Updated and Beta'd on

Jan 3rd 09.

Beta: darksiren929

I was at a club called Liberdade ao Iferno. Meaning Freedom to hell. Weird name, but to me it made since. The club was located in a place called Underground Morte. It's a place where you would find vampires and some werewolves tend to hang out. Now how did I find this place? Simple, two years ago when I was 14. I had ran away from the Dursleys after a hard beating by Vernon. A vampire, Aiden was his name, found me in an alley. He healed most of my injuries, but there was one he couldn't heal. I had lost so much blood already that I was on the line of life and death.


" Harry, you must choose. I either turn you or you will die." His voice was so soft. Aiden was only about three years older than me. Black hair had fell into his ocean blue eyes. He was the first person who gave me a choice. Who actually cared enough.

I gave him a weak smile. " Promise not to leave me, promise me that you will teach me how to survive as a vampire and I will live. If you're not willing to stay and teach me, then leave me to die."

" I will help you learn the ways of the Vampire. That Harry, I swear." Then he leaned down to my neck, letting his fangs sink into my neck. The sensation was almost too much for me. Heat flooded through me then cold. Aiden then told me to drink his blood as he held his wrist in front of my mouth. His blood was thick and sweet. The cold left me and warmth flooded me. That was all I could remember before I blacked out.

[End of Flashback]

I smiled as I continued to sing, my voice almost yelling.

" Left me to die.
Your tiresome apologies are nothing.
You use me then threw me away.

When you left me to die I came back as the undead.

Nothing stopping me now.

I have a choice and I refuse to save your ass.

Don't worry though, I'll make things right this time.

I'll find a way to change my destiny.

Stop hiding, stop lying.

I'll find my way without you leading my path."

I finished the song, my voice ranging over the crowd. That was the third song and already beads of sweat was rolling down my face. Today, I had let Aiden dress me, so I might have looked a little out of character to my fake friends. I was wearing black low riding pants with combat boots. My shirt was black and was ripped at the torso. You could see my tattoo that started from my stomach to the left of my neck. The same side Aiden bit me. The tattoo was a forest green snake with red eyes. I also no longer had to wear glasses since I was now a vampire; bringing out my emerald green eyes.

I started my fourth and final song.

You desecrate your temple with anger.
A hollow body fueled by hate
I feel now better.
Don't look for answers.
Blown away there was never a reason why.

It's sick either way

It's sick either way

It's sick either way you look at it so

Take what you want a leave a hole inside.
Take everything you need to keep you satisfied.
Break everything you see then try to hide
Take it all but you're never taking me alive.

Now you have used my weakness against me.
A Trojan Horse already through the gate.
I spiral down into the
Search for excuses
It's time take an honest look inside."

(Dark New Day / Taking Me alive)

At the end of the song I noticed that two Death Eaters and one of their children. Aiden was talking to them by the bar. It also looked like Tom Riddle himself was here. And I do mean Tom Riddle, not the ugly snake like Voldemort. Tom looked about twenty something. His hair was dark brown, almost black, and was up in a ponytail. Though, he still had those red eyes of his. I let whoever was after me sing and walked up to the Prince of Vampires. Yes, Aiden is the Prince of Vampires and an ally of Voldemort. Though, Tom doesn't know that I hang out with his allies. Hell, the man doesn't even know that I'm a vampire...yet.

Coming behind Aiden, I let my voice sound seducing. " Oh, Aiden, why don't you introduce me to your new friends?" I already knew who they were. Tom Riddle, Severus Snape, Lucius and Draco Malfoy; who were all staring at me in disbelief.

Aiden turned around. " I think you already know who they are." He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "Oh, by the way, your still as good as ever on the stage, not to mention sexy."

I laughed and pulled away. No, me and Aiden weren't lovers. You see, though, me and him were both starved of love. So we both give it to each other; to catch up on what we already lost.

" Potter, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at that muggle house." Severus asked or more like demanded.

" Oh, Sevvie, don't you love me?" I fluttered my eyelashes, flirting with him. Of course, I was just joking, though, we all know how Severus doesn't like jokes.

" Hey!" Aiden shouted, pouting, " I thought I was the one you loved?" Aiden asked, joining the joke.

" I do, but you see, I need more than one man to satisfy my needs."

" OK! Stop with the joking and answer my question."

I glared at Severus, my eyes turning a darker shade of red than Tom's eyes. " I don't have to answer a fucking question you ask. The worst you could do is tell Dumblass that I'm hanging out with Prince of Vampires."

Aiden and Tom intervened before damage could be done.

" What are you, Potter?" Draco asked, noticing my eyes.

" He's my heir, a vampire, if you must know." Aiden answered.

I pouted since I wanted to answer. " Yeah, what he said."

" Does that mean you've switched sides now?" The older Malfoy asked.

I blinked, good question, have I? I didn't really know the answer. I looked at Aiden. " Truth be told, I have no fucking clue."

Tom seemed to find this funny, since he was now chuckling. I pouted at him now. " What's so funny?"

Tom stared at me, stepping closer towards me. I now could fill his warm breath in my face as he studied me. " Well, it seems you've really have changed. First we find you here singing, everything about your looks have changed. Then we find out that you're a vampire. And a heir of a very powerful vampire prince. What brought on this change?"

He was truly curious, but I was unsure what to tell him. Aiden, sensing my un-sureness, wrapped his arms around me from behind. I leaned back and buried my face in his neck, smelling his scent. I sighed and looked back at the others. " The most simple and quickest way to tell you this is. My uncle doesn't like me very much so I ran away, half dead. Aiden found me and had to turn me or else I would have died. That was about two years ago."

"Hold it, you've been a vampire for two years now and Dumbledore doesn't know?" Draco asked, astonished.

I smirked and walked out of Aiden's hold and towards Draco. Luckily, with these boots, I was about as tall as Draco. " Yes, Draco. I wouldn't have been at Hogwarts for the past two years if the old man had known. We all know how he hates dark creatures, especially vampires." I studied him and then an idea hit me. " Like to dance?" I held my hand out for him to take, which he did, though somewhat reluctantly.

I lead him to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance. The music was fast paste and the lights were dim, bodies were pressed against other bodies. Sweat seemed to pour off of me and Draco. We were grinding against each other. His arms on my hips, my back to his chest. The smelt of lust, sex, and sweat.


The others watched the two boys dancing.

" Why did you turn him, Aiden?" Tom asked, looking at his ally.

Aiden took his eyes off of Harry and looked at Tom. He trusted Tom, ever since he was a small child. His father was once a Death Eater. Since he was about four, Tom always visited. Then, baby Harry made Tom disappear. At that age, Aiden hated Harry for that. Tom was the one that trained him and was sympathetic when his mom died. It was after Tom disappeared when his father started to beat him. Only when Tom returned and went back to being sane did the beatings stop. Though, the only stopped because Tom found out and killed his father. And after a while, Aiden stopped hating Harry. He was by then already bitten and made heir to the Vampire King, officially making him the Prince of Vampires or Vampire Prince. (Aiden was bitten around that age of 12. Vampires in my story will not stop aging 'til they are about twenty two )

" I turned him because his past is not so different from mine. He needed someone to help him and we both know that Dumbledore will not help him."

Tom thought for a minute. " Um, that explains the pain through the connection I used to feel. Though, back then I was a little too insane to care what was happening to the boy."

" Yes, you were a little crazy." Aiden said, smirking at the Dark Lord.

" Do you know if he will change sides, or do we still have to worry about him?" Lucius asked, speaking up.

Aiden did not like the way Lucius said that. They were not going to touch his heir. " Lucius, hurt him in any way, and I will kill you in the most painful manner I can. To answer your question, no you do not have to worry about Harry. He will most likely turn neutral if not dark."

Lucius, gulping, nodded. He knew when he crossed a line he shouldn't. Apparently the vampire cared about the green eyed boy. Lucius scanned the said boy. iHe has grown into one handsome boy/i, Lucius thought. Severus was thinking along the same lines.


It was at least an hour before we went back the bar. Our faces were flushed and sweat was rolling off of us in beads

" Well, Harry, I do believe it's time to go. We've got to go to Knockturn tomorrow." Aiden said, saying good-bye to the others.

I gave Draco a very lustful kiss before leaving. I felt at least three pairs of eyes watching me leave. It seems to me, I've gotten some Slytherins after me and finally not for my blood.