Hello my readers,

Well I hate to say this but… I am not really writing this story anymore. When I do know what I want to happen and I have the story in my head, I just can't seem to put it on paper. And after I finished Breaking Dawn for the first time back when it came out in August, I kinda lost interest in writing this. Only because I know how everything ends, and all.

But I will say this: I might continue this some day. I just don't think the day with come anytime soon.

I want to apologize to you guys for not finishing. Especially when I hate it when people stop in the middle of their stories. I really am sorry… please forgive me.

If you want to know what happens, then just ask me and I will tell you… if you really want to know.

I am now going to focus on my own stories for a bit, and move away from fan fiction. So if you want to read that stuff it is on Fiction Press . com

Just search from my username Anne Candy.

I love you guys. Thanks for your support and reviews.

Anne Candy