Yes, I am reposting the revised BDS. This one is better, and most of all, I am trying a new technique
This fic is going to be FAN-DRIVEN. That means I am going to post all 8 intro chapters about each character waking up in their new body, but after that, YOU GUYS decide what happens. This is mainly because I've failed to come up with any kind of plot. Throw any ideas at me, any you like, any and all, and I'll see if I can make them happen. I have already written the 8 intro chapters and I know who is going to be in which body, and I actually have something important in store for Mal but that can just happen while whatever you guys come up with is going on.

Basically, while you are reading this fic, think of things you want to see happen later. In the end this fic might not even make sense, but the point is to have fun. I am completely dependent on you, as the reader, to tell me what to write. Seriously, I don't even know what to do with them to get them out of their freaking bunks.

Disclaimer, blah blah blah, jossy, blah blah blah. (Translated: Firefly and all its characters belong to Joss Whedon and his fantastic mind.) (Translated into Kianese: Gotrgau smf saa oyd vjstsvjyrtd nrapmh yp Kpdd Ejrfpm smf jod gsmysdyov zomf.)


I have a headache. I don't want to wake up yet.

We're still in deep space, aren't we. There's less jobs for a captain to do then you'd think when he's still drifting in the black. Planetside, sure, there's having to account for the passengers and crewmates and such, and you have to take care of jobs and payment and all sorts of things. But when he's out in the black, there's really not much to do besides occasionally tell someone to do something.

People never really realize that.

So... yep, I still have a headache. But I really should wake up some time or other, headache or not. I am the captain, after all.


I opened my eyes first. Before anything else, I opened my eyes. Moving about when your eyes are closed is a bad idea, take it from me.

But what I saw when I opened my eyes, wasn't the dark grey ceiling of my bunk. Instead I saw a light and cheery color. Cream, or eggshell, or some such.

Then I turned to sit up in my bed. Now talk about confusing. Firstly, my limbs were strangely light and took no effort to move about. Secondly, I recognized my surroundings as a passenger dorm. Thirdly, I could have sworn something long and black dangled in front of my face.

I tried to focus on the long, black, stringy thing hanging in front of my face, but it was too close and it hurt my eyes. I reached up my hand to feel it. Hair? I pulled on it.


My voice was too light and felt strange coming up my throat. I looked at my hand and it was slender, clean, and small. What in the 'verse was going on?

I stood up, finding that 'up' wasn't much of an operative word. I needed a mirror, or something. What happened to me? I took a few hurried steps to the doorway.

Whoa. Fast, swift, and very very unclumsy. What was that hitting my legs? I looked down. Oh, just a nightgown.

Wait, a nightgown?

I looked at my hands again, then at my bare feet. I recognized those hands, those feet. I felt the hair again. I recognized that hair. I recognized that nightgown.


What was River doing to me? How could she... what was she...

Wait, stop, back up. River wasn't doing anything to me. It was a question of what I was doing to River. Or...

Hadn't I read a book about something like this before? Two people have a big fight. They say things like, 'You don't know how hard it is to be me.' Then, poof, next day, they become each other.

But that's science fiction. And, I hadn't had any kind of fight with River about anything. Then what was I doing... in...

That was it. That's what happened. I was in River's body. It was the only explanation.

It was a creepy one, though.

If I was in her body, then wouldn't she be...

I sprinted as fast as her little body could, which was on the verge of unnatural, to the crew quarters. I opened my bunk and descended the ladder with an unmanly grace to land on the floor with no onomatopoeia to speak of. I turned to my bed to see...


I was laying, in my bed, snoring, and... yep, drooling on the pillow. What was River doing...?

Okay, remember people, this story has no plot. That's what you guys are for.

Lookie what we have down here. A review button! Push it...