Chapter 1: The Beginning

Yea!! This is my first D. Grayman story!! I love this series and unlike my other stories I plan to finish this one to the end! So Allen would you please do the disclamer.

Allen: Okay! Chaos does not own any of the d. garyman character. She only owns Lance and Maria Dante, also the plot.

Thanks Allen now on with the story.

A world once at peace is now a world in a never ending battle.

Yet peace can rein, but its cost is high.

The cost is a child,

One with a sharp memory

A kind innocent heart

An whose love is pure

Yet the child will bring trials as well…

It will cause enemies beyond the imagination…

Darkness to unfold from itself….

The child maybe of half human and half Noah….

The only hope in this world... The power of its love and heart...

The Noah of Fate will rise again….

Darkness was all I could see, the pain was slowly sub-siding. It hurt to move, to think, mostly to do anything, but I need to do something. Man how did I end up like this… Now I remember me and Kanda were trying to protect Komui when that stupid level 4 blasted us. Hevlaska tried to help, but was incapable of hurting it. God everything hurt, it hurts just to think and I wish the pain would go away. The others probably don't even know I'm in the wall, but then again they never really cared. I was always alone, probably even before I started my 49 alias.

Think again baka…

"What who's there" I yelled out to the darkness even though it hurt to talk.

Open your eyes then maybe you could see…I can't believe you were able to live this long…

What...When did I close my eyes? I thought as I opened my left eye I notice I was lying in water. I sat up, on the water which I admit was scary, and looked around and saw a figure in the distance standing on the water. The shadow in the shape of a human…

You finally can see me again, Lavi. The figure said which by the voice I guessed that it was a boy. With a small nod he walked forward and was coming closer to me. He stopped right in front of me a held out a black gloved hand and I could finally see what he looked like.

I was shocked because in front of me was…ME!! The boy looked like me, but yet I saw something that scared me. Across his forehead was Noah crosses and his right eye was not covered, but instead his left eye was covered. Right under the eye patch was the bookman marking that went to about the bridge of his nose. The copy wore the same close as me and as well as my headband, but it was around his neck.

"Who are you? I mean you look like me, but you're a Noah!!" I told the figure as we floated above the water. He laughed at me, then pulled back his hand and sat down next me.

I am you baka, a part of you that was destroyed because of this… He gently brushed his hand across my eye patch and then pointed to his own. You don't remember because when you were younger we existed as one. My powers were yours and then so in return. Then the day came when your father found out and cut your right eye out, letting lose the power stored within. He sighed and pulled his knees to his chest, leaning his head down on it, but he did make it where he could still see me.

"You mean the reason mother died and the reason my right eye is cut through…" I said softly, I felt tears slowly willing up.

That is right your mother was a Noah and your right eye was where she placed a seal to let you grow into your powers. Then your father found out everything went downhill, he killed mother and went after you. Unable to do anything he slashed and cut your right eye… In retaliation your Noah powers were let loose and went out of control. It blasted your father killing him instantly and then created a crater that was 3 miles long… He told me and with a wave of his hand, a portal of water appeared in front of us and played out a little of what he talked about.


"Mother!! Mother I finished the-" I watched as my father appeared behind the smaller me kicking me in the back sending me into the wall. The smaller me looked up teary eyed at my father who held up a knife with blood on it.

"Father….. What's going on and where is mother?!" My smaller self yelled at him. Father grabbed my shirt and dragged me into the other room. There on the ground was my mother, her long black hair, was now spread around her. Her face was in a twisted look and her eyes had turned gold from the normal green, the cross across her forehead contrasted her now very pale skin, but what really scared me was the blood pouring out from the cut across her neck.

"MOTHER!!" I watched as my child self ran over to her, while her blood got over his hands and knees. I tried to yell out but then remembered that it was just a showing. My mind raced as a saw my father spin me around and brought the knife down. I could only watch as my younger self screamed out in terror and blood poured out from my right eye. My younger self kicked the monster of a father and tried to run while holding one hand over the now bleeding eye. He didn't get far as my father grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled back.

"You should have never been born!! You are a monster, nothing more nothing less!!" My father yelled as he picked up the smaller me and threw me out the window, the glass shattering on impact with my body.

Slowly my younger self got back on his feet, whimpering as blood flowed out from the open cuts. I could hear myself backing up from my father. All the while my father walked up to me with a knife in hand. When he was close enough he lifted up the knife and brought it down, but it missed me and instead imbed it in my mother's back.

"L…La…Lance stop….Don't you hurt my son…." She said the Noah crosses becoming more pronounce, she then sent a powerful force of energy into him, which made him fly across the field. She turn back to me both of us on the ground as she held me in her arms. "I'm sorry I didn't see what he was… Please forgive your foolish mother…." She whispered and then she went limp in my arms.

"Mother!! Mother, please! Don't leave me!! MOTHER!!" I heard my younger self yell shaking her as he cried. Then I saw it as my father took one step closer my mother and younger self I started to glow and then gather energy into a ball around mother and him, he then let it lose fire sent in all directions.

End Flashback

"No….Why did….. Why did this happen?" I said through the tears running down my face. I looked away from the water and put my head on my knees, pulling them close.

There is nothing you can do now…. You will have to fight make us one again Lavi, become what you once were… I heard movement as the Noah next to me stood up. You have to make a choice; you can stay here and let your friends down or stand up and become the Noah of Fate again…

I snapped my head up and saw him holding his hand out to me. I didn't know what to do anymore, I had to make a decision, but what was the right one. "I….I want to fight… for my friends and the people I care about!!" I told him and grabbed his hand.

Alright then let's go baka! He said with a smirk as I felt both of us fuse. I closed my eye and felt power, as well as my memories, flow back into me and my body shrinking… like time was flowing backwards.


I stood now floating on the water watching my selves fight with each other.

"You choose to fight for these temporary friends!" I saw one of the younger me yell at the one fading away. "Humans create nothing, but wars! They're a feeble species!" He yelled again as tears ran down his face. "You know it's true! I shouldn't even have to explain! I have the responsibility as a member on the Bookman Order!" With that the younger me stopped yelling a waited for a response.

I closed my eyes wishing to leave this area before I could hear the answer to that. I knew that it was pointless to hear the rest. My answer was only another question to myself, one I know I could not answer. I soon felt something pull me and everything went black.


"I get it already, that humans are stupid…" I hear myself say as I watched as just an on looker. "No matter where we go, it's just battles, battles, battles…."

"Lavi…" I saw Bookman look at me as my younger self turned to look at him. "There is trouble brewing.."

I didn't pay attention to most of it, but then I found myself regretting everything I had said back then. I knew humans were hypocrites and nothing could change that. People fight and kill it was simple as that, nothing more.

"Let's be frivolous and friendly like always." Just with that I realized that just like in Road's dream world, I didn't know now if my smiles were true or fake.


I had been just a boy wandering around my right eye almost useless, but still I went on trying to make a life. Then I stumbled across Bookman…

"The "Hidden History" is handed down from person to person and is excluded from historical fact. You know something that no one knows…" I heard him tell me and with just that, I accepted becoming a "Bookman". He handed me an eye patch for my right eye and from then I was to record history… Which now that I think about it I would have become one anyway being the Noah of Fate…

End Flashback

Dream State

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mother sitting next to me. I sat up and she gave me a soft smile. "Dear do you know why the Noah of Fate is rare to awaken?" She asked me in a soft voice, her black hair blowing in the wind. Looking around I saw that we were on the hill that use to be over looking my house a place only me and her went to.

"No mother..." I answered her and then noticed that when I said the phase, my voice was normal.

"Dear the Noah of Fate is the Noah who knows everything about that person, place, or thing, its past and its future. No matter what even if that person was to change their name it wouldn't matter… We Noah of Fate control the destiny of those around us." She stopped and looked at me with a small smile, her green eyes holding sadness, but hope and peace hidden behind it. "The destiny of the person no matter if it is a Noah can be rewritten if you wish it… We are the Bookman of the darkness ones who are able to help anyone we wish, but at a cost of not telling that person when he or she is meant to died. You are the last of Noah of Fates, but you are also the strongest…"

"I'm the strongest…. I highly doubt my skills are as good as anyone of the Noahs…" I said pulling my knees to my chest. I remembered fighting Tiki and how badly I lost, it was never fun remembering General Cross come to the rescue. My heart really broke that day, seeing the person I secretly love turned into a monster. "I mean I couldn't even save the person who I care about…" I put my head on my knees to cover my face.

"Lavi no matter what you may think you could have won, but it was I lost cause with who you were fighting. We are Noah of Fate we can change the destiny of a person in a blink of an eye…" She gently put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at her with sad eyes only to find them reflected back at me. "I understand that mother you have told me that many times." I told her with a straight face, but all she gave me was a smile.

"I wasn't finished Lavi .What I said was true yet, the truth is, humans are imperfect and perfection is false. If someone you know is perfect they are false. So what does that make us what can we do about our futures? When will it be our time for someone to change our own destiny to change…. My dear son please listen to me do not lose your heart to nothingness. Trust in yourself and you will be fine." She said as she started to blow away in the form of rose petals. My eyes went wide as she slowly disappeared in front of my eyes.

"You will find the one that can save you and in return you will save them… Your heart will lead the way…" As she fully disappeared and the last rose petals flew away.

"Wait Mother! What do you mean?" I said standing up spinning around to look for at least one petal or glimpse of my mother.

"Please Mother!!" I yelled running after one of the petals yet it disappeared before I could grab hold of it. Standing on the edge of the cliff I looked down and saw the water from the lake that reflected my friends and my dreams before me.

Now or never Lavi! Which will it be? I looked back up to see my Noah half floating a little away from the edge of the hill. Last chance to back out, but knowing you…I should rephrase that, since I am you I already know the answer. He said with a smirk on his face as he held out a hand to me. It is time to wake up from this dream area…

I took one last look down at the lake as it swirled together and the place below disappeared from view. With that I looked back up and nodded and walked closer to him, while standing up there I saw some rose petals flying around me. I knew at that moment, no matter my decision my mother will always be on my side. Then everything around me went dark and faded away. One thing ringed in my mind…

End Dream State

Okay that is all for the first chapter!! I will explain the whole story behind Lavi's story later on in the story. An if you are wondering yes Lavi's mother is a Noah, so in the end Lavi is too. Yeah any questions just ask and I'll try and answer them. So please review and no flames they will be used to start fire for camping!!

Ja ne!!