Ever Mine

Hey Everyone here's another Sak/Sas. Please no flamers, I accept criticism.

Rated: T

Let me know if I should Continue this.

...grumble Do I look like I can have millions? Don't Own Naruto

Beta'd By Baxter54132


Mission 101


See who I am,

Break through the surface.

Reach for my hand,

And show them that we can

- Within Temptation, See Who I Am


Team 7 stood waiting for their Hokage to brief them on their mission.

Having lucked out Kakashi leaned against a wall thankful for the fact that Lady Tsunade was later then him, allowing him to escape with fewer threats of bodily harm.

His students Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura all stood staring off in random directions, each thinking about the upcoming mission and what it could mean for the team. Naruto, the easiest read stood laughing awkwardly in the corner while holding his head in obvious discomfort. Extremely excited about the upcoming mission he was unable to stop himself from yelling out loud, resulting in the large purple bruise now forming on his head. Sasuke stood off to the side, his face a mask of indifference.

Finally there was Sakura, the only girl on Team 7 and one of a few unafraid of her teammate's strengths. Now at least a foot shorter then her teammates she was a dwarf standing there in between them. Having let her hair grow long once again it was tied back with her protector band allowing a clear view of her sea foam green eyes. Smirking Kakashi watched the colour of her face darken in obvious anger, veins starting to protrude due to Naruto's behavior.

Sakura tampered down the urge to once again punch her teammate for his constant exclamations of success and his guaranteed victory over his teammate. As if Sasuke would ever let that happen, she thought glancing at her crush. Having returned willingly to the village, months before he had come walking through the gates on his own accord headed to talk to the Hokage.

What had been discussed between them, they had never been told but after months of proving his loyalty he had been cleared. The following week it had been leaked that the bodies of Orochimaru along with his faithful servant Kabuto had been found a few kilometers from Sound. Neither admitting nor denying his involvement Sasuke had stood along Naruto and herself when the news had been told. Days after while celebrations involving Sand and Konoha took place he was easily found at the training grounds pushing himself to the limit once again.

Today would be the first mission since before his betrayal that team 7 would go on together and because of this she was slightly nervous. As a final test of his strength and dedication to his village the outcome of this mission would weigh heavily for, or against him.

Since his return much had changed. His normal blue shirt being replaced with a tighter black one and his once short spiky hair much longer then before. Now approaching 6ft 1' in height the size of his fan club had easily doubled in size. Never before had she noticed how truly annoying it really was to be interrupted while training by some random girl trying to announce their love in front of everyone.

Sasuke and Naruto had returned to normal almost immediately. Their rivalry to be the best fully restored, training had once again become a competition to see who was the best. The winner soon after gloated of their success either by smirking and name calling or shouting loudly...it really usually boiled down to name calling.

Although still somewhat cold towards her when it came to personal matters, no longer was Sakura considered weak as a teammate to Sasuke. It had been awkward at first being back on a team with him after his obvious final rejection of her but lately while training she had caught him protecting her from shots Naruto had directed towards her. Team building exercises were no longer needed, each member of the team was ready to defend the others no matter what.


"Sasuke." Her voice wavering slightly.

Having been put in charge of his medical exam after returning from the snake, Sakura stood clutching his chart to her chest her head leant forward waiting.

"Hn." The cold reply as close to an acknowledgment as she would get.

Bowing low, her hair shielded her face from view, "I wish to apologize for before."

Letting the words sink in she turned back, placing his records on the near by table. Leaning over she tried to concentrate on the words in front of her instead of the man behind her.

"Why?" The word coming out low and deep, his voice a caress against her skin.

Clenching her hands together she ignored the shivers it send through her body. Refusing to turn around she stared determinedly at the papers.

"I was young and naive, I had no right to bug you like that. I never realized at the time how much of a bother I was." Embarrassment flooded her words. It was true though, she admitted to herself. Constant tagging along and the weak way she had acted when around him was unacceptable.

"Tsk.." The word seemingly whispered beside her ear.

A single finger ran it's way up her arm before tracing the outline of her hand slowly.

"You were never that."

Eyes opening she turned around ready to ask him. The room was empty, the door beside her slightly ajar


From that day...

When training with him, he no longer criticized her weaknesses, instead opting to help her strengthen against them. When fighting in hand to hand combat he almost seemed to stand as close as possible, never striking at her to hard.

Even Naruto had changed since his return. Still a loud mouth he had become much more protective defending his teammates against anything that threatened to break them up once again. Ever the worrier, whenever she was sent on missions with other teams acting as their Medic-nin he would be the first one to barge into her apartment, demanding to know if she was ok. His crush for her remained, at random moments announcing his intention to who ever would listen and threatening anyone who came to close.

The door behind them creaked open, signaling the arrival of their Hokage.

Stepping through the door Tsunade nodded her head in acknowledgement before heading around her desk to sit behind a large stack of papers. Sigh No matter how much paper work she pushed on to other people it kept piling up, maybe she could convince Sakura to take some of it with her when she left to do.

"Ok," She started, going into professional mode. "A little over a month ago a man named Toshi Yoshida was appointed from Sand to go to Mist on the grounds of discussing a possible merger. Unfortunately while there a very powerful and valuable scroll was stolen from one of the more prestigious clans. Although he was inspected on multiple occasions they couldn't prove it was he who had taken it and not wanting to come out and accuse him they allowed him to leave. It's come out recently that the scrolls contained information pertaining to Mist's defenses and left in the wrong hands could do all a lot of damage."

"Well then I'll have to go…."



"Hehheheheh..sorry Baachan…."

"As allies to sand we agreed to locate the scroll. After sending out a different team it has been confirmed that he does indeed have the scroll. At the time it had been to dangerous to try and steal it back but currently it has become necessary to retrieve it. Your job is to without drawing to much attention to yourselves retrieve the scroll from Yoshida."

Processing the information given Kakashi waited for more, knowing that if that had been all there was to it this would have been assigned to a lower ranked group.

As if reading his mind Sakura spoke up, "What makes this mission so different?"

Pursing her lips Tsunade cleared her throat. "As of a week ago discussion has become strained between villages, if it were to come out that ninjas from Konoha were involved it would not bode well. In order for this to work you must travel as commoners seeking shelter at one of the hotels and retrieve the scroll without notice. You have three hours to pack, dismissed."

"Sakura," She started, stopping the teen from leaving. "There's something I need to discuss for a moment."

Nodding curiously she moved out of the way, allowing her teammates to pass her.

"Why can't we hear?" Naruto demanded childishly.

"OUT BAKA!" She screamed, her face red.

Sasuke speaking for the first time looked directly at Sakura, "We'll wait outside." Before grabbing the back of the dobe's shirt and dragging him out.

Slightly shocked at the protective remark Sakura could only watch as her teammates stepped out.

Oblivious to Sakura, Tsunade cursed under her breath, noticing the obvious exchange between her student and the Uchiha. Shaking her head she got up and shut the door before turning to stare at Sakura.

This was going to be a problem.

Closing the door behind her Sakura found both Naruto and Sasuke leaning against the wall waiting for her as Sasuke had said they would. Instead of saying anything she started down the path towards her house. With her head down she nibbled her lip in concentration.


"We know for sure that Toshi Yoshida will be at this hotel for the next while. Due to his ties with important people the entire sauna has been drawn off for his personal use for the time. Making this a good place to keep him distracted. In order for this to work without problems we need someone to keep him isolated and distracted while the others locate the scroll. Past history shows us that his true personality can be cruel and vindictive. Around people, especially women he acts courteous and pleasant. He likes to keep company with beautiful and exotic women, usually flaunting their unique assets as his own personal belongings."

Allowing that to sink in Tsunade watched her student closely.

Sakura had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, there were only so many reasons her Sensei would be telling her this.

"You, Sakura need to get close to this man and keep him from realizing what the others are doing." She stated.

"Nani?" Her face reddening immediately.

Noticing the colour change Tsunade couldn't help but grimace, she's much to innocent for her own good. "You will need to make him trust you, or at the least believe you are weak and helpless."

"We'll show him weak!" Inner screeched, baring her fangs.

Ignoring her more…outgoing self she nodded in understanding. "I can do it."

Tsunade nodded in agreement, "I know you can, I'm more worried about how your teammates will take this."

Smiling lightly she couldn't help but agree, "Naruto might not be happy."

Smirking she shook her head slightly watching her student carefully, "That's not who I was thinking about."

"Then who?"

End Part One

Preview Next Chappie:

"No, not him." Another step

"No other," So close

"Never the first time."

With that he crossed the distance between them. Lips met her own, his need to be closer overpowering. Her body burned at the impact of his lips on hers.

"Let me," He whispered roughly, his features dimmed by the dark.

"Let me."


Well there's chapter one of this story. It'll probably be around 4 chapters long (I know totally short).

My ideas for this story are a little different then my usual. Sasuke may seem a little..off

Read n Review, your thoughts keep me going..for the most part j/k