I'm very sorry for not updating as soon as I could. Truth was, I had this one finished for a long time but I wasn't satasfied with it. I'm still not but I feel that I couldn't keep it from you guys or whoever waited for the next update. I guess, I felt like this because I haven't been getting many reviews for this story and I have been having second thoughts on taking the last one off because I have to admit, that one wasn't my favorite.

Let me stop moping around so you guys can read, I'll try not to take so long on the next one.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that my birthday passed on Saturday the 23rd wOOt! One more year and I can buy all the booze I want... nah, I'm not going to drink... much.

Sickening Feeling

Kagome woke up feeling horrible. In truth she didn't want to wake up at all but she had to get ready for the wedding. Her stomach had been killing her since yesterday, it had to be something she ate. The moment she sat up, she felt the bile rise in her throat.

"Kagome, are you up yet?" Came the voice of her mother. Shiori came in the room just in time to see Kagome run from her bed to the bathroom.

Worried, she stepped in and moved some of Kagome's hair out the way so that it wouldn't get messed up. When Kagome, finished gagging, she weakly stood up and went to the sink to wash out her mouth.

"Dear, you don't look so well." Shiori said as she stood next to her.

Kagome's cheeks were flushed, her skin was pale, and when she felt her forehead, she was warm.

"You're sick."

At her mother's diagnosis, Kagome groaned. It figures that her wedding day would start off bad.

"I-I can't be sick." Kagome said as she placed her hand on her head to hopefully stop the pounding that was thumping away. She turned to leave out the bathroom only to stumble right back to the toilet for the sudden movement.

"You can be and you are." She said as she patted her daughter's back. "From the looks of it, you could be getting worse. Maybe…"

Kagome knew what her mother was about to say. The woman was serious about sickness, from the smallest of sneezes to the largest of epidemics. "No, we can't change the date. Everything is ready for today and changing things would only upset everyone who put so much work into it."

"But you don't even look like you could make it through the morning. You can't even stand up right, let me contact Toga…"

"Mother no!" Kagome snapped.

This sudden outburst shocked Shiori at first then she scowled at her and said, "Young lady, although you are a grown woman, you are still my daughter and I don't tolerate you raising your voice to me."

Kagome drew her knees together and sadly said, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

The older woman sat with her daughter and put an arm around her so that she could have her leaning on her shoulder. "I know, you're just frustrated right now and you're right, it's to late to change everything but I'm just worried about you."

"What am I going to do?"

"I think you should get back in bed and let me talk to Toga but I know that you won't let that happen. How about I give you some medicine and something to eat and we'll go from there."

Kagome perked up when food was mentioned. She was feeling hungry now that her stomach was empty. Shiori helped Kagome up and together the two women left the room.

After she ate as much breakfast as she could, Kagome did feel much better but still wanted to be very careful. She wanted this day to be perfect but she had a feeling that it was going to be far from it.


Taisho manor never looked more beautiful in everyone's eyes. Everyone decided that it was best if the wedding was held at the mansion. The gardens were specifically planted with orchids of all kinds. There were chairs set up facing a small fish pond that Toga had built in just for the wedding. Candles, flowers, and ribbon lined the aisle up to where the bride and groom would stand. Everyone invited, were quickly filling the chairs and no one could be more excited than the old mongrel himself.

Izayoi knew that her mate would act like a hyperactive child but she didn't think that it would be this bad. The moment the demon woke up, he not only woke her up but the entire manor as well with his horrid singing…at four in the morning.

The woman rubbed her temples hoping to relieve the pressure that built up then was startled as she saw someone run past her and continued away screaming.

"TOGA!" She yelled. This had to end.

A second later he appeared right beside her with a grin that could make the cheshire cat envious. He opened his arms to hold her but she took a step back and knocked his smile off his face with a glare.

"What's wrong my sweet, lovely mate." Toga said hoping that her anger wasn't directed toward him although he knew that it really was.

She simply pointed to the disappearing person who finally made it to the house and was going around it now.

"Oh I was just talking to him, he's one of Sesshomaru's colleagues. He's nice but a bit skittish, where is he going?" Toga asked as he looked on.

"Away from you. Toga, that has to be the fifth person you scared away in ten minutes. If you keep it up there won't be anyone here." She said as she looked over at the other guest, some of them keeping an eye on the Tai.

"You need to calm down. We all know you're happy for Sesshomaru, I am too but I feel like I'm going to literally have to put you on a leash if you don't"

Toga looked to be a little saddened from being scorned but he put on a smile and bought her in his arms and kissed her.

"I'm sorry koi. I'll try to keep myself in check." He said as he walked away.

"I know you'll try but I have a feeling that it won't be enough, I hope Sesshomaru will be here soon."

It was a shame that it was the son that had to watch over his father instead of the other way around but it's always been like this since she knew her mate. Speaking of, Sesshomaru was just walking over.

"Izayoi, why is one of the guest running as if some psycho was after him?" He asked when he came up to the woman.

She crossed her arms before letting one of her hands cup her cheek then said tiredly, "You don't want to know."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and said in an annoyed tone, "It's father related."

At seeing the woman nod, Sesshomaru stalked off.

Toga had found a new guest to pester, forgetting about the little chat he had with his wife. Just as this one looked like he was about to break off running, the youkai was pulled away from him. Startled, Toga looked back to see who had him only to meet Sesshomaru.

"Ah Sesshomaru my boy, I was just welcoming some of the guest." He said with a grin as he pulled the man he was talking to closer to him.

Sesshomaru looked at the pour soul and the man mouthed out, 'help me.' Sesshomaru sighed and knew he would regret saying this but he had to save everyone from his father. Kagome would kill him if she arrived to find no one there.

"Father, I… I need your…help." Sesshomaru said through his teeth.

He was both shocked and appalled that his father made a loud squeal and made his ears ring. Then without warning, he was yanked away and dragged back to the house. Izayoi just stood and watched, she didn't know who to feel more sorry for. She decided to find Inuyasha and get him to be back-up for whoever would need it most. After using her motherly persuading powers on him, he was off to find his brother and father.


"You don't think they'll notice, do you?" Kagome asked as her mother was helping her.

"Yes, I think they will. They are demons Kagome, if you won't tell them then they'll find out on their own." Shiori said as she put on more make-up to hide her pale face.

The older woman wanted to laugh but she just couldn't for her daughter's sake. But still, she was wearing enough makeup to be considered as a clown. No, she didn't look like one but it was very noticeable that she had on too much. Every time Kagome looked in the mirror after her mother told her she was done, she asked for more. She didn't know what she was going to do about her sick daughter but she would support her.

"Maybe I should add a little more then…" Shiori saw Kagome going for the foundation when she took it away from her.

"You have enough, besides you'll only make yourself more obvious, not that you're not now. Now let's get you dressed and hope that you can make it."

Soon the women were ready and headed off to the mansion. Once they arrived, they were met up by Sango and Ayame.

"Oh Kagome, you look… you look… you look like you're wearing too much make-up." Sango said as she hugged then looked at her friend.

Ayame's nose then went to work as she caught on to Kagome's scent. Before the wolf could open her mouth to speak, Kagome spotted Izayoi and walked off to greet her then go inside the house.

Ayame watched her with narrowed eyes and Sango saw this and asked, "Ayame, what's going on?"

"She's hiding something. She's wearing a lot of makeup and perfume, something she never really does. We should keep out eyes on her." With that the two females followed after their friend.


Sesshomaru stood and waited for his bride to appear. When she did, he just couldn't take his eyes off her. Her dress was pure white, long, and elegant. It was strapless and the top part was made to fit like a corset which stringed up in the back. The bottom of the dress opened like a bell and although it was a bit heavy she was able to move in it easily because of the silken material it was made out of. It had golden orchids embroidered along the top left corner and the bottom right corner of it. The dress was a little longer in the back with the train that dragged three yards behind her.

"Beautiful." He murmured as he watched her be escorted by her grandfather.

The closer she came the more his beast was telling him that something wasn't right. He could smell the strong perfume that was covering up her scent and see the layers of makeup on her face. Kagome noticed the look on his face and turned her head away, she didn't want him to worry about her, at least not until after the ceremony. She just hoped that she could last, she could already feel her stomach churning.

As the wedding proceeded, Kagome was so out of it that she didn't even realize that it was her time to say 'I do' until she felt Sesshomaru tug on her hands.

"Kagome, are you alright?" Sesshomaru said as he stroked her hands with his thumbs.

It took a second for her to respond but she nodded her head.

"Kagome, do you take Sesshomaru to be your husband?" The preacher asked once again.

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru and felt her mind swimming and the heat rise.

"I… I… Oh shit." She choked as she fell forward into Sesshomaru's arms and vomited on him.

"Kagome, what's wrong." Sesshomaru said as he held her as best as he could, her dress was still clean and he wanted to keep it that way for her. He placed a hand on her cheek only to notice that she had a slight fever.

Kagome then looked up at him and said, "I'm so…sorry. I think I have the stomach flu… I-I didn't…want you to know."

Sesshomaru shushed her and said, "Not to worry but you have to get in bed now. You are in no condition to go on."

She was about to protest but Toga beat her to it. "No complaining. That was a foolish thing trying to hide it but being so determined shows that you are a true Taisho."

Toga then turned to the audience and saw Totosai. The old demon read his mind and was soon standing next to them.

"You are lucky, Taisho, that I always carry my emergency kit with me." Totosai said before leaving to go to his car to get his supplies.

As he left, the inu turned to his son and said, "Let me take her up and you change."

Sesshomaru let her go then turned to the guest to excuse them for the inconvenience before heading back to the house to change.

It didn't take Totosai long to get her checked out and soon he let everyone come see her.

"Well, what's wrong?" Sesshomaru asked as he comforted her while she laid down on his old bed. Toga, Izayoi, and Shiori were also waiting in the room for the verdict.

Totosai looked at the group and replied with, "Uhh from what I recorded from the test that I was able to perform… nothing is really wrong."

They couldn't believe what they heard from him. She threw up all on Sesshomaru and nothing was wrong? Before anyone could voice their opinion, he spoke up again,

"Those are normal symptoms that she will be experiencing but she's alright. Still, set up appointments to keep her and the pup checked up."

Everyone calmed down, especially Kagome and Sesshomaru, but then the room went silent and all eyes turned to the doctor after thinking over what he just said.

"Pup?" Sesshomaru questioned.

Totosai looked up at them noticing everyone's expressions. "Oh, you didn't know, well from what I gathered, you're pregnant. I'm guessing a month or so. Congratulations."

Sesshomaru looked back at her then her belly. How did he miss it? There was another scent lingering around her but he didn't pay any mind to it. Then again, depending how long the pup's been there also has an effect on the strength of the scent and right now, it was barely noticeable. He should have noticed it beforehand, the way his beast took over his body that night, she had been in heat.

Kagome's hand came in his view as she started rubbing her belly. She then looked back up at him only to be met by his lips on hers.

"FINALLY, I thought it would never happen. I mean after all the times I caught you two. For a second there, I was beginning to think you were sterile son." Toga said interrupting their little moment.

Sesshomaru growled at his father's statement while Kagome giggled and held on to her mate's arm to help calm him down.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry from interrupting but I do have other arrangements to go to so my time is limited and…" The preacher had said as he came in and everyone got the point and the wedding finally went on it's way.