I want to say that this is just an attempt, but I think this fic has potential. It's supposed to be an alternate universe, ChadKarin, and I want feedback as to what you think.

She looked at her almost nonexistant fingernails, then stared blankly at her probation officer. He was explaining something about community service, and how she would have to do five hundred hours of it before the judge would even consider reprieving her probation.

Telling your principal to go screw himself, then beating the crap out of him when he won't let you leave the school will do that to you. The officer was now reminding her of how lucky she was that the principal didn't sue her family for his broken nose and black eyes.

She'd just spent two weeks in BTC, and was now grounded until she was thirty. Whatever, she still had internet access, and her other electronics. She just wasn't allowed to play any sports for the rest of this year, and couldn't hang out with her friends or talk on the phone too them.

Poor Karin was still allowed in school. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't expelled. But she was lucky to avoid the RISE Academy, where she'd be forced to wear khaki pants and navy blue shirts, and a belt.

"You start tomorrow at the Oak's Retirement home. Be up and there by ten, or I'll have to escort you there myself." Karin cringed at the thought of the old man escorting her to her community service, especially in the get up he'd been rumored to wear on such occasions. Please, not that God-awful striped hat and capris.

Karin stood up from her chair, stretched, and walked out of the office in hopes of regaining the feeling in her behind.

Her big brother was sitting next to a soda machine, with a Dr. Pepper in one hand, and a book in the other. He must've shown up early, Karin realized, but didn't seem to care. It had happened that way the last few times he'd had to pick her up from these little meetings, and once he'd even attended one with her, as the presence of a legal guardian was required, and their father had been out for some emergency surgery on some old lady's lung.

"Ichigo, can we get the hell out of this place?" Karin dogeared his book for him, and took a swig out of his soda.

Ichigo stood up, fished his keys from his pocket, and almost handed them to her, then remembered her liscence was revoked. That was another story, involving a drive-by egging of some girl's house. The bitch deserved it, though, after the way she'd treated Rei, Karin and Yuzu's best friend since they were three.

"Where do you want to go for lunch? I'm in the mood for something spicy myself, but it's your call. I don't feel like thinking," Ichigo scratched his head.

"Not that you ever do," Karin mumbled. "What about that little Mexican place your little friend works at. I wanna meet her."

"Hell no." Ichigo glared at her, and ruffled her hair. The only thing about it that hadn't changed in the past few years was the way it was cut. She'd had it died about a zillion different colours, then settled on her naturally black hair with a large red streak in the front, on the left side of her face. Karin had gotten her nose pierced when she was twelve, getting herself grounded for a month, and Ichigo had pierced her ears four times with Isshin's permission.

"You're the moron that told me to pick, so we're going there. Drive somewhere else, and I'll tell Keigo why you really had to change your sheets. It had absolutely nothing to do with a wet dream, did it Ichi?" Karin smirked, and Ichigo glared.

"That's none of you're freaking business. I really shouldn't be having this conversation with you, anyway. You're too young." They walked out of the building, and started toward the Expedition.

"I learned where babies came from when I was six. I think I'm old enough." Karin smacked Ichigo's arm.

"You went and told your classmates. In detail. Then were suspended for being a bad influence on other kids. It took forever for them to allow you back in school."

"One week!" Karin proceeded to blow the raspberry in his face before she went to her side of the Expedition.

Karin shot the bird at a passing car, that had just cut her brother off. They'd just left lunch, and much to Karin's disappointment, Ichigo's little friend wasn't there so she could embarrass him.

"You know that might be an off-duty cop, right?" Ichigo glanced at Karin, who was currently rolling her eyes. "It's only legal for me to do that anyway. You've got a huge record, and you're not even out of high school."

"What are you, my warden?" Karin glared at him.

"Huh-uh. I'm your big brother, and I'm just looking after you." Ichigo braked, then took the turn down their street.

"Well, I don't need a protector."

"So? You have one anyway." Ichigo reached over, and ruffled her hair, and she twisted his thumb back, making him wince. "I need that. Poseable thumbs usually help with pulling a key out of the ignition." Ichigo turned into their driveway, where the garage door was open, and Yuzu was pulling a large trash can back inside from the curb.

Karin jumped from their Expedition before Ichigo even turned it off, and ran inside the house, more than likely to stay in her room until dinner. The attic had been converted into her room when they moved there twelve years before.

Karin was quiet at dinner, as usual, the the only talking was really done by their father, Isshin, or Yuzu, about random stuff. Yuzu was talking about her boyfriend, Jinta, who was apparently the most popular guy in tenth grade, and how she was so lucky to be dating him. Isshin was talking about how the surgery went, and how they almost lost the poor woman, but revived her with two pints of blood.

"Karin, you really should chew your food twenty four times!" He screamed across the table, with that annoying grin of his, and patted his daughter on the head.

Karin retorted by kicking him in the head, which miraculously didn't knock him out. She ran a hand through her hair, and took her plate to the sink, excusing herself from the dinner table, and went upstairs to her room.

"What's her problem?" Yuzu asked, before stuffing another bite of lasagna into her trap.

"She has to do five hundred hours of community servic," Ichigo paused, " at The Oaks. She's probably gonna have to dump bed pans or something."

"Could be worse," Isshin began. "She could have to lead a sing-along or call out numbers for bingo. Or be teaching arts-n-crafts." He waggled his eyebrows.

Ichigo and Yuzu paused in their chewing to get a mental picture of all that. Ichigo had to swallow his food pretty quick to keep from blowing it all over the table.

"Damn, that's freaking impossible!" Ichigo took his plate to the sink, and went out into the living room to watch TV, with Yuzu following suit.

"Masaki, I've failed in teaching our children not to have potty mouths!" Isshin began to bow to the Masaki poster, and earned something along the lines of 'Shut up!' from Ichigo and Yuzu.

We have STARS Academy here, and it's basically for drop outs who want to turn it around, and RISE is a program in the schools where you have to wear khaki pants and tucked-n navy shirts and belts. The RISE in this story is the same thing as JDC, which is just Juvi. I forgot what RISE stands for, but I'll tell you next chapter, if there is one.

The Oaks is reallly a retirement home where I live, so I thought I'd put it in here. I'm trying to make the town in this story, Maebashi, the sme as my hometown.

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