me and Cl…" Just then it dawned on her. "Clark?"

"Hi Lois." He said softly and almost shyly.

Her jaw dropped, "CLARK?!"

He nodded, "Yes it's me. Clark Kent, reporter for The Daily Planet, farm boy from Kansas, your partner."

"Oh My God…" She muttered.

"I've wanted to tell you for so long and I just never could."

Lois couldn't say anything and she just stood there with her hand over her mouth in shock.


"I can't believe this…" she muttered, "You're…You're Clark and Clark is…Clark is Superman and….you were just going to lie to us?!" She finally snapped out of her stupor. "It's bad enough you lied to me but how could you do that to your son? Are you going to tell him?"

"He knows."

"I beg your pardon?"

He swallowed under Lois' intense gaze, "Jason knows that Clark is Superman….he's known for a while."

That only angered her further, "You told our son and you couldn't tell me?!"

He threw his hands up in innocence, "I only found out today that Jason knew who I was. I didn't tell him, he found out himself along with the fact that I'm his father."

Lois clenched her jaw, "He found it out on his own?"

Clark nodded, "Yes he did. He said he saw a picture of Superman on the television and saw Clark standing next to it and connected the dots."

"I'm around both of you every day! How did I not notice it?!" She exclaimed and threw her hands up in the air. He wasn't sure if she was frustrated with herself or with him….probably both.

"You have." He said quietly.

She spun around, "What??"

"You have noticed it before."

She gave him a look of misunderstanding.

"Before I left…you figured it out and after I explained everything we went up to the fortress and...well…Jason was conceived."

Lois stared at him, "Why don't I remember this?"

He looked at her sheepishly and guiltily, "I…wiped your memory." He cowered at the look on her face.

"You did WHAT?!"

He winced at her loud screech, "Lois…you'll wake up Jason."

"Why would you do that?!" She was furious and she didn't care who heard her.

"You were miserable." He told her. "It was clear to you that you had to share me with the World and you didn't want to do that…you stayed up crying for nights and I couldn't stand to see you like that."

"Oh so, I get a little weepy and you decided to just take it all away, leave the solar system for five years, leaving me alone, angry, pregnant and having no idea why!"

"Lois…if I had any idea that you were pregnant I never would have left I…"

"That's not the point here!" She snapped. "That is my personal memories, what makes you think that you could to that?!"

"I know I made a mistake." He admitted.

"A mistake?!" Lois glowered at him. "A mistake is forgetting an appointment you made or spilling your coffee. Wiping someone's memory that you supposedly love is NOT a mistake!!"

He outstretched his arms toward her, "Lois calm down."

She practically threw herself away from him. "Don't you touch me!"

He slowly lowered his arms to his sides. Lois had a right to be angry. She had every single right. And yet he couldn't help the hurt expression his face adopted.

Lois pointed a finger at him, "Don't you dare give me that look! You're not the victim here! Do you have any idea how it feels to have not only your best friend lie to you but also the father of your child?!" She was on the verge of hysteria.

"It was hard." He told her sternly. "It is hard keeping this secret from everyone. I've wanted to tell you, everyday I wanted to tell you, I wanted you to know but the last time you were almost killed."

"That should be my choice!" she exclaimed. "Whether I want to risk my life in order to know you."

"If anything happened to you because someone wanted to get to me, I would never forgive myself." He said softly as the flashback of seeing Lois covered in all that rubble flashed in his mind. He shook his head slowly.

"Stop that! You are not responsible for me! And you furthermore cannot make decisions for me! You have no idea how it felt to hear that I was pregnant and have no memory of ever being with someone."

He cocked his head, "But Richard…"

"I was too far along for it to be Richards."

He sighed quietly, "I'm sorry Lois."

"You're sorry. Well 'sorry' doesn't cut it anymore!"

"What can I do?"

"There's nothing you can do!" Her voice cracked and he could hear that she was about to cry.

'Way to go Kent. You made her furious at you and now she's going to cry'

"I don't even know what to call you anymore!"

"I'm still Clark Kent…I'll always be Clark Kent."

She stared at him with a skeptical glare.

"Not the goofy guy everyone knows at the office but I am Clark. I grew up as Clark Kent and only became Superman to help the world."

Lois was quiet for a while. The only sound was the wind rustling through the trees and the water splashing up against the dock. He was both worried and hopeful at the same time. He had no idea what she was thinking. She could have been thinking about what he said and considering forgiving him but the again she could plotting ways to kill him.

Lois finally lifted her head to look at him. Her face was unreadable. "Please leave." She whispered but her heard her loud and clear.

He knew there was no arguing with Lois when she was like this. He wanted to say something to her, to try and make it better. But she probably didn't want to see or hear him at the moment.

So he only nodded.

Lois turned and headed back into the house. She closed the door slowly and let out a breath. She slid to the ground and rested her back against the door. She made sure he was gone before she broke down. She buried her head in the crook of her arm and let the tears finally fall.

Superman flew through the clouds an up. He heard Lois' quiet sobs echoing in his ears. He paused mid flight and just hovered there. He closed his eyes and thought about the day. The day had started out so well. He got to see Jason, spend time with him, hear him call him 'Daddy' for the first time. And then Lois thanked him for everything. No…she thanked Clark. Clark 'gee-that's-swell' Kent.

Tonight went better than he expected though. He imagined the worst case scenarios. Lois banning him from ever seeing Jason again or bringing out Kryptonite on him. Though where Lois would have gotten Kryptonite he had no idea.

The worst was hopefully over. Lois would eventually calm down…maybe.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He knew he did the right thing. Lois had to know, there was no question about that.

Now all he had to do was wait for her to come around. He didn't know what he would do if he lost her again. After everything, he still loved her as much as before, if not more. Especially now that Jason was here. If Jason was not a symbol of their love, then what was?

He opened his eyes and looked back down to Earth; the sound of Lois' sobs still ringing in his ears.

"Lois…I'm so sorry." He whispered into the night and then flew off to where distant cries lead him.


Oh how could I face

The faceless days

If I should lose you now

We're so close to reaching

That famous happy ending

Almost believing this was not pretend

Let's go on dreaming

For we know we are

So close

So close

And still…

So far.
